Titelblatt: "A landmark portrait of
an endangered people and place. This stunning volume presents - for the first time ever - a captivating and
provocative visual portrayal of the Efe pygmies of the Congo, the world's oldest pure-blooded ethnic group
and one of its most remote. Through this deluxe book's arresting, high-contrast photography and insightful
text, the world can now discover a fascinating way of life that has remained intact for thousands of years
deep within the reaches of the Ituri rain forest. Every page of this inspiring volume reflects the
seasonally based life of the Efe: boys and men at hunt, family life in the camps, dancing and music making,
and bark and body painting. Providing a unique perspective on a people who have been virtually inaccessible
until now and capturing the mysterious, sensual quality of the rain forest itself, this special edition is a
unique treasure that sheds unprecedented light on an endangered people and environment."
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