Synopsis: "Kenya is situated astride
the Equator and is one of the most beautiful countries in Africa. From the idyllic white beaches of coral
sand, facing the Indian Ocean, to the snowfields at the top of Mt Kenya more than 5000 metres above sea
level, it is a land of great diversity, wild landscapes and abundant wildlife. The flora too is very varied.
Among the trees and shrubs of the forests and bush and in the extensive grasslands, nearly three hundred
different kinds of orchids can be found. This is the first book devoted to the orchids of Kenya. It deals
with all the epiphytic species, the lianes in the genus Vanilla, and finally the terrestrial kinds. They are
all described in a logical and comparable way. Approximately two-thirds of the species are illustrated in
colour, many of them in close-up. An important chapter describing the work on orchid conservation at the National Museums of Kenya,
in Nairobi, is also included. The text describes each species, where it grows in Kenya, and when it flowers.
Other countries in Africa where each can be found are also mentioned. For each of the 50 genera there are
historical notes and distribution data as well as hints on cultivation. Keys to the genera and species are
provided. In conjunction with the photographs and descriptions, these keys will enable everyone with an
interest in these fascinating plants to identify those they find in Kenya today. The book will also be
useful to orchid enthusiasts living in or visiting other parts of Africa because many of the species are
widespread in the continent. Growers of African orchids in many other parts of the world will find the
wealth of information it contains invaluable."
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(Großbritannien). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Upland Kenya Wild Flowers (2nd Edition) A Flora of the Ferns and
Herbaceous Flowering Plants of Upland Kenya
Synopsis: "A completely revised and
updated edition of this flora (which was first published in 1974) designed to complement Beentje's Kenya
Trees, Shrubs and Lianas. Covering the area over 1000m in altitude (excepting a small part of the Rift
Valley), it describes and keys over 3300 plant species, and illustrates over 1000 on the 175 plates."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Großbritannien) - oder bei NHBS
(Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Rückentext: "The beauty and almost
infinite variety of our wild flowers is one of the greatest pleasures for the traveller in Kenya. This book
is the result of many years and thousands of miles on safari with visitors from all over the world who have
shared the joy of discovering them."
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Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
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