Klappentext: "Finally, a new book
devoted entirely to the tallest, most elegant, and probably least understood of the giant creatures that
inhabit this planet. With a devotee's passion and a reporter's curiosity, Lynn Sherr reveals the
extraordinary world of the giraffe, from its soulful eyes to its gloriously spotted rump. You know Lynn
Sherr as a veteran journalist and as a correspondent for the ABC newsmagazine 20/20, but you probably
didn't know that she has been an avid giraffophile since a visit to the African bush nearly twenty-five
years ago. In Tall Blondes she explains why. This one-of-a-kind book about a one-of-a-kind animal
explores the monumental neck and towering legs that make the giraffe so recognizable. It also points out a
wide range of other fascinating and endearing traits and talents that have gone largely underappreciated
until now. For instance, while most giraffes are blondes, they come in a beautiful array of reds, browns,
and even black and white. Sherr traces the cultural history of the giraffe, from its first appearance in
Europe in 46 B.C. (thanks to Julius Caesar) through medieval bestiaries and up to the modern giraffe star of
a TV movie. She includes ancient and contemporary descriptions of this improbable beast, from Samuel Johnson
('taller than an elephant, but not so thick') to Isak Dinesen ('rare, long-stemmed, speckled gigantic
flowers slowly advancing'). The book is not just about giraffes in the wild: It's also about their impact on
humans (and vice versa) - how they've stirred the imaginations of artists, writers, and thinkers. Taking a
whimsical approach to her serious subject, Sherr has filled it with little-known tidbits, awe-inspiring
photographs and drawings, and intriguing tales. Read it, and you'll not only learn why Sherr (a tall blonde
herself) has fallen head over heels for this gawky but graceful animal - you'll fall in love, too."
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