von Alain Degré (Fotos), Sylvie Robert (Fotos) & Laure Aslo (Text)
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag, 126
Seiten, 99 Farbfotos, Schwarzweißillustrationen Southern Book Publishers
(Südafrika), 1988, ISBN 1-86812-138-0
Englische Ausgabe von La vallée des
meerkats (Frankreich).
Rückentext: "In South Africa's
Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, Alain and Sylvie have a strange and wonderful encounter with a clan of
little beings with tender and mysterious eyes. It's love at first sight and the beginning of a glorious
affair; one involving patience, intense emotions and the joy of living intimately with fascinating wild
animals. It's an unusual love story that evolved over the three years that the authors spent with the
suricates that so strongly evoke small people."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Klappentext: "The remarkable
collection of photographs in this book - the work of Nigel Dennis, who spent two years in the Kalahari
Gemsbok National Park - provide a rare insight into the fascinating world of meerkats. Here, these endearing
little carnivores appear in their moods and in a wide variety of daily activities - from grooming one
another to taking turns on guard duty, from catching scorpions and small reptiles to setting forth to do
battle with rival mobs. The meerkats are also shown against the harsh beauty of their desert environment,
along with the creatures and plants they must share it with - allies like the ground squirrel, competitors
like the foxes, and enemies like lions, hyaenas, jackals and large raptors. This stunning portfolio is
accompanied by an informative and highly readable text by David Macdonald, who is a world expert on
carnivore behaviour. He provides an overview of the meerkats' place in the order of carnivores and the
family of mongooses and documents their lifestyle, examining their behaviour, complex social make-up and
adaptations to an often hostile environment."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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