Mitch's Safari-Shop:
Bildbände über Fischen & Angeln
in Zentralafrika, Ostafrika & im südlichen Afrika
Coffee Table Books on Fishing &
Angling in Central, East & Southern Africa
Verleger: "Saltwater fly-fishing, and
indeed fly-fishing generally in Africa, has had very little exposure. This book, with its stunning visuals
of some of southern Africa's most scenic flyfishing areas, offers the flyfishing enthusiast an opportunity
to experience saltwater and freshwater flyfishing in southern Africa, from Zambia to the Cape and from the
Indian to the Atlantic oceans. The intelligent, witty text and arty, atmospheric photographs provide a
fascinating insight into the authors' various flyfishing trips."
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Fly-Fishing in Southern Africa
von Robert Brandon-Kirby (Text), Peter Pickford (Fotos) & Beverly Pickford (Fotos), Vorwort von Tom Sutcliffe
Rückentext: "The art of fly-fishing
is enjoyed in Southern Africa by many thousands of people, described by Robert Brandon-Kirby, author of this
outstanding presentation of the sport, as ranging from the 'keen' to the 'certifiable'. Better known as a
playwright, Kirby here assumes the role of sensitive guide to the fly-fishing waters of southern Africa. He
is accompanied in his travels by Peter and Beverly Pickford, whose hauntingly beautiful photography evokes
the ambience of the fly-fisher's world in all its moods and settings. Seeking bass and trout, we mount
liquid staircases in the Western Cape, explore dams and reservoirs in the Eastern Province, revel in the
streams of Natal and Lesotho, and enter anglers' private heavens in the Eastern Transvaal. Nor is the more
vigorous side of fly-fishing neglected as, with author and photographers, we hunt the formidable tigerfish
in the Okavango Delta and Lake Kariba, and cast flies for salt-water denizens at the coast. Imbued with the
conservation ethic, fly-fishers have ever had a benign impact on the environment. It was largely through
their efforts that the purity and charm of English and Scottish waters were preserved and the trout stream
became a metaphor for the idyllic. The same principles and ideals - still upheld by fly-fishers today, says
Kirby - have protected the fly-fishing waters of southern Africa for more than a hundred years. Fluently
written and exquisitely photographed, Fly-fishing in Southern Africa is a celebration of the legacy
of gentle folk. Natural and social history, conservation philosophy, aesthetics, the sport itself and the
nature of its devotees have all been deftly woven into a rich fabric that will not fail to inform and
enthral. This superb book will be treasured not only by fly-fishers but also by conservationists and all who
appreciate the beauty of remote and unspoilt places."
Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Fly-Fishing in Southern Africa
von Robert Brandon-Kirby (Text), Peter Pickford (Fotos) & Beverly Pickford (Fotos), Vorwort von Tom Sutcliffe
Gebundene Ausgabe, 180 Seiten, 182
Farbfotos, 12 Farbillustrationen, 1 Farbkarte Stackpole Books
(USA), Januar 1996, ISBN 0-8117-0625-7
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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