Regions of Floristic Endemism in
Southern Africa
A Review with Emphasis on Succulents
von Abraham E. van Wyk & Gideon F.
Smith, Vorwort von Edward O.
Gebundene Ausgabe, 199 Seiten, über 250
Farbfotos, Tabellen, Karten Umdaus Press
(Südafrika), September 2001, ISBN 1-919766-18-9
Verleger: "The extraordinary
floristic diversity in southern Africa is not only one of the region's greatest natural assets, but also one
of the botanical wonders of the world. Here, south of the Cunene-Zambezi Rivers, more than 10% of all
vascular plants (over 30,000 species), including more than 46% of all succulents, are found on about 2.5% of
the world's land surface area. Moreover, at least 60% of these species are strictly confined (endemic) to
the region. It is remarkable that most of southern Africa's endemic plants are concentrated in only a few
relatively small and well demarcated areas, known as Regions or Centres of Endemism. Although the existence
of these Centres has been known to field botanists for a long time, most of them remain comparatively little
known outside scientific circles. Over many years, the authors have carefully documented the diversity of
endemic plants and now for the first time, present the results of their efforts to recognise and define
areas that warrant status as Centres of Endemism. Contrary to what would be expected from a botanically rich
region, large parts of southern Africa are subjected to regular and almost predictable droughts, prolonged
periods of below-average rainfall and a marked seasonality in precipitation. One consequence of the general
aridity of the region has been the development of succulence as a survival strategy in many plants,
including a significant proportion of endemics. In addition, many of these fat-bodied plants have acquired
distinct defence mechanisms that enable them to survive in this rather harsh and often inhospitable climate.
The resultant peculiar forms and behaviour patterns of these plants have fascinated botanists, plant
explorers and the public for many years. Whereas the classification and mapping of southern Africa's
vegetation types have been the subject of numerous publications, the classification and mapping of the
distribution patterns of the region's plant species (or flora) have been neglected. This book brings
together, for the first time in one work, all the relevant information on most of the principal Regions and
local Centres of Plant Endemism in Southern Africa."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Großbritannien) oder bei NHBS
(Großbritannien). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 1-919766-19-7, limitierte Auflage von 40 numerierten Exemplaren 1-40, ¼ in Leder
gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (limitierte Auflage von numerierten Exemplaren, ganz in
Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Richtersveld: The Enchanted
von Graham Williamson, Vorwort von Sir David Attenborough
Gebundene Ausgabe, 258 Seiten, über 850
Farbfotos, 90 Illustrationen Umdaus Press
(Südafrika), Oktober 2000, ISBN 1-919766-17-0
Verleger: "The Enchanted
Wilderness captures the excitement of the Richtersveld, an unspoilt African haven home to many unique
species of plant and animal life. Located in the north west corner of South Africa, with the Orange River as
its northern boundary. It is South Africa's only true desert and in this book, the first ever devoted to the
Richtersveld, Graham Williamson reveals the secrets of this hauntingly beautiful area. The landscape is
vividly described - from its great sand plains to the rugged mountains that change dramatically with the
varying light of day and seasons of the year. The Richtersveld boasts the highest bio-diversity of succulent
plants in the world. The evolution of the plants is such that some of them are endemic to areas measured in
square metres rather than hectares, or confined to a single gorge or mountain ridge. Original thoughts and
observations fill the chapters on the plants, where the author brings habitats, pollination, flowers and
evolution to life. The section on the plants is complemented by over 600 colour pictures. A checklist of
more than 1,700 plants is also included. The inhospitable Richtersveld landscape is home to numbers of
spectacular bulbs that miraculously burst forth during the hot summer months whilst in winter, annual
growth, in response to moisture condensation, carpets the vlakte with a kaleidoscope of brilliant colour.
Further chapters cover the fossil sites, the weather and the geology, with its ancient rocks and jagged
mountains dating back more than 2,000 million years. The Richtersveld is also home to the last remaining
traditional nomadic herders in South Africa who are sympathetically described and photographed. The epilogue
discusses the environmental status of the Richtersveld from prehistoric times to the present, and puts the
onslaught by man into this fragile ecosystem, into perspective. This book is a guide to tempt the traveler,
a source book for the history of the people and the geology of the area and a cornucopia of the fauna and
flora with illustrations of succulent plants, insects, reptiles and mammals. The author and his wife are
uniquely qualified, having spent more than 20 years exploring the Richtersveld. Their love of this
'enchanted wilderness' shines through in their enthusiasm for the vast open spaces and remote valleys. The
book is lavishly illustrated and is a must for all lovers of wild and unspoilt areas of the world."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Großbritannien) oder bei NHBS
(Großbritannien). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 1-919766-16-2, limitierte Auflage von 100 numerierten Exemplaren 1-100, ¼ in Leder
gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 1-919766-15-4, limitierte Auflage von numerierten
Exemplaren, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Southern African Wild Flowers:
Jewels of the Veld
von John Manning (Text) & Colin Paterson-Jones (Fotos)
Verleger: "Southern Africa is a
botanical treasure trove, spilling over with floral jewels of all colours and shapes. The first inkling of
the wonders that it holds reached the scientific establishment of Holland in 1597, in the form of a dried
flower head of Protea neriifolia. Brown and unassuming as it was, it perplexed the Dutch botanists who,
never having encountered a member of the Protea family before, were misled into regarding it as an exotic
type of thistle. The native flora of southern Africa is one of the richest and most distinctive in the
world. More than 22,000 species of plants, ranging in size from diminutive succulents little larger than
pins to towering forest giants 60 metres high or more, have been recorded south of the Zambezi, Okavango and
Cunene Rivers. This diverse flora is contained in an area of 2,5 million square kilometres. The significance
of these figures becomes evident when the southern African flora is compared with that of subtropical and
tropical Africa to the north. An area of equivalent size in East Africa, for instance, contains a meagre
6,000 plant species, while even the richest parts of tropical Africa produce little more than 10,000 plant
species in an area just slightly smaller. This book takes readers on a journey through the diverse
landscapes of southern Africa, showcasing the unique richness of its wild flowers along the way. Each
chapter focuses on a specific region, highlighting the most beautiful, interesting and rare plants occurring
there. The journey begins at the Zambezi River and then moves down the eastern part of the region through
the well-watered 'land of plenty'. From here, the reader is taken through the splendours of the Cape fynbos
and then northwards, to end in the parched 'thirstlands' of the west. Beautiful full-colour photographs by
well-known botanical photographer Colin Paterson-Jones celebrate the flora of the region, while the
authoritative text reveals insights into the plants themselves, their origins, interactions with other
living organisms, and their often remarkable adaptation to sometimes hostile environments. Emphasis is given
to the context in which the flowers grow; the changing vegetation and landscapes are featured throughout,
displaying the extraordinary diversity within the region."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Succulent Flora of Southern Africa
A Comprehensive and Authoritative
Guide to 164 Genera in Nine Family Groups
von Doreen Court
Gebundene Ausgabe, 224 Seiten, 282
Farbfotos, Schwarzweißfotos, Schwarzweißillustrationen A.A.
Balkema Publishers (Südafrika/Niederlande), März 1981, ISBN 90-6191-091-9
Synopsis: "A comprehensive and
authoritative guide to the indigenous succulents of South Africa, Botswana, South West Africa/Namibia,
Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe/Rhodesia and Mozambique incorporating the latest research and changes in
nomenclature. It covers the Euphorbiaceae, Mesembryanthemaceae, Crassulaceae, Apocynaceae and
Passifloraceae, Portulacaceae, Liliaceae and Asclepiadaceae."
Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Succulent Flora of Southern Africa
(Revised Edition)
Verleger: "The revised edition of Succulent
Flora of Southern Africa deals with the six major groups of succulent plants occurring in southern
Africa, and, as such, is still the only comprehensive work to do so. It covers the Mesembryanthemaceae,
Portulacaceae, Crassulaceae, the succulent Euphorbieae, Stapeliae and Aloaceae, as well as a short chapter
on Adenium Pachypodium and Adenia. This new edition includes revisions of genera and descriptions of new
species which have been published from 1980 to 2000. Both the text and coloured illustration are extended.
Research by the author was carried out at the Bolus Herbarium
at the University of Cape Town and
the Botany Department at Stellenbosch University;
plant investigation was done in the field, at private collections and at the Karoo Botanic
Garden at Worcester. Wherever it is practicable, the species are arranged geographically with closely
related species in sequence; descriptions of species are generally comparitive, and the latest references to
revisionary work are given in the text. Locality description recognises the new provincial boundaries in
South Africa. A glossary defines the botanical terms which are essential to adequate descriptions of the
species. This work is intended to contribute to the knowledge of these very specialised plants."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA) oder (Großbritannien) - oder bei NHBS
(Großbritannien). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Trees of Southern Africa (3rd Edition)
von Keith Coates Palgrave (Text), Meg Coates Palgrave (Text & Fotos) & Paul Coates Palgrave (Fotos),
Terry Duggan (Illustrationen) &
Margo Branch (Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag, 3.
Auflage, 1324 Seiten, 314 Farbfotos & -illustrationen auf 112 Tafeln, Schwarzweißillustrationen,
Verbreitungskarten Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), Oktober 2002, ISBN 1-86872-389-5
Rückentext: "This third edition of Trees
of Southern Africa has been updated, revised and expanded by Meg Coates Palgrave. It features new
simplified keys based on leaf characteristics, and incorporates updated names, reclassifications and new
species. All known indigenous trees and many naturalised aliens occurring in southern Africa, south of the
Zambezi-Cunene rivers, are included. Accompanying the descriptions are comprehensively revised maps
reflecting up-to-date distribution, and drawings of a characteristic leaf and/or fruit. Other features
include English and Afrikaans common names, notes on medicinal or magical properties and an illustrated
glossary. A comprehensive, user-friendly guide, it will appeal to tree enthusiasts and professional
botanists across the sub-continent. The definitive work, Trees of Southern Africa, was originally
written by the late Keith Coates Palgrave in 1977. Tree enthusiast, writer, teacher and inspector of
schools, he was backed up in the mammoth task by his brother and sister-in-law, Paul and Meg Coates
Palgrave, as photographers. Meg Coates Palgrave, author of the new edition, is a highly respected and
well-known expert on trees. She has written Key to Trees of Zimbabwe, and has generated extensive
literature on the subject. Her significant contribution to the conservation of indigenous woodland in
Zimbabwe won her an award from the Bob Rutherford Memorial Trust in 1996. Her work in compiling this new
edition will serve to enhance the understanding, knowledge and, indeed, the preservation of our tree
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 1-86872-767-X, limitierte Auflage von numerierten Exemplaren, in
Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 1-86872-766-1,
limitierte Auflage von numerierten Exemplaren, ganz (?) in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Vygies: Gems of the Veld
Guida ai Mesembryanthemi del
A Garden and Field Guide to the South African Mesembs
von Ernst J. van Jaarsveld & U. de
Villiers Pienaar
Synopsis: "Mainly for the amateur
gardener and succulent enthusiast, this book will appeal to all, including serious professional gardeners.
The book deals with adaptation, distribution, as well as ecological background, pollination, seed dispersal
and human and ethnic uses, conservation and threats. Includes a good section on pests and diseases. The main
content is the alphabetical species treatment - fully illustrated. 600 of the family Mesembryanthemaceae's
most attractive and prominent species (117 genera) are described non-scientifically, and easy to understand.
The last chapter is on cultivation and propagation. This book will fill a definite niche in the succulent
plant world today."
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