Paperback, 329 Seiten, 463 Farbfotos, Tabellen Jacana Media (Südafrika),
Juni 2005, ISBN 1-77009-096-7
Rückentext: "How does the elephant's
trunk work? Is the cheetah really the fastest animal? Why do oxpeckers sit on mammals? What leaves white
marks on grass stalks? This groundbreaking publication answers all those everyday questions about mammals
and birds that are prompted by visits to the bush. It fills the gap in the existing literature by being an
authoritative, all-in-one guide that caters to laymen, enthusiasts and field guides alike. The result is a
book that presents the fundamentals of our wildlife in a comprehensive, yet easily understandable and
user-friendly fashion by means of both photographs and text."
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The Besieged Desert
War, Drought, Poaching in the Namib
Klappentext: "North-west Namibia is a
desert - rugged, utterly uncompromising, frequently beautiful and always fascinating. It comprises two
adjoining tribal homelands, Damaraland and Kaokoland, and until recently was virtually untouched by the
intrusive influence of the technological age. Here live great herbivores such as elephants, rhinos, and
giraffe, in an environment unlike any other in Africa. Living amongst them are Himba pastoralists, a tribe
that time has left behind. The author joined the area's resident ecologist Garth Owen-Smith, to see for
himself what has happened here. This book deals with the people they met and the wildlife encountered - it
tackles the problems caused by the war between the South African Army and the Swapo guerillas which has
spilled over into this area; the poaching that is going on there, and the effects of a crippling five-year
Rückentext: "Remember, in Damaraland we're not just talking about any wild animals. These are desert
elephants and rhinos, for God's sake. The combination of those species and that environment is not found
anywhere else in the world. You can't tell me that ecologically and aesthetically they aren't a priority,
that they're not worth saving. What a waste, what a loss to science and the world if they're allowed to pass
from the scene at this stage, when it's still within our power to do something about it. (Garth
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Cry of the Kalahari
Seven Years in Africa's Last Great
Synopsis: "In 1974, carrying little
more than a change of clothes and a pair of binoculars, two young Americans, Mark and Delia Owens, caught a
plane to Africa, bought a third-hand Land Rover, and drove deep into the Kalahari Desert. There they lived
for seven years, in an unexplored area with no roads, no people, and no source of water for thousands of
square miles. In this vast wilderness they met animals that had never seen humans before. They would wake in
the morning to find lions sleeping beside them; leopards, giraffes, and brown hyenas were regular visitors
to the camp. But the Kalahari isn't Eden, and Mark and Delia Owens were continually confronted with danger
from drought, fire, violent storms, and even from the animals they loved."
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Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Eye of the Elephant An Epic Adventure in the African
Synopsis: "After being expelled from
Botswana for writing their controversial best seller, Cry of the
Kalahari, Delia and Mark Owens set off on a journey across Africa, searching for a new Eden. They found
it in the North Luangwa Valley of Zambia, an area the size of Delaware with no roads, no buildings, and no
people. Hippos and crocodiles swam in the rivers, lions stalked the bush, and elephants wandered into camp
to eat the fruit of the marula trees. But the peace and quiet were soon shattered by gunfire; poachers were
killing a thousand elephants a year. When they learned that the people in the villages around the valley
depended on poaching to survive, Delia and Mark became a one-woman, one-man economic development team,
helping villagers start sewing and woodworking shops, fish farms and grain mills, all the while trying to
convince them that in the long run wildlife could be worth more alive than dead. But some of the big
commercial poachers decided that the Owenses should die, and Delia and Mark's battle to save the elephants
turned into a fight for their own lives."
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The Eye of the Elephant (Reissue)
An Epic Adventure in the African Wilderness
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Harmless People
von Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
Gebundene Ausgabe, 282 Seiten, 24
Schwarzweißfotos auf 16 Tafeln, 1 Karte, 2 Stammbäume Borzoi Books/Alfred A. Knopf
(USA), Mai 1959
Klappentext: "The Harmless People
is a book about a mysterious people and the vast and terrible sweep of dry bush desert in which they live.
The Kalahari Desert is all low sand dunes and great plains, flat, dry, a hostile country of thirst and heat
and thorns. Here the African Bushmen live or perish, on the thin edge of survival. They are a naked, hungry
people, slight of build and yellow-skinned. The only feature they have in common with their Negro neighbors
is their peppercorn curly hair. They have developed the art of invisibility, and conceal themselves from all
but their friends. They live by precarious hunting and by digging watery roots, and death is always near.
They survive because they try to repress possessiveness and jealousy, sharing what they have. Their children
must be among the happiest anywhere. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas was a member of an expedition which, under
the auspices of the Peabody Museum of Harvard, went three times to the Kalahari, spending there about two
years in all. This book deals with the last expedition, whose members had come to know the Bushmen
well and learned many strange and intimate things concerning births and deaths, hunting and tracking,
marriage, religion, and great ceremonies. The Bushmen became individuals to Mrs. Thomas. Who will not be
moved by the unremitting labor and devotion of Twikwe, delighted by the inexhaustible humor of Lazy Kwi, or
amused by the vanity of Beautiful Ungka, the girl with the flaming past? Mrs. Thomas is not a scientist, but
a very gifted writer. Although this beautiful and exciting book offers valuable anthropological information,
it is more art than science."
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Klappentext: "In the 1950s Elizabeth
Marshall Thomas became one of the first Westerners to live with the Bushmen of the Kalahari desert in
Botswana and South-West Africa. Her account of these nomadic hunter-gatherers, whose way of life had
remained unchanged for thousands of years, is a ground-breaking work of anthropology, remarkable not only
for its scholarship but for its novelistic grasp of character. On the basis of field trips in the 1980s,
Thomas has now updated her book to show what happened to the Bushmen as the tide of industrial civilization
- with its flotsam of property rights, wage labor, and alcohol - swept over them. The result is a powerful,
elegiac look at an endangered culture as well as a provocative critique of our own."
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