Verleger: "A book offering a tribute
to the greatness of Africa. It reminds us that while man may affect the Dark Continent, he will never tame
it. Africa remains a place where the landscapes are vast, paying no heed to the horizon, where mountains
soar to snowy and smoke-ringed peaks, rivers plunge in fury and drift in indolence, and deserts shimmer on a
dust-dry, barren mirage. Within these settings, often hostile, always changing, and increasingly vulnerable,
live the animals and tribal people of Africa. In quality photographs of bold originality, striking colour,
and intimate detail, Wildest Africa captures the essence of the continent in its most natural, raw
state. It features the power and presence of familiar game and larger animals, but also draws in the smaller
species, reptiles and insects, and the indigenous people of the land, from tribal warriors to nomadic
pastoralists. They are all an integral part of Africa. The range of the book takes the reader to the
turbulent lands of the Rift Valley in East Africa, the huge dry deserts of the Southwest, the rainforests of
central Africa, the wetlands of the Zambezi River and Okavango Delta, and the contrasts of Southern Africa,
where mountains and highveld push towards a long, rugged coastline. In all of these, the wildness of Africa
can be discovered, and combining the expertise, patience and determination of Africa's best wildlife
photographers, Wildest Africa is able to reveal a world not seen and hardly realised by tourists and
game viewers. The animals are depicted in moments of action, tenderness and savagery, the different settings
caught in the glory of Africa's unique space and light and, leading the reader to them, the evocative text
draws meaning and detail from the photographs, emphasising the enduring themes, mystery and allure of wild,
and beautiful, Africa."
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Wildest Africa (Reissue)
von Paul Tingay (Text),
Fotos von Anthony Bannister, Alan
Dean, Peter Lamberti, Jonathan Scott, Anub Shah, Manoj Shah u.a.
Gebundene Ausgabe, Wiederauflage, 240
Seiten, 248 Farbfotos Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), Juni 2001, ISBN 1-86872-579-0
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
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