von Carlton Ward Jr. (Fotos), Michelle Lee (Text), Francisco Dallmeier (Text) & Alfonso Alonso (Text), Vorworte von El Hadj Omar Bongo & Colin
L. Powell
Klappentext: "There is a magical
place at the edge of Africa where rainforest meets ocean, where elephants and buffalos walk white sand
beaches, and hippos, crocs, and sea turtles share the surf. The forest rises a hundred feet tall, full of
life and a layered complexity stretching far beyond the horizon. Forests, grasslands, rivers, and lagoons
form a unique landscape mosaic. There is no place like it on Earth. Gabon has a story to tell. Its
landscapes inspire explorers and scientists with a forest-to-ocean fabric rich in biological diversity.
Expeditions are unlocking a treasure chest of knowledge on biology and ecology - the science behind
conservation. Unprecedented biodiversity studies are discovering a wealth of species, including several new
to science. The Edge of Africa brings light to the unseen wonders of Gabon - from its smallest
creatures to its broadest landscapes to the people who call it home. Photographs by Carlton Ward Jr. and
text by Michelle Lee capture its stunning essence. The world is grateful to Gabon for conserving its
precious wilderness heritage. May Gabon's inspiring story speak to you."
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