Verleger: "This book will be of
particular interest to professional arachnologists worldwide. The natural history section provides important
information on the predatory behaviour and medical importance of African spiders and will be of interest
also to naturalists, ecologists, gardeners and physicians. This is the most comprehensive manual to the
identification of African spiders to date. Africa is richly endowed with 71 spider families, representing
two-thirds of the world fauna. A key to the families was still sorely lacking and has been successfully
addressed in this profusely illustrated new book which includes: illustrated keys to identify all families
and subfamilies; diagnostic and descriptive characters for each family with linedrawings of the habitus and
diagnostic characters; a complete list of all the genera (892) recorded from this region with distribution
records and the number of described species (5417) for each genus; notes on the natural history of each
family with overviews of research that has been conducted on African fauna with special reference to
predatory behaviour and medical importance; information on the phylogeny and taxonomy of each family with
taxonomic references relevant to the Afrotropical fauna including recent revisions; an extensive
Verleger: "The Behavior Guide to
African Mammals is as different from a conventional field guide as motion pictures are from a snapshot.
Whether we are able to look at them face to face, on television, or in the hundreds of illustrations
provided here by Daniel Otte, this guide allows us to understand what animals do and what their behavior
means. Drawing on his own extensive fieldwork and on the research of many other scientists, Richard Estes
describes and explains the behavior of four major groups of mammals. Estes's remarkably informative guide is
as up-to-date for the zoologist as it is accessible for the interested onlooker."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Birds of Africa South of the
A Comprehensive Illustrated Field
von Ian Sinclair (Text) & Peter Ryan (Text), Patrice Christy (Text), Phil Hockey (Text), Norman
Arlott (Illustrationen), Peter Hayman (Illustrationen) & Alan Harris (Illustrationen), Vorworte
von Roy Siegfried und Philip & David Chamberlain
Paperback, 760 Seiten, über 2000
Illustrationen auf 359 Farbtafeln, über 2100 Verbreitungskarten Struik
Publishers (Südafrika), September 2003, ISBN 1-86872-857-9
Verleger: "Birds of Africa south
of the Sahara provides unrivalled coverage of African birds in a single volume, and is the first book to
describe and illustrate all of the birds found in Africa south of the Sahara Desert (the Afrotropic Region),
including Socotra, Pemba and islands in the Gulf of Guinea. Some 2105 species are covered, with an
additional 70 vagrants briefly described, and more than 2000 images assembled on 359 plates. Illustrations
portray most distinctive plumages, as well as diagnostic flight patterns and major geographic variants.
Species descriptions give precise identification features, highlighting differences between similar species,
as well as briefly reporting habitat, status and calls. Distribution maps for each species are based on the
latest atlas surveys. The most up-to-date taxonomy is used, with many new species described and illustrated
for the first time. Despite its exceptional coverage, this guide is compact enough to use in the field, and
follows the standard field guide format, with texts and range maps appearing opposite the colour
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern
(Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 1-86872-875-7, limitierte Auflage von numerierten Exemplaren, in
Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 1-86872-876-5,
limitierte Auflage von numerierten Exemplaren, ganz (?) in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Birds of Africa South of the
Sahara [PVC cover]
A Comprehensive Illustrated Field
von Ian Sinclair (Text) & Peter Ryan (Text), Patrice Christy (Text), Phil Hockey (Text), Norman
Arlott (Illustrationen), Peter Hayman (Illustrationen) & Alan Harris (Illustrationen), Vorworte
von Roy Siegfried und Philip & David Chamberlain
Flexi-Cover, 760 Seiten, über 2000 Illustrationen auf 359
Farbtafeln, über 2100 Verbreitungskarten Struik
Publishers (Südafrika), April 2005, ISBN 1-77007-169-5
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Birds of Africa South of the
Princeton Field Guides
von Ian Sinclair (Text) & Peter Ryan (Text), Patrice Christy (Text), Phil Hockey (Text), Norman
Arlott (Illustrationen), Peter Hayman (Illustrationen) & Alan Harris (Illustrationen), Vorworte
von Roy Siegfried und Philip & David Chamberlain
Paperback, 760 Seiten, über 2000
Illustrationen auf 359 Farbtafeln, über 2100 Verbreitungskarten Princeton University Press
(USA), Februar 2004, ISBN 0-691-11815-9
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Birds of Eastern Africa
Collins Illustrated Checklist
von Ber van Perlo
Paperback, 224 Seiten, 96 Farbtafeln, fast
1500 Verbreitungskarten Collins Publishers (UK),
September 1995, ISBN 0-00-219937-8
Verleger: "The only field guide to
illustrate every bird species you will see in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia and Socotra Island.
1487 species are illustrated in colour. For many species the female or juvenile is shown in addition to the
adult male. Any races or colour forms have also been included. Informative notes on each species are
conveniently placed opposite the illustrations. The text describes key identification features, the bird's
usual habitat and the sound it makes. Each species has a map showing where it can be found and how common it
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern
(Großbritannien) oder (Deutschland). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Birds of Eastern Africa
Princeton Illustrated Checklists
Verleger: "This is the only pocket
guide to all the known birds of eastern Africa, an area nearly half the size of the contiguous United States
and including Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, and Yemen's Socotra Island. Drawing on
almost two decades of visits to the region, Ber van Perlo offers a concise reference whose 96 color plates
and accompanying text describe all 1487 species birders might see, including some of the most colorful
anywhere on earth - from ostriches to albatrosses, boobies and cormorants to vultures, lovebirds, parrots,
parakeets, cuckoos, kingfishers, bee-eaters, starlings, waxbills, weavers, and many more. Each plate
illustrates similar species and subspecies while the facing pages feature precise, pithy entries summing up
physical traits, behavior, habitat, and voice. Distribution maps show the range and frequency of each
species. This is an indispensable guide for all birders, amateur and professional alike, who have given
thought to exploring the ornithological wealth of this part of Africa."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Birds of Kenya and Northern
Tanzania Helm Identification Guides
von Dale A. Zimmerman (Text & Illustrationen), Donald A. Turner (Text), David J. Pearson (Text), Ian Willis (Illustrationen) & H. Douglas Pratt (Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 752 Seiten,
Farbillustrationen auf 124 Tafeln, Schwarzweißillustrationen, 1058 Verbreitungskarten Christopher
Helm (Publishers) (UK), Juli 1996, ISBN 0-7136-3968-7
Synopsis: "Birds of Kenya and
Northern Tanzania treats the 1,114 species found within this region. Moreover, as many of these are
widespread in eastern Africa, the book's effective coverage is much greater, including 90% of the 1,040
species recorded in Tanzania, 85% of Uganda's 1,004 species, and a majority of those in southern Ethiopia,
Somalia and Sudan. The 124 colour plates and numerous line drawings illustrate every species (all but nine
depicted in colour), and the comprehensive text provides full details on description, vocalization, habits
and status and distribution, and for 1,058 species there is an up-to-the-minute distribution map. No other
book on Africa's birds covers a regional avifauna in such depth and with such detailed illustrations. Birds
of Kenya and Northern Tanzania is a major step forward in African ornithology and the definitive guide
to East African birds."
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern
(Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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