Autor: "Whilst compiling this book -
the third in a series of field guides about the plant life of the Namib Desert - I struggled to decide which
area to cover. Strictly speaking, the northern Namib extends way into Angola. However, due to the long years
of political unrest, hardly any plant collections have been undertaken in that remote part of the Namib and
as a result our knowledge of its plants life is very limited. Consequently, in this book I focus on the
northern Namib within Namibia which is accessible to most visitors. Well over a decade of ecological
research and environmental assignments have given me the opportunity to study the Namib's fascinating flora.
I would like to share some of this knowledge with others interested in the Namib's environment and plant
life. There are very few plants that are solely restricted to the area covered in this guide. There are many
plants in the central Namib which also occur in the northern Namib. Since I tried to avoid repetition
between this guide and that on the central Namib, if what you are looking for is not covered in this book,
it may well be found in Wild flowers of the central Namib."
Informationen zu der Arbeit von Antje
Burke erhalten Sie bei Enviro Science.
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei NHBS
(Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Synopsis: "This full-colour, glossy
book is the first photographic field guide in Namibia. It covers wild flowers of the southern Namib. The
pocket-size, attractive book includes plants which occur in the area around Luderitz, Aus, Rosh Pinah and
Oranjemund, i.e. the "Sperrgebiet" and surroundings. It also includes some plants of the Namib
sand sea, northwards to Sossusvlei. Focussing on those plants most commonly seen by visitors, there are
descriptions of 52 plant species, organised according to main growth forms. The text is illustrated with 2
colour maps and 57 delightful line drawings. Well over 110 colour photographs depict the selected plant
species, providing overall appearance and close-ups of flowers and other characteristic plant parts.
Beautiful full-page photographs show the breath-taking landscapes and habitats of the southern Namib. The
author has taken an ecological approach and provides a narrative introduction to the environment and rich
plant life of this desert. Seven textboxes give additional interesting information throughout the book.
These explain some fascinating ecological adaptations, relate the peculiarities of the southern Namib
environment and describe some interactions between plants their environment."
Informationen zu der Arbeit von Antje
Burke erhalten Sie bei Enviro Science.
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei NHBS
(Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für mögliche andere Bezugsquellen bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Wildspore /
Wildfährten / Game Spoor in Namibia (3rd
Verleger: "The Namibian veld is more
rewarding when you can read the signs! This book helps the visitor make sense of the varied animal spoor to
be found. All notes, animal names and the index are in English, German and Afrikaans."
Verleger: "Seit geraumer Zeit schon
war die zweite Auflage dieser kleinen Spuren- und Fährtenfibel vergriffen. Nun aber hat während der gerade
vergangenen Jahre eine stattliche Zahl von Farmern sich auf die Jagd zu Erwerbszwecken ein- und umgestellt.
Die Gesetzgebung verlangt, daß solche Farmer eine Prüfung ablegen müssen bevor sie als Jagdführer oder
Berufsjäger auftreten dürfen. Möge die hier vorliegende etwas verbesserte dritte Auflage weiterhin bei
der Identifizierung der zahllosen Fußabdrücke und Fährtenbilder in Busch und Veld helfen."
Sie dieses Buch beim Namibiana
Buchdepot (Deutschland). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für mögliche andere Bezugsquellen
bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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