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Verleger: "Südafrika ist ein
aufregendes und beeindruckendes Land, es fasziniert durch die Vielseitigkeit und Schönheit seiner
Landschaft, die exotische Tierwelt und die pulsierenden Städte. Am Kap der Guten Hoffnung lockt das
weltoffene Kapstadt mit seiner traditionellen Gastfreundschaft und der atemberaubenden Aussicht vom
legendären Tafelberg. In dem romantischen Gebiet um Stellenbosch und Franschhoek werden erstklassige Weine
angebaut, im Royal National Park ist der Höhepunkt der bizarren Felsformationen das Drakensberg
Amphitheater, über die Garden Route kommt man an herrliche Sandstrände in Mossel Bay oder Plettenberg
Bay. Der Klassiker unter den Naturschutzgebieten, der Kruger National
Park, ist die Heimat der Big Five: Nashorn, Elefant, Löwe, Leopard und Wasserbüffel. In
KwaZulu-Natal kann man die Kultur des ehemals mächtigen Kriegervolkes der Zulu kennen lernen, in der
grandiosen Bergwelt der Blue Mountains findet man das Königreich Lesotho mitten in der Republik Südafrika.
Die farbenfrohe Kunst der Ndebele im Gebiet des Mpumalanga und nordöstlich der Hauptstadt Pretoria ist
über die Grenzen des Landes hinaus berühmt geworden. Über 180 Bilder zeigen Südafrika in all seiner
Vielfalt und vier Specials berichten über Nelson Mandela, der sein Leben dem Widerstand gegen die Apartheid
gewidmet hat, über den erstklassigen südafrikanischen Wein, mächtige Könige und unerschrockene Krieger
der alten Stämme und die unverfälschte Natur des Kruger National
Clemens Emmler ist Mitglied der
Fotografenagentur laif in Köln.
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Synopsis: "At the southern tip of the
great African continent lies a land of superlative landscapes, where the fertile ground is laced with
diamonds and gold, uninterrupted plains teem with wildlife, and nature's bounty continues to brim over into
the everyday lives of many peoples. These are the images of South Africa, and this is the story they tell.
Commencing in the Western Cape, up the West Coast, across the arid Karoo to the Wilderness then on up
through the Eastern Cape along the East Coast to KwaZulu Natal, to the game and marine conservation areas.
Then across to the Kruger Park and Mpumalanga, and Gauteng down through the Free State ending with the
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Synopsis: "South Africa's history has
brought together an exciting mixture of races, ideas and potentials. South Africa is essentially a place of
deep emotional involvements. The introductory text and captions to the illustrations give information on the
country's history, ethnic groups, government and legal systems."
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Verleger: "When a burning sun dips
low enough on the horizon to touch the brown-black earth, that is when South Africa is at its very best - a
blazing expanse of broad landscapes of sea and veld, dusty savanna and equally dusty pavements. For a
photographer, this land is one dreams are made of. The light is quite extraordinary, the people welcoming
and the photo opportunities as endless as the grasslands that stretch as far as the eye can see. South
Africa is a vast country, extending from pristine coastal plain to rugged mountain passes across wide
stretches of semidesert and forest, hills and valleys. Even travelling South Africans are unprepared for the
sheer scale of the place and the enormous diversity of this grand landscape. Every day, everywhere, there
are new sights to be behold and new experiences to share - the wiry branches of an acacia, a leaf spiralling
to the ground, a graceful old Cape Dutch homestead set against lush vineyards, blue-purple mountains, the
demure smile of a Zulu bride, an insect in flight, a bird on a wire. It is the sun, the sand, the textures,
the colours, the sounds that conjure up the spirit of South Africa. This volume is a fine tribute to the
country, its people and its land-, sea- and cityscapes. This is the face of the nation - the essence of
South Africa."
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Verleger: "South Africa, through the
lens of Gerald Hoberman, is a place of wonder, intrigue and glorious colour, viewed at a time of great
change. South Africa captures the multi-faceted nature of the country's landscapes and people, with
an engaging mix of photographs ranging from Soweto and the panoramic sweep of the Union Buildings in
Pretoria to the green hills of Kwazulu-Natal and the majestic thrust of the Drakensberg Mountains. In search
of the soul of a newly awakening land, Gerald Hoberman has photographed a sacrificial ceremony of the Xhosa,
captured the lifestyle of Bushmen living close to the land in the dry northern country, and shared mampoer,
a hell-fire, home-made brew, with farmers in the remote Groot Marico district. His photographs reflect the
vivid colours of autumn vineyards basking in the late afternoon sun, the unexpected luxurience of a tilled
field in the arid Karoo, and the golden hills of the Free State. This impressive collection of photographs
is enriched by aerial shots of landmarks such as Table Mountain and Robben Island, and the cities of
Johannesburg, Durban and Pretoria. Several incredible wildlife images are also included. With South
Africa, Gerald Hoberman has captured a beautiful country and its people in a time of excitement and
transformation, while retaining an eye for that which does not change: old places and ancient customs upon
which time seems to have no grasp. The incisive and interesting text was written by Don Pinnock. South
Africa - beautifully designed, printed and bound - is a must for all those with an interest in this
remarkable country on the southern tip of Africa."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (USA). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
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South Africa
A Visual Celebration
von Elaine Hurford (Text),
Fotos von Daryl Balfour, Gerald
Cubitt, Walter Knirr, Nigel Dennis, Peter Pickford, Herman Potgieter, Alain Proust, Mark Skinner, Gerard
Dreyer, Hein von Hörsten & Lanz von Hörsten
Verleger: "Enjoy the beautiful face
of South Africa as it passes in a panorama of landscapes, coastal wonderland, majestic mountains, people,
wildlife and floral wonders. Some of the best photographers in the country present the magnificent
landscapes and natural wonders sculpted by sun, wind and water over millennia. This beautiful book is a
superb coffee-table book that will be enjoyed by South Africans and foreigners alike."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Synopsis: "This visual delight
captures the essence of South Africa, depicting the variety of spectacular scenery, its cosmopolitan people,
its unique flora and its rich architectural heritage. Top-class photographs by some of the countries
best-known photographers vibrantly illustrate the different faces of the country, including the
world-renowned Kruger National Park, Table Mountain and the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront in Cape
Town, the majestic Drakensberg and the allure of the Garden Route."
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Verleger: "The photographs portray
the typical South Africa, that is tourist attractions, famous landmarks and landscape features, fauna and
flora that are clearly identifiable with South Africa. Every picture tells its own story, for example,
photographs showing vast, uninhabited areas, or simply the country's beauty (Blyde River Canyon, Table
Mountain, etc). Pictures of fauna typify animal behaviour or characteristics like animals drinking at a
water hole or running in a herd. The design makes the most of the pictures by featuring quite a few
double-page spreads (26 in total) and concentrates on full-page bleeds; three-quarter pictures across the
gutter are limited and were only used in cases where a photograph particularly warranted it."
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