Klappentext: "The Victoria Falls are
one of world's most spectacular natural wonders, and the inspiration for a wide range of emotional response
in all who visit them. »A dark and terrible hell« wrote one traveller, while another described them as
»one of the most transcendentally beautiful natural phenomena on this side of paradise«. Whatever the
response, all are agreed that the mighty Zambezi River, as it thunders into its self-made gorge in the
greatest volume of falling water in the world, has the power to fascinate and hypnotise. In African
Thunder Jan and Fiona Teede give us the story behind the spectacle, and provide answers to a series of
intriguing questions. How were the Falls formed? Was it by a »cataclysmic event«, as Livingstone surmised,
or by the erosive force of the river itself? Who was the first European to visit them? And what are the
secrets of the so-called Rain Forest? The authors take us on a journey from the dawn of time through the
history of early man in the area to the Falls' present-day status as a world-renowned tourist attraction.
Their long experience of the Zambezi River and its famous waterfall is augmented by careful research into
the writings of nineteenth-century travellers such as Chapman, Baines and the Fall's 'discoverer',
Livingstone. Over many years, the Teedes have photographed the Victoria Falls at different seasons and in
varying moods - in their full summer glory, at sunrise in winter, or eerily lit by the moon. They here
present a collection of magnificent photographs of the Falls, of the Rain Forest in all its lush beauty, of
the islands of the Upper Zambezi, and of the wealth of wildlife in the bushveld areas around the Falls.
Sensitive pencil sketches by wildlife artist Larry Norton show birds, animals and plants in richly textured
detail and add atmosphere to the informative text. This visually stunning book will serve as a memento for
all who have visited the Falls, and whet the appetite of those who are planning a visit for the first
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Beautiful Zimbabwe
An Illustrated Traveller's Companion
Verleger: "This colourful and
attractively illustrated book is aimed at the tourist who wishes to have a memento of a visit to Zimbabwe.
The photographs show clearly the scenic beauty and the many interesting tourist attractions that this
beautiful country has to offer. The informative captions are given in three languages - English, French and
German. Top quality photographs in an attractive softcover make this the ideal memento for tourists, at a
competitive price. This book is part of the very successful and popular Beautiful series."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Beneath a Rhodesian Sky
von Beverley Whyte (Text),
Fotos von Alan Allen, Roger Bull, Roy
Creeth, Trevor Edwards, Mike Grant-Parke & Jean-Pierre Ventura
Gebundene Ausgabe, 64 Seiten, 30
Farbfotos, 1 Farbkarte
The Graham Publishing Company (Rhodesien), 1972
Klappentext: "The Rhodesian
countryside has many moods, an infinite variety of faces. In striking contradiction of the image held by
many who haven't visited the land between the Limpopo and Zambezi Rivers, Rhodesia is not a vast expanse of
near-emptiness, of unrelieved sun-browned bush, of dust and burning skies. The dust and heat are there, some
of the time and in some parts. But so are the gracious lakes, the fresh woods and pastures, the cool streams
and high mountain peaks. The illustrations in Beneath a Rhodesian Sky show this diversity. They
reveal a grandeur, the beauty and the freshness of a country still unspoiled, the true nature of a
relevantly little-known part of Africa. Rhodesian poetry has, over the years, earned for itself an
international reputation. The works of men like Noel Brettell, Henry Pote, Colin Style, Hugh Finn and
Douglas Livingstone have been published in England, America and elsewhere and have been acclaimed by serious
critics. The acclaim is deserved, for these poets write about Africa - about Rhodesia - in a uniquely
evocative way. They have a deep and affectionate knowledge of the country, they have felt the 'tears of
heaven' on their faces, heard the jackal's outcast cry, sensed the immense and brooding spirit in the Hills
of the Matopos. Each colour photograph is introduced by a stanza or two of this fine poetry. In addition,
Beverley Whyte's fluently descriptive text, gives the visitor to Rhodesia, or the prospective visitor, a
pleasant acquaintanceship with the country, its history, its people."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Limited
Edition (limitierte Auflage von 250 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-250, ganz in Leder gebunden,
Beneath a Zimbabwe Sun
von Beverley Whyte (Text) & Gordon M. Graham (Redaktion)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 136 Seiten, 239
Farbfotos, 1 Farbkarte
The Graham Publishing Company (Simbabwe), 1987, ISBN 0-86921-039-4
Klappentext: "The Zimbabwean
countryside has many moods, an infinite variety of faces. In striking contradiction of the image held by
many who have not visited the land between the Limpopo and Zambezi Rivers, Zimbabwe is not a vast expanse of
near-emptiness, of unrelieved sun-brown bush, of dust and burning skies. The dust and heat are there, some
of the time and in some parts. But so are the gracious lakes, the fresh woods and pastures, the cool streams
and high mountain peaks. Zimbabwe's enchantment is heightened by magnificent wildlife. Its concentration of
elephant is one of the greatest in the world and the many game reserves and national parks abound with a
breathtaking variety of animals. Kingly lion, glowering rhino, mountainous hippo, comical warthog, graceful
giraffe, hyena, buffalo, wildebeest, zebra, leopard - they are all there, and in their natural habitat. The
country's sun-washed wonders are complemented by the design and spread of its towns and cities. Herein lies
Zimbabwe's spellbinding effect of contrasts: the timeless, savage grandeur of Africa is at hand within
minutes of leaving any of its sophisticated cities of sleek skyscrapers and urban bustle. Beneath a
Zimbabwe Sun shows this diversity in a uniquely evocative way. It reveals the splendour, the beauty and
the freshness of a country still unspolled, the true nature of a relatively little-known part of
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.co.uk
(Großbritannien) oder bei NHBS (Großbritannien). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's
Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Klappentext: "Hwange is one of the
world's last remaining wilderness areas, and one of Africa's greatest game reserves. Nick Greaves' portrait
of this magnificent park is both a beautiful photographic tribute and a lovingly written account of Hwange
in all her seasons. From the flat-topped Sinamatella Hills of the northern parts of the park, to the dry
grasslands of the central Kalahari sands, Greaves profiles every facet of the park. This is the first book
to document the beauty of the fauna and flora of Hwange and there are chapters on every aspect - from
wildlife and vegetation, to geology and climate. The author enthusiastically shares his intimate knowledge
and sense of wonder for Hwange and her inhabitants. Just as the Big Five make their home in Hwange, so do an
abundant birdlife and a variety of smaller mammals. But it is the tens of thousands of elephants who take
refuge within its protected borders that are Hwange's biggest attraction and it is the author's passion for
these gentle and vulnerable giants that are at the core of this portrait of Hwange. Elephants are under
constant threat from poachers and culling operations, and Nick Greaves discusses their precarious future in
the light of this hazardous situation. Illustrated with evocative photographs, this enchanting portrait of
Hwange will delight those who know this elephant refuge and entice those who have yet to discover its
Rückentext: "Hwange seems like a big, remote, unspoilt and often inhospitable wilderness to man, but
to the elephant, Hwange is home. Hwange's reputation grows as the best place left in Africa for viewing
large numbers of free-roaming elephants. This reputation is further enhanced as the elephants become more
accustomed to the presence of humans. I love elephants and make no apology for it. To spend hours, days or
years in close proximity to wild elephants is both a joy and a privilege. I hope many others will be able to
enjoy and appreciate such close contact and, above all, that this opportunity will exist for our children's
children. (Nick Greaves)"
Informationen zum Autor erhalten Sie bei Nick Greaves.
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Journey through Zimbabwe
von Mohamed Amin (Fotos), Duncan Willetts (Fotos) & Brian Tetley (Text)
Verleger: "Spectacular landscapes
teeming with a rich array of unique African wildlife and flora dominate Zimbabwe. Man has added to the
wonders of this natural paradise: magnificent Lake Kariba, the largest of many man-made lakes, is an
incredible 260-kilometre-long inland sea, born of the waters of the mighty Zambezi, downstream from the
unforgettable Victoria Falls. And everywhere there are great wilderness areas. Almost 50,000 square
kilometres, more than twelve per cent of Zimbabwe's total land area, is preserved as a wildlife estate
without equal. With superb rock climbs in its dramatic mountain ranges serving as a counterpoint to the
pleasures of trout fishing and golf, blue-water lakes, great savannah plains, forested hills, glorious
botanical parks, and vibrant modern towns and cities, Zimbabwe is a land of stunning contrasts and endless
outdoor delights. More than 150 breathtaking colour photographs by Mohamed Amin and Duncan Willetts testify
to Zimbabwe's grandeur and Brian Tetley's accompanying text narrates the colourful story of this fascinating
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Life and Death of a Pool
von John Struthers
Gebundene Ausgabe, 136 Seiten, 200
Farbfotos, 1 Schwarzweißfoto Swan Hill Press (UK),
Oktober 1993, ISBN 1-85310-403-5
Klappentext: "All over Africa, there
are pools, natural depressions gathering summer's rainfall and holding it until the next season's rains...
or as long as they can. These are the gathering places, where Africa's wildlife come and drink. John
Struthers spent six weeks, during the heat of an African 'spring' season - September and October - beside a
particular pool [Chine Pool, Mana Pools National Park], watching and photographing the heightening drama
during a time when this usually reliable body of water failed the many animals that had come to depend upon
it. Walking several kilometres to and from the pool, a shady place was selected - usually with the
silhouette broken - and he would settle in. And, once the troop of baboons that foraged in the vicinity and
fed upon the pool's weeds had accepted him, then the other animals grew less afraid of him too. Individuals
of most species came to drink within ten metres... The Life and Death of a Pool shows Africa as it
really is. Without frills or fanfare, without seeking the sensational or striving to sentimentalise the
painful, it describes - and illustrates - the stress suffered by wild animals as their source of water dries
up. Yet this book contains more than close-up photography of animals crowding about a water hole during a
time of stress. The rich, visual presentation of splendour and drama illustrating this life of a pool is
extended, in the text, to contain stories of excitement and danger as well. John's head-on encounter with a
young cow elephant and her calf, the attack of a swarm of bees, the story of a man who ended up underneath
an elephant - and lived - these tales add spice to the growing concern for the many animals struggling to
survive that permeates his text."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
durch Simbabwe
von Mohamed Amin (Fotos), Duncan Willetts (Fotos) & Brian Tetley (Text)
Klappentext: "Simbabwe: das Reiseland
mit den zauberhaften Landschaften, das Reiseland mit der einzigartigen afrikanischen Tier- und Pflanzenwelt,
die noch in großer Fülle erhalten ist. Zu den Wundern Simbabwes zählt aber auch ein Paradies aus
Menschenhand: der Kariba-See, einer der größten Stauseen überhaupt, ganze 280 Kilometer lang, gespeist
von den mächtigen Wassern des Sambesi-Flusses unterhalb der berühmten Victoriafälle. Überall ist noch
großartige Wildnis erhalten - fast 5000 Quadratkilometer, mehr als zwölf Prozent der Gesamtfläche des
Landes wurden für die unvergleichliche Tierwelt reserviert. Die Vielfalt der möglichen Erlebnisse in
diesem Reiseland ist groß: spannende Klettertouren in den dramatischen Gebirgsketten, Forellenangeln und
Golfspiel, Pirschfahrten und Wanderungen an blauen Seen, in weiten Savannengebieten und auf bewaldeten
Bergen, Besuche der hochinteressanten Botanischen Gärten und der pulsierenden modernen Großstädte -
kurzum: Simbabwe ist ein Land der unglaublichen Gegensätze, die sich dem Reisenden jeden Tag neu
erschließen. Simbabwe: In den mehr als 150 atemberaubend schönen Farbfotos von Mohamed Amin und Duncan
Willets wird das großartige Land lebendig. Die wechselvolle Geschichte der faszinierenden Nation wird in
den Texten von Brian Tetley erzählt."
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