Africa's Mountains of the Moon
Journeys to the Snowy Sources of the
von Guy Yeoman (Text & Fotos) & Christabel King (Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 176 Seiten, 63
Farbfotos, 13 Farbillustrationen, 1 Diagramm, 1 Farb- & 2 Schwarzweißkarten Elm Tree Books (UK),
März 1990, ISBN 0-241-12806-4
Klappentext: "In the very heart of
Africa, astride the Equator and on the border between Uganda and Zaire, far from the tourist routes and in
recent years made even more inaccessible by internecine strife, there is a delectable world of snowy
mountains, higher than the Alps of Europe. This is the Rwenzori Range - the Mountains of the Moon and source
of the Nile of the ancient Greeks. These mountains, usually concealed in dense mist, bear beautiful rain
forests and a fantastic Afro-alpine vegetation. Guy Yeoman has been enchanted by this unique landscape for
over forty years, returning again and again and recording this primeval world and its strange flora in a
series of extraordinary colour photographs. In 1987, feeling that the unusual mountain flora called for the
work of an outstanding botanical artist, he persuaded Christabel King to accompany him on an expedition to
the heart of the Range, taking with them three other English women as a support group. The book follows this
expedition through some of the most difficult terrain and extreme climatic conditions to be found on the
African continent. Guy Yeoman's other extensive travels in the Range are included and also his journey to
the Virunga volcanoes, situated further south in Rwanda and Zaire, where Dian Fossey, the American
conservationist, worked so long and so passionately in her efforts to save the mountain gorilla. This
gripping account is a heart-felt evocation of a threatened world, lovingly portrayed in words, and in the
author's stunning photography and Christabel King's exquisite botanical illustrations. In the light of his
grass roots knowledge of the region and its people, Guy Yeoman reminds us of the consequences of the
destruction of Africa's delicately balanced environment and he offers his own innovatory and controversial
suggestions as to what might be done to reverse the process."
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- Ostafrika Urwald, Eis und Steppentiere
Abenteuer heute
von Michael Pecha
Gebundene Ausgabe, kein Schutzumschlag,
120 Seiten, 89 Farbfotos, 10 Karten Badenia Verlag, 1999,
ISBN 3-7617-0359-7
Rückentext: "Mit diesem Bildband der
Reihe Abenteuer heute bringt der Fotograf und Autor Michael Pecha seine Leser in einer anstrengenden
Wanderung hinauf auf den höchsten Berg Afrikas. Bei fast minus 50 Grad Celsius entstanden faszinierende
Aufnahmen des ewigen Eises hoch oben am Gipfel des Mt. Kilimanjaro,
der fast am Äquator liegt. Eindrucksvolle Bilder vom Schwarzen Kontinent begeistern jeden Leser dieses
Buches. So z.B. erleben Sie Fotografien aus dem Rift-Valley und dem Ngorongoro-Krater, die weltberühmte
Massai Mara und Wildtierfotografie in der Steppe. Ein Besuch bei den am Aussterben bedrohten Berggorillas im
Dreiländereck Uganda-Rwanda-Zaire zeigt Natur pur, und Abenteuerfahrten durch Kenia, Tanzania und Uganda
lassen das Herz eines jeden Natur- und Afrikafreaks höher schlagen. Der Autor besuchte auch einen der
letzten Stämme der Pygmäen und macht so richtig Lust auf Reisen, abseits vom Massentourismus. Ein Erlebnis
besonderer Art."
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Kilimanjaro: The Great White
Mountain of Africa
von David Pluth (Fotos), Mohamed Amin (Fotos) & Graham Mercer (Text)
Synopsis: "Nothing in Africa is as
majestic and awe-inspiring as Kilimanjaro.
This fabled mountain - Africa's tallest - which lies astride the Kenya-Tanzania border rises more than
19,000 feet, into a clear blue equatorial sky, its crown of snow and ice ever beckoning and alluring. A
source of mystery from time immemorial, Kilimanjaro
is the subject of many fables and legends and home to the Chagga and Maasai people, two of Africa's most
colourful and fascinating communities - the one an industrious agricultural Bantu group, the other a Nilotic
tribe of fierce and noble warriors and pastoralists. Their engrossing history and the captivating beauty of Kilimanjaro
and its natural history are portrayed here in all their glory through the magnificent colour photography of
David Pluth and Mohamed Amin while Graham Mercer's compelling and often lyrical narrative delves into the
many secrets of The Great White Mountain, a spectacle that has attracted and fascinated diverse
peoples down through the ages."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Kilimanjaro: To the Roof of Africa
von Audrey Salkeld, Einführung von David Breashears
Verleger: "A British prime minister
in Queen Victoria's England once dismissed Kilimanjaro
as 'that mountain behind Zanzibar with the unrememberable name.' Today, there can be few who don't recognize
its most beautiful and evocative name. From the literature of Ernest Hemingway, from movies, and from a
multitude of images, the world is familiar with the Elysian view of elephants and giraffes grazing against
the shimmering backdrop of Kilimanjaro.
Floating over the plains of East Africa, more mirage than mountain, Kilimanjaro
exudes mystery and romance. At the same time, it is an accessible mountain, drawing more than 20,000
visitors each year to its slopes and snowy dome. The climb up Kilimanjaro
has been likened to a journey from the equator to the poles, passing as it does through zone after zone of
climatic change, from tropical forest to frozen desert. And Kilimanjaro's
human history is no less rich than its natural history. Close to the cradle of mankind, the mountain has
watched history unfold at its foot, from the earliest hunter-gatherers and the scramble of colonization to
World War I battles and the wave of independence that swept Africa in the mid-20th century. In Kilimanjaro:
To the Roof of Africa, accomplished mountaineer and writer Audrey Salkeld presents a comprehensive and
awe-inspiring portrait of this noble mountain and its myriad facets. To be published in conjunction with the
release of David Breashears's stunning new IMAX film about Kilimanjaro,
this book is an extraordinary journey to the roof of Africa."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Mountains of Southern Africa
von David Bristow (Text) & Clive Ward (Fotos)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 168 Seiten, 165
Farbfotos, SW-Illustrationen, 1 Farbkarte C. Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), 1985, ISBN 0-86977-227-9
Klappentext: "For almost as long as
the earth has existed there have been mountains in southern Africa, mountains that draw the eye with
unfailing magnetism. From the ancient granites of the Transvaal to the relatively youthful volcanic
outbursts in Namibia, these mountains tell a fascinating story that spans thousands of millions of years.
Thrust up through the earth's crust or laid down as rock strata, tilted, pushed and folded by earth
movement, dramatically covered with lava flows, weathered and shaped by wind and water, the subcontinent's
mountains reflect the diversity of their origins. Mountains of Southern Africa takes a close look at
the high-altitude world and the montane plants that flourish in this rigorous environment, the animals that
roam the slopes and the raptors that soar among the peaks. It tells of the part mountains have played in
man's history in southern Africa, of the Bushmen and of the tribes who found refuge there, and of settlers
who have chosen to live in an environment harsher than most. Above all, it tells of the men and women to
whom the mountains are a challenge - the climbers. As well as revealing the drama of peaks and the detail of
plant and animal life, magnificent full-colour photographs capture the excitement of men pitting their skill
against rock. Both writer and photographer are experienced climbers, and together they bring within
everyone's reach the beauty and grandeur of southern Africa's mountains."
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On God's Mountain The Story of Mount Kenya
von Mohamed Amin (Fotos), Duncan Willetts (Fotos) & Brian Tetley (Text)
Verleger: "Once one of the world's
highest mountains, wind, sun and rain have taken their toll of Mount Kenya and
reduced its height. But its majesty, and the mysticism that it inspires, remain undimmed. Long before
mankind's earliest ancestors evolved in the Great Rift Valley two or three million years ago, Mount Kenya was
born in the tumultuous movements that remodelled Eastern Africa before the Rift was born. In a series of
earth-trembling explosions, great cones of rock burst out of the plateaux to thrust skywards. Layer upon
layer, these intermittent blasts created Mount Kenya -
until, at its apogee, it stood at least 23,000 feet above sea level and its base circumference was just over
100 kilometres. Slowly, glaciation, time and weather eroded its crumbling crown and began to wear it down to
its present height of 17,058 feet. Yet it still imposes a feeling of awe in all who see it, especially the
local communities who live on its slopes and regard its summit as the home of God. First climbed just over a
century ago by Sir Halford Mackinder, it is now a Mecca for mountain climbing enthusiasts from all over the
world who come to relish the challenge of its ice climbs and revel in the extraordinary beauty of its
moorlands and minor peaks, here captured in all their glory in the photography of Mohamed Amin and Duncan
Willetts. Brian Tetley's text tells the story of Kenya's sacred mountain."
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eine Online-Recherche für mögliche Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Snowcaps on the Equator
The Fabled Mountains of Kenya,
Tanzania, Uganda and Zaire
von Clive Ward (Fotos), Gordon Boy (Text) & Iain Allan (Text)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 192 Seiten, 141
Farbfotos & 4 SW-Fotos, 10 Farbkarten The Bodley Head (UK),
1989, ISBN 0-370-31126-4
Klappentext: "It was not until 1883
that the Scottish explorer Joseph Thomson, sighting snow on Mount Kenya,
vindicated earlier reports previously dismissed by the Royal Geographical Society as
ludicrous: snow could not possibly exist so close to the Equator! East and Central Africa still harbour some
of earth's most beguiling mysteries. Although host to the first known land animals that emerged from the
sea, and probable birthplace of mankind, not all of Africa is as aged and wrinkled as such a history might
imply. Snowcaps on the Equator tells the story of some of the region's most breathtaking mountains
and volcanoes, which have their comparatively recent origins in the formation of the Great Rift Valley.
Here, amongst the Virunga volcanoes, potentially eruptive forces may yet give birth to an Everest. Such
geological beginnings have produced extraordinary Afro-alpine flora and a hugely varied terrain inhabited by
exotic wildlife and peopled by tribes as ancient and fascinating as the mountains they live in: the Ruwenzori,
identified with the mysterious 'Mountains of the Moon' which early geographers thought were the source of
the Nile; Mount Elgon,
riddled with mineral-salt caves and used by the indigenous animals as a subterranean saltlick; Mount Kenya,
perhaps the most striking mountain in Africa, attracting mountaineers from all over the world; the Aberdare Mountains,
home to the notorious 'Happy Valley' British aristocrats who attempted to make it a second Eden; Kilimanjaro,
the symbol of Africa itself - these are just some of the mountains described and photographed, in some cases
for the first time, in this book which captured the awe-inspiring and remote beauty of the mountains of East
and Central Africa."
Iain Allan ist Gründer des kenianischen
Safariveranstalters Tropical Ice.
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Uganda Rwenzori
A Range of Images
von David Pluth (Fotos & Text) & Vittorio Sella (Fotos)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 128 Seiten
Little Wolf Press (Schweiz), November 1996, ISBN 3-906745-00-7
Synopsis: "A stunning pictorial essay
on the magnificent Rwenzori Mountains (Mountains of the Moon) of western Uganda."
Informationen zu David Pluth erhalten Sie
bei FotoGrafx.
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