Duikers of Africa (Reprint)
Masters of the African Forest Floor
A Study of Duikers - People - Hunting and Bushmeat
von Vivian J. Wilson, Paddy Wilson (Illustrationen) & Janet Duff (Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, Nachdruck, limitierte
Auflage von 270 Exemplaren (Standard Edition), 798 Seiten, 16 ganzseitige Farbillustrationen, über
200 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 100 Karten, Tabellen Zimbi
Books (Südafrika), April 2005, ISBN 0-620-33773-7
Nachdruck von Duikers of Africa
(Simbabwe, 2001).
Verleger: "This essential volume of Duikers
of Africa is by far the greatest contribution, to our knowledge on the duikers of Africa that has ever
been written. It is a very worthwhile reference book for any field biologist, zoo curator, museum director
or ecologist interested in this secretive but fascinating group of mini-antelopes. There are sixteen species
of duikers in sub-Saharan Africa and there is hardly a forest patch that does not have at least one species
of duiker in it. Because of their small size and secretive nature they have not received the attention they
deserve. Even zoo directors, safari operators, biologists and field workers have not paid enough attention
to this small but fascinating group of mini-antelopes. While some species of duikers are extremely common
and have a very wide distribution in sub-Saharan Africa there are others, such as the Aders', Abbott's,
Jentink's and Zebra duikers that are now endangered. These species could well become extinct before we know
even the basic details of their ecology and behavior. In addition there are no captive breeding groups for
our rare forest duikers anywhere. This book on duikers of Africa is intended to highlight the plight of the
duikers and contains a detailed profile on each of the sixteen species. The book also contains chapters on
the evolution of the duikers, duikers in rock art, duiker behavior and a large section on duikers in the
bush-meat trade, and it covers all of sub-Saharan Africa. The field work alone took author, Vivian Wilson
over 12 years to complete. Included in the book are major contributions and even full chapters by very well
known ecologists such as Dr. Peter Gruff, Dr. Colin Groves, Professors Ben and Lynette Hart and many others.
There are over 100 tables, 150 figures, 100 maps and over 200 pen and ink and pencil drawings by Paddy
Wilson and Janet Duff. The book also has full page paintings of all the 16 species of duikers by Paddy
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Limited
Edition (limitierte Auflage von 130 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-130, ganz in Leder gebunden,
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