Verleger: "This atlas describes the
geographical distribution, abundance and seasonality of all bird species which were observed in the 180,000
km² of Mozambique south of the Save River during the period 1980 to 1998. It complements The Atlas of
Southern African Birds, and uses the same quarter-degree-grid scale. The atlas fills one of Africa's
ornithological black holes, providing the essential information on which initiatives to conserve the
avifauna of the region should be based. It is intended furthermore to serve as a prototype for an adequate
description of the status of an African state with few experienced observers and minimal infrastructure in a
short space of time. Contains maps and illustrations."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei NHBS
(Großbritannien). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
The Birds of Southern Mozambique (2nd Edition)
von Phillip A. Clancey
Paperback, 2. Auflage, 312 Seiten, 49
Farbtafeln, 6 Fotos, 39 Karten
African Bird Book Publishing (Südafrika), September 1996, ISBN 0-620-19918-0
Synopsis: "New revised and updated
edition of A Handlist of the Birds of Southern Mozambique, first published in 1970-71. More an
avifauna than a field guide, it provides distribution (with maps), range and habitat preferences for all
recorded species. In addition, there are new illustrations of species, a gazetteer of place names, and
indices of generic and specific names."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Großbritannien) - oder bei NHBS
(Großbritannien). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Birds of the Maputo Special
Reserve, Mozambique
Bright Continent Guide 2
Verleger: "The Maputo Special Reserve
is one of the most beautiful and, at the same time, poorly known conservation areas in southern Africa. The
large variety of habitats, ranging from mangrove forest, tidal wetlands, large treeless grassplains to dense
sandforest, support an impressive diversity of bird species. The Maputo Special Reserve, 800,000 ha in area,
lies in the southern corner of Mozambique; the tourism infrastructure is being steadily improved through the
Lubombo Spatial Development Initiative. The booklet provides information on the 331 species already recorded
in the reserve, and guidance on the best birding areas within the reserve. Contains colour photographs, line
drawings, tables and maps."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Südafrika) - oder bei NHBS
(Großbritannien). Oder suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
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