Verleger: "Told with captivating
images and haunting music, here is the remarkable story of a group of rural African people who converted to
Judaism eighty years ago and, despite ensuing hardships, have stuck by their faith. The 600 members of the
Abayudaya (Children of Judah) community living in a remote area of eastern Uganda lead a life devoted to
traditional Jewish practices. They observe the Sabbath and holidays, attend services, follow dietary laws,
and cling tightly to traditions in their small mud and brick synagogues. Surrounded by Muslims and
Christians, facing poverty and isolation, these people have maintained their Jewish way of life for four
generations since the initial conversion of their tribal chief Semei Kukungulu in 1917. Even during Idi
Amin's reign of terror, when synagogues were closed and prayers had to be held in secret, the Abayudaya did
not abandon their beliefs. Richard Sobol is the first photojournalist to document this newly discovered
Jewish community's way of life and to relate their heroic story. His sensitive portraits and moving
landscapes depict everyday life. He shows their day of rest on the Jewish Sabbath, as well as their
religious celebrations and rituals. His intriguing text chronicles the story of this community from its
conception to the present. The book includes a CD filled with powerful music and songs from services
recorded by ethnomusicologist Jeffrey A. Summit, who has also provided an essay examining this unique mix of
African and Jewish sounds."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Africa's Mountains of the Moon
Journeys to the Snowy Sources of the
von Guy Yeoman (Text & Fotos) & Christabel King (Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 176 Seiten, 63
Farbfotos, 13 Farbillustrationen, 1 Diagramm, 1 Farb- & 2 Schwarzweißkarten Elm Tree Books (UK),
März 1990, ISBN 0-241-12806-4
Klappentext: "In the very heart of
Africa, astride the Equator and on the border between Uganda and Zaire, far from the tourist routes and in
recent years made even more inaccessible by internecine strife, there is a delectable world of snowy
mountains, higher than the Alps of Europe. This is the Rwenzori Range - the Mountains of the Moon and source
of the Nile of the ancient Greeks. These mountains, usually concealed in dense mist, bear beautiful rain
forests and a fantastic Afro-alpine vegetation. Guy Yeoman has been enchanted by this unique landscape for
over forty years, returning again and again and recording this primeval world and its strange flora in a
series of extraordinary colour photographs. In 1987, feeling that the unusual mountain flora called for the
work of an outstanding botanical artist, he persuaded Christabel King to accompany him on an expedition to
the heart of the Range, taking with them three other English women as a support group. The book follows this
expedition through some of the most difficult terrain and extreme climatic conditions to be found on the
African continent. Guy Yeoman's other extensive travels in the Range are included and also his journey to
the Virunga volcanoes, situated further south in Rwanda and Zaire, where Dian Fossey, the American
conservationist, worked so long and so passionately in her efforts to save the mountain gorilla. This
gripping account is a heart-felt evocation of a threatened world, lovingly portrayed in words, and in the
author's stunning photography and Christabel King's exquisite botanical illustrations. In the light of his
grass roots knowledge of the region and its people, Guy Yeoman reminds us of the consequences of the
destruction of Africa's delicately balanced environment and he offers his own innovatory and controversial
suggestions as to what might be done to reverse the process."
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Eye of the Storm / L'œil du Cyclone A photographic journey across Uganda
/ A travers l'Ouganda
von David Pluth (Fotos), Pierre-François Didek (Fotos) & Susan Kiguli (Gedichte) & Nicolas Michel (Text)
Synopsis: "This is a book that
presents Uganda as it really is, not just magnificant landscapes, but a portrait of men and women in their
daily lives with their emotions, their modesty and compassion. How is that a country with a violent past,
and weakened by AIDS can yet record impressive growth and development? With some 100 Colour and 70 black and
white photographs of Mountains - Cities - Refugees - Lakes - The Karimojong: dress and markings."
Informationen zu David Pluth erhalten Sie
bei FotoGrafx.
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Uganda: The Pearl of Africa
von Paul Joynson-Hicks (Fotos) & Shaun Mann (Text)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 192 Seiten, 222
Farbfotos, 3 Farbkarten Quiller Press (UK),
Oktober 1994, ISBN 1-870948-93-9
Klappentext: "The Uganda which was
discovered by Speke and Grant in their 1862 expedition, 'uncovered' from the mysterious pall of Darkest
Africa by the books of Samuel Baker soon afterwards and has since grown into the colourful, friendly and
progressive country we know today - is now shown in a variety of photographs from the journeys of an
intrepid and talented photographer. In Uganda - The Pearl of Africa Paul Joynson-Hicks shows the
stunningly beautiful countryside with its teeming wildlife and its great lakes and waterfalls alongside its
industrious enterprises and its varied and photogenic people. He has travelled throughout Uganda to take the
photographs over three extended visits, and each time into the heart of the country off the beaten tracks,
into the National Parks and amongst people from all walks of life. The rest was up to his eye and judgement
and the lens of his camera. The book, with introductions and captions by Shaun Mann, is an inspiration. The
200 beautiful photographs speak for themselves to prepare for your visit, and to treasure thereafter."
Informationen zu Paul Joynson-Hicks
erhalten Sie bei Blue Mango.
Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Uganda Rwenzori
A Range of Images
von David Pluth (Fotos & Text) & Vittorio Sella (Fotos)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 128 Seiten
Little Wolf Press (Schweiz), November 1996, ISBN 3-906745-00-7
Synopsis: "A stunning pictorial essay
on the magnificent Rwenzori Mountains (Mountains of the Moon) of western Uganda."
Informationen zu David Pluth erhalten Sie
bei FotoGrafx.
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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