Verleger: "This volume is the first
of a set of seven which, when complete, will cover the entire avifauna of Africa, one of the most varied and
interesting in the world. While many regional guides to African birds exist, this will be the first
comprehensive guide to the bird life of the continent as a whole, including North Africa. The entire set
covers all species of birds found in Africa, including migrants from the Palearctic and vagrants. Resident
birds are described in full detail, with sections on their range and status, description, field characters,
voice, general behaviour, food and breeding biology. Visitors are also given extensive coverage, with
emphasis on their status and behaviour within Africa. These volumes are sure to be acclaimed as the
authority on the avifauna of Africa for many years to come. The quality of the text and the beauty of the
plates will assure them pride of place on the shelves of ornithologists and bird-watchers everywhere.
Indeed, anyone with an interest in natural history or ecology will find here a source of much interest and
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA) oder (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Birds of Africa, Volume II
Game Birds to Pigeons
von Emil K. Urban, C. Hilary Fry, Stuart
Keith, Martin Woodcock (Illustrationen) & Ian Willis (Illustrationen)
Verleger: "The second volume in this
series continues the high standards set by the first. The three editors have followed the vision of the late
Leslie Brown and organized a team of internationally known experts to help them produce an up-to-date and
comprehensive work. This volume covers all birds found in Africa, from gamebirds to pigeons. In order to do
justice to the ever increasing volume of publications on African birds and the wealth of material collated
by the contributors, and to fulfil the aim of illustrating all main plumages of every species, the series
has been expanded to six volumes, the first three to cover the non-passerines and the last three the
passerines. As in Volume I, all species of birds found in Africa are covered, including migrants and
vagrants. Resident birds are treated in full detail, with sections on their range and status, description,
field characters, voice, general behaviour, food and breeding biology. Visitors are also given extensive
coverage, with emphasis on their status and behaviour within Africa. These volumes are being acclaimed as the
authority on the avifauna of Africa; they will remain as such for many years to come. The quality of the
text and the beauty of the plates will assure them pride of place on the shelves of ornithologists and
bird-watchers everywhere. Indeed, anyone with an interest in natural history or ecology will find here a
source of much interest and enjoyment."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA) oder (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Birds of Africa, Volume III
Parrots to Woodpeckers
von C. Hilary Fry, Stuart Keith, Emil K.
Urban, Martin Woodcock (Illustrationen) & Ian Willis (Illustrationen)
Verleger: "By far the most
authoritative and comprehensive work ever published on the birds of Africa. The Editors and artists have
worked closely with the 16 authors of this volume - all internationally acknowledged experts on their bird
families - to produce encyclopaedic accounts of each species. This volume completes the non-passerines,
dealing with all species occurring on the continent - residents and visitors alike - in the following
families: parrots, turacos, cuckoos, owls, nightjars, swifts, colies, kingfishers and their allies, and
woodpeckers and their allies. All are illustrated, and all known biological information is included. The
passerines (songbirds) will be covered in four forthcoming volumes, already in preparation."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA) oder (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Birds of Africa, Volume IV
Broadbills to Chats
von Stuart Keith, Emil K. Urban, C. Hilary
Fry, Martin Woodcock (Illustrationen) & Ian Willis (Illustrationen)
Verleger: "This definitive and
authoritative volume covers the first 312 of the 1,200 or so passerine species which occur in continental
Africa and the outlying islands. As in the first three volumes, each breeding species receives full coverage
with sections on range and status, description, voice, general habits, food, and breeding biology.
Non-breeding visitors are treated more briefly. The text concentrates on the bird's status and biology while
in Africa. Range maps are given for each bird and super species maps are shown where appropriate. Large
color plates, illustrated by Martin Woodcock, show the birds and adopt a more formal, field-guide style to
emphasize the identification points of the more difficult groups. Ian Willis' line drawings elaborate on
displays and patterns of behavior described in the text. The beauty and scholarship of this now standard
reference on African birds must ensure it a place on every ornithologist's bookshelf."
Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
The Birds of Africa, Volume V
Thrushes to Puffback Flycatchers
von Emil K. Urban, C. Hilary Fry, Stuart
Keith, Martin Woodcock (Illustrationen) & Ian Willis (Illustrationen)
Verleger: "Universally recognized as
by far the most authoritative and comprehensive work ever published, Birds of Africa, Volume V is the
second of four volumes to deal with the Passerine birds of the continent. The families treated fall into the
following groups: thrushes, Old World warblers, Old World flycatchers, monarch flycatchers wattle-eyes and
puffback flycatchers. The editors and artists have worked closely with nine other authors - all acknowledged
experts on their bird families - to produce a superb reference in which encyclopedic texts on every species
are complemented by accurate and detailed paintings and drawings of the birds themselves. Full
bibliographies, acoustic references and indexes complete this marvelous reference."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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