Klappentext: "Deep within the harsh
Kalahari thirstland of northern Botswana lies the Okavango Delta, a vast and beautiful wetland wilderness
which is one of the most important and threatened natural areas in Africa. The landscape here is both varied
and constantly changing: the broad meanders of the Okavango River as it passes through the Panhandle
contrast with the intricate maze of lushly vegetated channels and swamplands, islands and lagoons that makes
up the heart of the Delta, and with the seasonally inundated grasslands of the periphery. This African oasis
draws an extensive and diverse array of life forms. Animals, birds, reptiles and insects are all well
represented: vervet monkeys thrive in the forest canopy, swamp-dwelling red lechwe and sitatunga find refuge
in this, one of Africa's last great wetland areas, and big cats and other carnivores take advantage of the
wealth of ungulates that live here, among them antelope and giraffe, buffalo and zebra. Birds come here too,
attracted in their multitudes by the abundance of fish that dwell in the waters of the Delta. Okavango:
Africa's Wetland Wilderness presents a record of a year spent in this Eden. The Okavango is a dramatic
setting, and is host to an ever-unfolding performance by the creatures that live here. It seemed fitting,
therefore, to present the book in the metaphor of a drama, in which the stage and props are provided by the
natural setting, the cast by its animal inhabitants great and small, and the drama itself by their constant
activities and interactions, which are repeated every year to the rhythm of the seasons and the
ever-changing landscapes."
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Okavango: Africa's Wetland
Wilderness (Reissue)
von Adrian Bailey
Gebundene Ausgabe, Wiederauflage, 176
Seiten, 282 Farbfotos, 1 Farbkarte Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), September 2000, ISBN 1-86872-414-X
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Rückentext: "Okavango: An African
Paradise captures the wildness and beauty of a landscape that is unique, an everchanging web of
crystal-clear waterways meandering between papyrus-clad banks and studded with a myriad islands. This is the
realm of the lion and the elephant, the hippo and the sitatunga - and a host of other animals and colourful
birds. Spectacular full-colour photographs and the fascinating text will inspire travellers to visit this
enchanted land and experience for themselves the wonder of a truly unspoilt wilderness."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Okavango: Jewel of the Kalahari
von Karen Ross
Gebundene Ausgabe, 256 Seiten, 159
Farbfotos auf 96 Tafeln, 4 Karten BBC Books, November 1987,
ISBN 1-56320-545-8
Klappentext: "Most rivers flow into
the sea. The Okavango flows inland into the Kalahari. Running southwards from the Angolan highlands into
northern Botswana, it spreads out into a vast shallow delta of a million channels and lagoons. It has
transformed the arid wilderness of the Kalahari, creating an entirely new and fascinating web of life which
has adapted to an abundance of water - in sharp contrast to the harsh struggle for survival in the
surrounding grasslands and woodlands and the dry remnants of an enormous ancient lake, Makgadikgadi. Okavango
is based on a three-part natural history series made for BBC Television by Partridge
Films. In her book Karen Ross first looks at the Kalahari, an immense wilderness of sands, thorn trees and
sun-dried grasses, and examines how life there has adapted to the scarcity of water. She then gives a
detailed insight into the ecology of the Okavango Delta, portraying an astonishing array of wildlife which
has made this extraordinary stretch of land its home. In the final section she turns to the conflicting
interests Botswana faces in this fragile environment and considers what is being done to protect and
preserve it during its development. Okavango is illustrated with over 150 stunning full-colour
photographs which not only capture the beauty and reality of this fascinating area, but provide a superb
record of its inhabitants."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Okavango: Jewel of the Kalahari (Revised Edition)
von Karen Ross
Gebundene Ausgabe, überarbeitete
Neuauflage, 227 Seiten, über 170 Farbfotos Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), Mai 2003, ISBN 1-86872-729-7
Synopsis: "Okavango: Jewel of the
Kalahari revisits this extraordinary wetland created by the Okavango River as it spreads and spills over
the Kalahari sands of northern Botswana. The book puts the Delta in context, looking first at the ecology
and wildlife of the Kalahari, an immense wilderness of sand, thorn trees and sun-bleached grasses, as well
as the desolate salt pans Makgadikgadi. It proceeds with a detailed description of the ecology of the Delta,
portraying the intricate web of life that is sustained there. With the advantage of a 15-year perspective,
the author describes the threats to the Okavango's ecosystem for those hungry for its water and from
Botswana's network of veterinary fences, designed to separate cattle from wildlife. The story of
conservation in Botswana described here is remarkable for the successful resolution of a number of water
battles but also for the failure to prevent the tragic death of thousands of wild animals cut off by fences
from access to water. Illustrated with over 170 colour photographs of the many faces of the Delta and its
woodland and desert surrounds, this is a book for all who yearn for the wilderness, understand its value and
know how precarious is its survival."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Meer im Land, Land im Wasser
von Peter Johnson (Fotos), Anthony Bannister (Fotos) & Creina Bond (Text), Vorwort von Raymond F. Dasmann
Klappentext: "Dieses Buch gibt einen
Einblick in eines der verwirrendsten Geheimnisse Afrikas, in eine Welt von Wasser und Sand, die aller
Vernunft widerspricht. Wer war es, der die Höhlen der Tsodiloberge bemalte? Was geschah mit den verlorenen,
schweigenden Seeufern, die einst an diese Berge heranreichten? Erdbeben grollen noch immer tief unter den
Wassern des Okavango, einer 10000 Quadratkilometer grossen Wildnis von Inseln, Flüssen und Sümpfen im
abgelegenen Durstland des nördlichen Botswana. Hier findet man die Welt der Nomaden, in der die Hufe
tausender Büffel in die Leere dröhnen; eine Welt, die zu überfliegen einen durchziehenden
Schmetterlingsschwarm Tage kostet; in der hunderttausend Flamingos wohnen - und über Nacht fortziehen; wo
es selbst den Menschen weitertreibt, dem Duft von Gras und Wasser zu folgen. Es ist eine Welt mit Einbäumen
als Taxi und den Zwiebeln der Wasserlilie als abendlichen Eintopf. Ein Meer im Land und ein Land im Wasser -
zeitlos und unwiderstehlich."
Synopsis: "Okavango is Africa's lost
Eden, a 10,000-square-kilometer wilderness of islands, rivers, and swamps in northern Botswana, born where a
slender thread of water confronts the Kalahari's desert sands. In Okavango: Sea of Land, Land of Water,
Peter Johnson and Anthony Bannister bring to life this timeless and compelling world, unchanged since the
dawn of man. With 200 stunning photographs, described in careful, lyrical text, they offer a glimpse of one
of Africa's most baffling mysteries, a world of water and sand that defies reason."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Okavango: Sea of Land, Land of
Water (Reissue)
von Peter Johnson (Fotos), Anthony Bannister (Fotos) & Creina Bond (Text)
Gebundene Ausgabe, Wiederauflage, 200
Seiten, 203 Farbfotos, 1 Karte Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), März 1996, ISBN 1-86825-382-1
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Okavango: Spirit of Life
A legend viewed from the African sky
von Giacomo Medici del Vascello (Fotos), Hayden Oake (Fotos) & Grant Reed (Text)
Rückentext: "This book is a
photographic essay of the legendary Okavango. The unique approach to categorizing the images into the four
elements lends superficial order to the story that unfolds. The underlying truth is that no single image
belongs to one. It is the tropical air sweeping over the Bie Plateau of southern Angola that becomes the
clouds which in turn becomes the rain that becomes the water. And so begins the thousand mile journey along
which the water modifies the earth, eroding and transporting the Angolan Highlands into the Makgadikgadi
Basin. The water disperses upon arrival in the Delta into massive, shallow floodplains that are continually
evaporating, forming huge cumulo-nimbus clouds that generate the electricity that becomes the lightning that
becomes the fire. As with all things in nature, everything is linked and nothing exists in isolation. And so
the story of the Delta becomes a story of the dynamics of the elements. This is an infinite story with a
mysterious past and an unpredictable future."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei NetBooks (Südafrika).
Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
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