Verleger: "Of all the atlases on the
birds of southern Africa, none will be more welcome than this one by Huw Penry on the birds of Botswana - a
region of vast and hitherto ornithologically unexplored places, most notably the central Kalahari. It is
thanks to the unstinting efforts of a small team of workers in Botswana, and to the meticuluous keeping and
analysis of records by the author, who also initiated and designed the project, that ornithologists, birders
and conservationists now have a work which will serve as a baseline of bird distribution for years to come.
The Bird Atlas of Botswana summarizes records collected over the ten-year period from 1980 to 1990.
The information is introduced by an extensive and well-researched introductory set of chapters covering the
ornithology, geology, botany and geomorphology of Botswana. This sets the scene for the distribution maps
which follow. These maps show not only the distribution in Botswana but also seasonal abundance and
movements there, as well as the distribution of each species throughout Africa. Rare or unconfirmed species
are listed at the end and their actual or probable status mentioned. The Bird Atlas of Botswana is a
book for everyone interested in the birds of Africa, whether tourist, zoogeographer, ecologist or
unconditional 'twitcher', mapping out a route which will turn up the greatest number of new species."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Rückentext: "Birds of Botswana
is part of a new series of regional field guides to the common animals and plants of southern Africa, the Southern
African Green Guides. Ken Newman has carefully selected over 280 birds that you are most likely to see
while travelling in Botswana. All the birds are illustrated with the author's paintings, and the text
mentions other similar-looking birds. Birds of Botswana contains all the latest available information
about the birds of the region in an easy-to-carry, easy-to-use format for visitors to Botswana. It includes:
Completely up-to-date descriptions of the birds with subheadings which guide you to the information you are
looking for: status, description, call, behaviour, habitat and distribution. A speedy alphabetical index to
bird groups. A guide to the natural habitats in Botswana. Tips on how to make bird identification easier.
Clear illustrations."
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Common Amphibians and Reptiles of
More than just Creepy Crawlies
Verleger: "This book attempts to
illustrate that amphibians and reptiles add to the diversity of wildlife in Botswana and to help develop a
better understanding of what these animals are, and how they contribute to making the environment a better
habitat for all the other organisms, including people. Photographs of all the common toads, frogs,
chelonians, crocodiles, lizards and snakes are shown with detailed descriptions."
Einführung: "This book was
specifically designed for those who take pleasure not only in the beauty of wild flowers and the ability to
identify them, but are also keen to learn about the intricate world surrounding the plant. This book forms
Part II of a series of field guide books produced by Shell Oil Botswana which are currently available and
others which are planned for the future. The objective of this book is not only to provide a ready means of
identification but, more importantly, to create an understanding in the reader of the plant in its
'ecological setting'. This suggests that the plant is described in relation to its soil preference,
associate plant species, its root system, the birds, animals and insects it attracts and its use or menace
to man - in other words, a holistic approach. The flowers were chosen on account of their abundance, showy
appearance, medicinal, economical, toxicological and spiritual importance, as well as their general
usefulness. The holistic approach will be maintained throughout the series. The ultimate aim is to give the
reader an understanding of the interdependence of all living creatures and their interaction with natural
systems and to provide, simultaneously, user-friendly field guides and reference books. This book is called Common
Wild Flowers of the Okavango Delta and only 50 species have been described to keep the publication
compact. It was specifically designed for walks and easy transportation. The species have been carefully
chosen to cover most of the common flowers encountered on walks and game drives, therefore it is ideal for
von Karen Ellery & William (Fred)
Ellery, Mandy-Jane Balkwill
(Illustrationen),Heather Borchers (Illustrationen) & Jane Browning
(Illustrationen),Vorwort von Tim Liversedge
Paperback, 238 Seiten, 36 Farbfotos auf 12
Tafeln, Schwarzweißillustrationen, Diagramme, 2 Karten
Tsaro Publishers (Südafrika), 1997, ISBN 1-86840-240-1
Rückentext: "Ranging from the tiny,
delicate insectivorous sundew plant found in the permanently wet bogs to the towering, majestic jackalberry
trees, from the strikingly beautiful lotus flower to rustling stands of the giant papyrus sedge, this field
guide to the plants of the Okavango Delta will prove invaluable to botanists and interested beginners alike.
More than 220 of the most common plant species found in the area are described and illustrated. For each
species the book provides a scientific and common name and information on their derivations, a fairly
detailed description, notes on the ecology and uses of the species, as well as other interesting
information. In addition, a comprehensive overview of the ecology of the Okavango Delta ecosystem is
provided as part of the introduction. In an attempt to ease the often difficult process of plant
identification, a number of features have been included in this book: clear, accurate ink drawings of each
species; simple identification keys, which use characters that are easy to see and recognise in the field;
illustrated 'quick guides' to the most common plants within selected habitats. As vegetation ecologists,
Karen and William (Fred) Ellery have been involved in research in the Okavango Delta for over a decade. It
is their wish that this book will serve to promote interest in the wise management and conservation of this
remarkable ecosystem."
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