Vision is the annual publication
from the Endangered Wildlife
Trust and has become an important reference work in the field of environmental conservation
literature in southern Africa. The Endangered Wildlife
Trust itself has been dedicated to the conservation of species and ecosystems for 25 years. Vision
presents an in-depth overview of environmental issues on the subcontinent, including wildlife,
conservation, business and ecotourism, and is therefore an important tool for environmental
managers in the corporate world, as well as in the governmental and non-governmental fields. Vision's
range of articles, illustrated with original full colour pictures and graphs, provides something
for everyone, including southern Africans who want to learn more about their part of Africa, and
visitors to this fascinating and unique continent.
Please note: With the release of the sixth edition of Vision this publication is no
longer for sale. It is sent to supporters of the Endangered Wildlife
Trust as a way of thanking them for their assistance, and to provide them with a beautiful,
coffee-table quality publication that updates them on issues of conservation relevance and the
activities of the EWT during the
year. To receive your free copy of Vision, support the Endangered Wildlife
Vision of Wildlife, Ecotourism and
the Environment in Southern Africa
Endangered Wildlife Trust 1994 Annual
von Eleanor-Mary Cadell (Redaktion)
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag,
172 Seiten, Farb- & Schwarzweißfotos, Illustrationen, Karten The Endangered Wildlife Trust
(Südafrika), September 1993, ISBN 0-620-17659-8
Prolog: "»Africa has become the
basket case of the planet, the 'Third World of the Third World', a vast continent in free fall, a sort of
neo-post-colonial breakdown.« Lance Morrow, Time, 7 September 1992. 'Free fall' is not necessarily a bad
thing, if you happen to be a sky diver with a parachute, that is. It is a brief time of heightened sensual
ecstasy, of racing heart, hurtling speed and adrenalin overdose. The important part of the experience is, of
course, to have a parachute that works. The continent's free fall began some time ago, but our African
parachute will have to open smartly, within one decade, if we hope to land safely. The free fall can be
explained by, and blamed on, some of the mistakes of history. The parachute is more difficult to craft, for
it has to be constructed from threads of knowledge and fabric of wisdom. Why is the Endangered Wildlife Trust
embarking on a major new publishing venture with this Vision Annual, when so many countries in Africa
indeed seem to be in free fall to chaos and disorder? Because we believe in the talents and resilience of
the people of southern Africa, and in our ability to find solutions to our own problems."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Vision of Wildlife, Ecotourism and
the Environment in Southern Africa
Endangered Wildlife Trust 1995 Annual
von Eleanor-Mary Cadell (Redaktion) & John Ledger (Redaktion)
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag,
152 Seiten, Farb- & Schwarzweißfotos, Illustrationen, Karten The
Endangered Wildlife Trust (Südafrika), Oktober 1994, ISBN 0-620-18775-1
Prolog: "The pace of change in Africa
is bewildering, not only to those who live on the continent, but to those who watch us on their flickering
screens all around the world. Perhaps Africa is like one of her sleek predators, stalking with infinite
patience, making little movement or sound, until the sudden pounce and the furious action that follows. So
it has been with the long, slow years of South Africa's time in the wilderness, shunned by most other
nations for what seemed like eternity. Then, on 27 April 1994, everything changed with astonishing speed as
the country held steady in the beam of the world's spotlight, and came through with flying colours into the
arena of world politics once again. This second edition of Vision annual reflects some of the
excitement in the hearts of our writers, as they tell us about different aspects of life in southern Africa,
in the year that the Endangered
Wildlife Trust reaches the age of twenty one. This book will open your eyes to a subcontinent of amazing
diversity, of land-forms, life-forms and people. As with the first edition, it is a showcase for beauty and
biodiversity, and a tribute to the talents and resilience of the people of southern Africa."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Vision of Wildlife, Ecotourism and
the Environment in Southern Africa
Endangered Wildlife Trust 1996 Annual
von David Holt-Biddle (Redaktion), Eleanor-Mary Cadell (Redaktion) & John Ledger (Redaktion)
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag,
156 Seiten, Farb- & Schwarzweißfotos, Illustrationen, Karten The Endangered Wildlife Trust
(Südafrika), 1995, ISBN 0-620-19443-X
Prolog: "The publication of this
third edition of Vision marks the spanning of the most astonishing three years in the modern history
of Africa. The first Vision went to press in September 1993, in the dark days when the political
future of South Africa was balanced on a knife-edge. By May 1994, when the first democratic government had
been elected by all the peoples of South Africa, and Nelson Mandela was inducted as State President, the
book was sold out, and it is now a collectors' item. As Moçambicans went to the polls in October 1994, the
second edition of Vision was with the printers. That book was a celebration of beauty and
biodiversity, and a tribute to the talents and resilience of the people of southern Africa, full of hope for
their future. We are proud to be able to put Vision 1996 into your hands. It is going to press on a
wave of optimism that is lifting the people of southern Africa to new heights of hope for better days. Apart
from the euphoria of the Rugby World Cup being won by an African country for the first time, the borders of
our different countries in the south are being crossed by increasing numbers of people. Vision will
inform you, the reader, about this wonderful corner of the planet, and about some of the good things that
are happening here."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Vision of Wildlife, Ecotourism and
the Environment in Southern Africa
Endangered Wildlife Trust Fourth
von David Holt-Biddle (Redaktion), Eleanor-Mary Cadell (Redaktion) & John Ledger (Redaktion)
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag,
156 Seiten, Farb- & Schwarzweißfotos, Illustrationen, Karten The Endangered Wildlife Trust
(Südafrika), 1996, ISBN 0-620-20467-2
Prolog: "The fourth edition of Vision
reviews environmental management in the ten countries of southern Africa. Between them, they hold a
significant proportion of the planet's biodiversity, and their performance as custodians of this rich
heritage is important to the whole world. The Endangered Wildlife Trust
cares deeply about conserving biological diversity. Our numerous projects and activities aim to prevent the
extinction of species, and safeguard fragile ecosystems. We want to educate, to inform, and to excite people
about the beautiful and vibrant world in which we live. Join us in this quest through the pages of Vision."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
A Vision: Endangered Wildlife,
Ecotourism and the Environment
Endangered Wildlife Trust Fifth
von David Holt-Biddle (Redaktion), Eleanor-Mary Cadell (Redaktion) & John Ledger (Redaktion)
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag,
156 Seiten, Farb- & Schwarzweißfotos, Illustrationen, Karten The Endangered Wildlife Trust
(Südafrika), 1997, ISBN 0-620-21619-0
Prolog: "Humans have made astonishing
advances in communication technology in recent years. Personal computers, e-mail and the internet have
transformed our world into a true global village. Forget not, however, that all life in our village depends
on the energy of the sun, captured by green plants, and converted into fuel for animals. This fifth Vision
provides an insight into our corner of the village, its beauty, complexity, biological complexity and the
people who are its custodians."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
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