& Buschtagebücher aus Zentralafrika - in Englisch
The Forest People
von Colin M. Turnbull
Gebundene Ausgabe, 300 Seiten, 12
Schwarzweißfotos & 3 Karten auf 12 Tafeln Simon & Schuster
(USA), 1961
Klappentext: "The Forest People
is a book about the Pygmies of the Congo. Its author, Colin M. Turnbull, is a young anthropologist who lived
among them for three years, not as a clinical observer from the outside world, but as a friend, learning
their customs and sharing their ancient life. In this book he writes about his friends - their
hunting parties, their nomadic camps, their love affairs. He describes their ceremonies: the molimo,
in which the Pygmies sing to the Forest, praising it for its kindness and generosity; the elima, in
which the young Pygmy girls come of age; the nkumbi circumcision rites, in which the villagers of the
surrounding non-Pygmy tribes attempt to assert their authority over the Pygmies, whose Forest home they dare
not enter. Above all, in this book, the reader feels the strength of the bonds that link dissimilar peoples
in companionship."
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Synopsis: "An account of adventures
in the Belgian Congo by the director of the Frankfurt Zoo with trenchant thoughts about the increase of man
and the decrease of animals."
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The Okapi
Mysterious Animal of Congo-Zaire
von Susan Lyndaker Lindsey, Mary Neel
Green (Illustrationen) & Cynthia L. Bennett, Vorwort von Jane Goodall
Verleger: "Congo-Zaire contains
Africa's largest remaining tracts of intact rain forest, making it one of the most important regions for
biodiversity conservation. Its Ituri Forest is home to plants and animals native to nowhere else on earth,
including the elusive and little-known okapi. In this popularly written book, three long-time observers of
the okapi present a complete, contemporary natural history of this appealing relative of the giraffe. They
recount its discovery by European explorers and describe its appearance and life cycle. They also discuss
current efforts to preserve the species, both in the wild and at zoos around the world. Illustrated with
charming line drawings, The Okapi will be a valuable resource for conservationists and zoo visitors
alike-indeed anyone fascinated by the mysterious animal of Congo-Zaire."
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Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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