von Frans Lanting, Einführung von Gerald Durrell,Textbeiträge von Alison Jolly & John Mack
Gebundene Ausgabe, 143 Seiten, 96
Farbfotos, 4 Farb- & 5 Duotonillustrationen, 2 Farb- & 3 Schwarzweißkarten Aperture Foundation (USA),
Dezember 1990, ISBN 0-89381-422-9
Klappentext: "This unprecedented work
by Frans Lanting, one of the world's leading wildlife and environmental photographers, reveals the
astonishing beauty as well as the wrenching conflicts of a paradise in peril. »May I announce to you that
Madagascar is the naturalists' promised land?« wrote the Frenchman Philippe de Commerson in 1771. »Nature
seems to have retreated there into a private sanctuary, where she could work on different models from any
she used elsewhere. There you meet bizarre and marvelous forms at every step.« More than two centuries
later this little known Indian Ocean island has gained world scientific attention as a unique laboratory of
evolution. Home to Madagascar's spiny desert, baobab forests, and humid jungles are 8,000 species of plants
found nowhere else on earth, 400 species of reptiles and amphibians, half of the world's chameleons,
hundreds of exotic birds and mammals, and two dozen kinds of lemurs which constitute a separate branch of
primate evolution. Frans Lanting's extensive work in Madagascar has produced a treasure trove of spectacular
images - 100 color photographs that illuminate an enormous dark area in our knowledge of history and
evolution. Most importantly, they give vivid testimony to the need for conservation at a time when the
Malagasy practice of tavy, slash-and-burn agriculture, threatens Madagascar as never before.
Lanting's photographs and text are accompanied by highly informative essays: Dr. Alison Jolly, world
authority on lemurs and Madagascar's natural history, discusses environmental perils and conservation
efforts; Dr. John Mack, author and anthropologist with the British Museum of Mankind, contributes an essay
on the exotic Malagasy culture. Gerald Durrell, renowned naturalist, says in his introduction to Madagascar:
A World Out of Time: »It is essential that the rest of the world realize the biological importance of
the island... and hurries to the rescue of this extraordinary corner of the planet. I know this book will
help achieve that result.«"
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Verleger: "Madagaskar, die
Gewürzinsel im Indischen Ozean, ist heute noch ein exotisches Reiseziel. Die Natur und die Völker der
Insel haben viele Gesichter: Schon vor mehr als tausend Jahren kamen Siedler aus Indonesien und Afrika deren
vielfältiges kulturelles Erbe das Leben der Inselbewohner bis heute bereichert. Der Zoma in Antananarivo
ist der größte Markt des Landes, auf dem es alles zu kaufen gibt, was auf Madagaskar wächst und
produziert wird. Die Insel ist eine Arche Noah auf der unzählige Tier- und Pflanzenarten zu Hause sind, die
es sonst nirgendwo gibt. Gerade einmal 50 Gramm wiegt der Mausmaki aus der Familie der Lemuren und ist somit
der kleinste Primat der Welt. Gigantisch wirken dagegen die Baobabs, die Affenbrotbäume, die ein
Wahrzeichen der Insel sind. Fast unentdeckt sind die weiten Strände. Auf der vorgelagerten Insel Nosy
Boraha (Sainte Marie) ist der wohl schönste: weißer Sand, schattenspendende Palmen und türkisblaues
Wasser lassen den Traum vom Paradies wahr werden."
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Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.de. Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland).
The Natural History of Madagascar
von Steven M. Goodman (Redaktion), Jonathan P. Benstead (Redaktion) & Harald Schütz (Fotos)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 1760 Seiten, 144
Farbtafeln, 59 Halbtontafeln, 163 Illustrationen, 254 Tabellen University
of Chicago Press (USA), Januar 2004, ISBN 0-226-30306-3
Verleger: "Separated from the
mainland of Africa for 160 million years, Madagascar has evolved an incredible wealth of biodiversity, with
thousands of species that can be found nowhere else on earth. For instance, of its estimated 12,000 plant
species, nearly 10,000 are unique to Madagascar. Malagasy animals are just as spectacular, from its almost
forty currently recognized species of lemurs - a primate group found only here - to the numerous species of
tiny dwarf chameleons. With astounding frequency scientists discover a previously unknown species in
Madagascar - and at almost the same rate another natural area of habitat is degraded or destroyed, a
combination that recently led conservation organizations to name Madagascar one of the most important and
threatened conservation priorities on the planet. The Natural History of Madagascar provides the most
comprehensive, up-to-date synthesis available of this island nation's priceless biological treasures.
Contributions by nearly three hundred world-renowned experts cover the history of scientific exploration in
Madagascar, its geology and soils, climate, forest ecology, human ecology, marine and coastal ecosystems,
plants, invertebrates, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Detailed discussions of
conservation efforts in Madagascar highlight several successful park reserve programs that could serve as
models for other areas. Beautifully illustrated throughout, the book includes over one hundred color
illustrations, with fifty color photos by nature photographer Harald Schütz, as well as more than three
hundred black-and-white photographs and line drawings. The Natural History of Madagascar will be the
invaluable reference for anyone interested in the Malagasy environment, from biologists and conservationists
to policymakers and ecotourists."
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(USA), Amazon.co.uk
(Großbritannien) oder Amazon.de (Deutschland). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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