Englisch-portugiesische Ausgabe von Cacimbo:
Images d'Angola / Imagens de Angola (Frankreich).
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Cacimbo (Frankreich). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Klappentext: "Rivers throughout the
world run down to the coast, where their fresh, usually muddy, waters mix with salt water. But the Okavango
is different: its waters also flow into a 'sea' - but a sea of dry sand that covers much of Africa south of
the equator. And, unlike most rivers, its waters are crystal clear. Okavango River, the flow of a
lifeline describes the birth, passage and ending of the Okavango river system. It is a river that begins
in remote, high-rainfall areas of war-torn south-eastern Angola, so clearly portrayed by the old Portuguese
expression as terras do fim do Mundo - the place at the end of the Earth. The river then runs south,
meandering across an increasingly dry environment, out of Angola, along and through Namibia, and then into
Botswana. Here, it fans out, discharging its load of waters, sediments and nutrients into the famous
Okavango Delta, a sink rich in biological production. This book describes the people, animals and plants,
farming and other economic practices that mark the banks and waters of the Okavango. All this is cast
against a geographical background that explains the climate, soils and hydrology, as well as the geological
and human history of the river basin. And it looks to the future by considering the competing challenges and
opportunities that depend on the gentle flow and pristine waters of the Okavango lifeline, one of Africa's
great rivers."
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