Unlocking the Secrets of GPS Receivers
Get the Most from Your GPS Receiver
by Learning Basic Map Reading, Setting up a GPS and Navigating in Hiking, Off-Road & Marine Environments
von Andrew St. Pierre White
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 60
Minuten + 45 Minuten Bonus
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0) International Motoring
Productions (Südafrika), 2003, ISBN 0-9584701-1-1
Synopsis: "GPS receivers can be
frustrating and potentially hazardous when used in the wrong way. Break down the technology barrier by
learning how to combine GPS receivers with traditional map reading and plotting. 4x4 author, Andrew St.
Pierre White teams up with Kevin Bolton of GPS Consultants
and John Rich of Stoney Ridge to bring
you an informative training program so that you can get the most out of your GPS. Learn about: map reading,
working with different maps, setting up a GPS, datums, using pages, using routes, street by street, and
straight-line nav. Plus GPS Buyer's Guide."
Kaufen Sie
diese DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Kalahari.net (Südafrika).
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