Currents of Contrast
Life in Southern Africa's Two Oceans
von Thomas P. Peschak (Text & Fotos) & Claudio Velásquez Rojas (Fotos), Vorwort von George Branch,Vorwort
von Deon Nel & Aaniyah Omardien
Gebundene Ausgabe, 200 Seiten, 320 Farb-
& 9 Schwarzweißfotos, 3 Farbdiagramme/karten Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), April 2005, ISBN 1-77007-086-9
Klappentext: "Southern Africa's coast
is the meeting place of two ocean giants - the Benguela current of the Atlantic Ocean and the Agulhas of the
Indian Ocean. They clash fiercely at the continent's southern tip, dividing the region into two contrasting
marine ecosystems that rank among the richest, most biologically diverse and oceanographically complex on
the planet. The waters off the west coast are fed by the Benguela, a cold current that accounts for the
enormous volume of marine life found here, while those of the east coast - warmed by the Agulhas current -
are noted for their huge variety of life forms. Currents of Contrast – Life in Southern Africa's Two
Oceans first introduces the realm of the Benguela, where you will encounter the ocean's ultimate
predator, the great white shark. Here, the nutrient-rich waters of the current wash over rocky reefs, and
vast kelp forests thrive, providing food for diverse animals and plants, among them Cape clawless otters.
Along the burning shores of the Namib Desert familiar savanna mammals can be observed behaving in unfamiliar
ways as they turn to the cold ocean for food, and on offshore islands millions of seabirds gather annually
to breed, while southern right whales arrive to mate and give birth in sheltered bays. A deceptively humble
group of creatures, the limpets, are given close inspection too, displaying an amazing array of behaviours.
In the realm of the Agulhas, you can explore the Knysna estuary and its most charismatic inhabitant, the
Knysna seahorse, and on the east coast follow the sardine run northwards and witness the suite of predators
that feasts on this silver cornucopia. On the tropical northeast coast meet the Tembe-Thonga, a southern
African community that has harvested the oceans of the region for hundreds of years. Along the miles of
these sandy Maputaland beaches turtles emerge once a year, laying their precious eggs, while offshore lie
some of the world's most southerly coral reefs, where over 300 species of reef fish find their home.
Finally, in deep water, the cave-studded moonscape is home to the coelacanth, a fish thought to have become
extinct 70 million years ago, but only recently found to still inhabit southern African waters. Currents
of Contrast is accessible, informative and entertaining, providing the detail and substance that will
reward the serious naturalist. Photographs appearing in this book were taken specifically for the
publication and many feature behaviour never seen or photographed before."
Kaufen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
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The Living Shores of Southern
von Margot Branch (Text & Illustrationen), George Branch (Text) & Anthony Bannister (Fotos)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 344 Seiten, 165
Farbfotos auf 60 Tafeln, 235 Schwarzweißfotos, Farbillustrationen auf 12 Tafeln,
Schwarzweißillustrationen, Diagramme, Karten C. Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), 1981, ISBN 0-86977-115-9
Klappentext: "The southern African
coastline has excited marine biologists and oceanographers for generations. A great deal of research has
been undertaken, winning international acclaim, but it has remained locked away in scientific journals
largely inaccessible to the layman. In The Living Shores of Southern Africa, Professor George Branch
writes with a vitality born of his great enthusiasm for the sea, and in so doing shares with the widest
audience the excitement of marine biology and the adventure of recent discoveries. In Part 1 Professor
Branch explains the interplay between marine life forms and their environments, be it the open sea, rocky
shores, sandy beaches, kelp beds or fragile estuaries. He explores the forces that control sea animals and
plants, and the ways in which they have adapted to their habitats. He probes, too, man's many-faceted
relationship with the sea. Part 2 deals in greater detail with the major groups of plants and invertebrate
animals. Here, separate chapters are devoted to the characteristics and biology of each group. A powerful
dimension is added to the book by its fine illustrations. Over 100 of Anthony Bannister's outstanding colour
photographs (including nine colour plates of molluscs for identification of common shells) provide an
exciting element to the lavish illustrations. They are complemented by the numerous black and white
photographs and many excellent line drawings that allow easy identification of the common seashore animals
and plants. Margo Branch's unique water-colours of seaweeds make their own contribution. This valuable book
has been endorsed by the Zoological Society of Southern Africa, and will surely become the standard
reference on the subject."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Smiths' Sea Fishes (2nd Impression Reprint)
von Margaret M. Smith & Phillip C.
Gebundene Ausgabe, Nachdruck der 2.
Auflage, 1048 Seiten, über 1500 Farbillustrationen auf 144 Farbtafeln, Schwarzweißillustrationen Struik
Publishers (Südafrika), Oktober 2003 (1995), ISBN 1-86872-890-0
Verleger: "Having been out of print
for several years, Smiths' Sea Fishes is now being reprinted by Struik Publishers. A scientific guide
to all the fishes known to occur in the oceans around southern Africa, this unique work of reference is
comprehensive, authoritative and superbly illustrated. Diagnostic features, size and distribution are given
for each of the 2150 species described, of which over 1500 are illustrated in full colour, making for easy
identification. Anglers will find additional information on biology, habitat, capture and angling records
for many commercial fish species. Introductory chapters discuss fish anatomy and biology, dangers of the
sea, scientific nomenclature and the oceanography of the region. Nine years in the making, and based on
Professor J.L.B. Smith's classic book The Sea Fishes of Southern Africa (published in 1949) this book
was edited by Professor Margaret Smith, widow of Professor J.L.B. Smith, and Dr. Phillip Heemstra, in
collaboration with a team of 72 distinguished ichthyologists from 15 different countries. Smiths' Sea
Fishes is an indispensable work of reference for everyone whose profession or hobby concerns marine
fishes, particularly those who are directly concerned with the fishes found in the oceans around southern
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