Synopsis: "The blue water of the
Indian Ocean, a warm tropical sun and endless beaches framed with tropical vegetation are but some of the
attractions of Mozambique. In Mozambique – A Visual Souvenir, award-winning photographer, Ian
Michler, captures the country's highlights with stunning colour photographs. He portrays Mozambique's
diverse cultures, the Gorongosa Park, the beautiful Bazaruto, Inhaca and Benguerra islands, and its superb
diving, snorkelling and deep-sea fishing opportunities. The text is in English and Portuguese."
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Klappentext: "The dawning of peace in
Mozambique has heralded the chance for the world to rediscover the splendour of this magnificent country.
Famed for its beautiful, palm-lined beaches and excellent diving opportunities, Mozambique also boasts other
attractions: an intriguing historical background, a rich cultural diversity, spectacular wilderness
landscapes, fine cuisine and a nation of warmhearted people. Possessing an exotic blend of Arabic, African
and European influences, Mozambique has melded into a unique society with a distinctive style and identity
that sets it apart from other African countries. This is Mozambique captures the essence of this
fascinating land in over 200 full-colour photographs, complemented by informative text. Well-known
attractions, such as the Bazaruto Archipelago and Ilha de Moçambique, are vividly portrayed, and lesser
known areas such as the unspoilt northern regions of Nampula, Cabo Delgado and Niassa, are also explored. This
is Mozambique reveals the country's enduring beauty and unsophisticated charm with rare insight and
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Klappentext: "Zambezi: Journey of
a River presents a fascinating pot-pourri of excitement and adventure, containing a wealth of carefully
researched anecdotes and stories: stories of powerful African kingdoms and colourful tribal ceremonies,
missionaries and martyrs, bloodshed and savagery, colonial disputes, slaves, cannibals and concubines,
crackpots and criminals, explorers and pioneers: stories of the fabled gold mines of Mwene Mutapa, lost
silver mines of great wealth, an iron god and strange two-toed people. But the story of the Zambezi is not
only the story of man. The river is rich in natural history. It is home to such curiosities as the dugong,
catfish that electrocute their prey, frog-eating bats, snakes with two heads, turtles whose sex is
determined by temperature, and migratory eels that have mysteriously mastered the man-made obstacles of
Kariba and Cahora Bassa to colonise the river beyond. Michael Main follows the ancient course of the Zambezi
from its quiet birthplace in north-western Zambia through shallow valleys and floodplains, wild and savage
gorges, stupendous waterfalls and rapids, two major hydroelectric schemes, the spectacular Zambezi Valley
and finally through the ancient Zambezi delta to the Indian Ocean. It is a journey of thousands of
kilometres, through four countries. It is an odyssey that leaves one awe-struck, humbled and, above all,
anxious for the future of the savage and beautiful river."
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Synopsis: "Possibly more than any
other, the word 'Zambezi' evokes the mystery and excitement of Africa. Few rivers are more pristine or less
explored. This legendary waterway threads across Africa for almost 3,000 kilometres, passing through six
countries on its journey to the Indian Ocean. Jumbo Williams and Mike Coppinger are among the few people to
have travelled the length of the river, much of it previously inaccessible because of civil war. In Zambezi
- River of Africa they not only weave a fascinating travel adventure but also examine the environmental
and socio-economic issues confronting the region. Arising as an insignificant stream in the lush highlands
of north-western Zambia, the Zambezi soon crosses into war-torn Angola. Re-entering Zambia, the growing
river moves through remote Kalahari sand country, along the sprawling waterways of Barotseland, through
Caprivi and on to the famous Victoria Falls where, in the words of Jumbo, '... the entire Zambezi leaps
wildly into a bleak two-kilometre-wide abyss.' Below the falls the authors experience white-water rafting at
its exhilarating best through the thundering Batoka Gorge. Man-made Lake Kariba offers a different beauty,
with rich bird life and fishing delights being the features of this tourist haven. The valley below Kariba
is the epitome of tropical Africa; hot, harsh, untamed and abounding with big game. Here the authors
encounter poachers and gain, at first-hand, an insight into the frustrating battle to conserve Africa's
dwindling wildlife heritage. Shortly after entering Mozambique the river is captured once more, this time by
the vast Cahora Bassa Dam. Below the dam the authors face the hazards of civil war in tracing the Zambezi
through Mozambique's wild hinterland. After encompassing the plains of Marromeu, with its legendary buffalo
herds, the distributaries of the delta relinquish their freshwater bounty to the Indian Ocean. The fluid,
entertaining text, together with more than 200 stunning colour photographs, presents an unforgettable
passage through the heart of Africa and captures the very essence of the Zambezi."
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The Zambezi: River of the Gods
von Jan Teede & Fiona Teede, Larry Norton (Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 190 Seiten, 158
Farbfotos, 69 SW-Illustrationen, 7 Karten
Andre Deutsch (UK), November 1990, ISBN 0-233-98592-1
Klappentext: "The Zambezi is one of
the least explored and inhabited rivers in the world. It passes through some of the most beautiful and
dramatic scenery in southern Africa, including the majestic and spectacular Victoria Falls and the lush
pastures of the Mana Pools. Such glorious scenes contrast strikingly with the grim devastation of Mozambique
which has, in recent years, become virtually inaccessible. The Zambezi's banks are home to some of the most
prolific game herds in Africa, including the threatened and much publicised African elephant and black
rhino. For these noble animals, natural resources are dwindling, their habitat threatened by the inexorable
erosion of progress. Only on the shores of this great river can they be truly at home. Jan and Fiona Teede
guide us through this astonishing scenery, from the Zambezi's source to its mouth. Their text is vivid,
thorough, and contains a wealth of information on African history, folklore and legend, ecology and
important conservation issues. Their photographs are dazzling. The text is illustrated with original
drawings by the wildlife artist Larry Norton, who has made detailed studies of both the game and the hugely
varied birdlife of the Zambezi. It is an unforgettable journey."
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