Verleger: "Justine Shapiro's journey
begins in the cosmopolitan city of Cape Town on the west coast of South Africa. She visits Robben Island,
where President Nelson Mandela was held for 18 of the 27 years he spent in prison. She speaks to an
ex-political prisoner who lived in the cell opposite to Mandela for 7 years. The townships in Cape Town are
the scene of much history and political strife. Justine explores a Cape Town township and visits a Sanoma -
a South African faith healer. From Cape Town Justine heads east on board the Trans Karoo Express, through
the lush wine regions north of Cape Town, then into the arid landscape known as the Great Karoo. She stays
with an Africaan family in Laingsaburg and rides an ostrich in Oudtshoorn. After going deep sea fishing in
Coffee Bay on the Wild Coast, Justine arrives in South Africa's third largest city, Durban. Once a white
enclave, Durban's streets now reflect a wide variety of cultures. It has always been home to the largest
Indian and Pakistani community in South Africa, and the Kavadi festival in February where devotees celebrate
the Hindu God Muruga by allowing their bodies to be pierced all over. Later, Justine hangs out with the
young Durban surfers and meets the National Surfing Champion Shane Thorn, before having a go at surfing
herself. The next destination is the Zulu homeland north of Durban, where she attends a Zulu ritual and
talks with a young Zulu about the history of this warrior tribe. Justine journeys on into the mountain
kingdom of Lesotho. A country in itself, it has its own language, culture and currency. The people of
Lesotho are known as Basotho and Justine attends a puberty initiation ceremonies for the young teenage boys
of the tribe. From Lesotho Justine travels north-west through Lesotho, and back down to the South African
border, reaching Ficksburg and Rustlers Valley. Here she stays with a hippie community and experiences a sound
journey. Kruger National
Park has the greatest variety of animals of any game park in Africa and Justine gets to see the big
five: elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo and rhino. Finally Justine ends her journey in the township of
Soweto, Johannesburg. She lived in South Africa as a child and returns to visit her nanny, Linda, who she
has not seen since the age of 10. Justine has a tearful reunion with Linda, who is surprised and delighted
to see her after so long."
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Africa and Lesotho (UK, 1998) Lonely Planet Travel
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