von David Martin (Fotos) & Phyllis Johnson (Redaktion)
Paperback, 68 Seiten, 53 Farbfotos, 6
African Publishing Group (Simbabwe) für Tanzania National Parks
(Tansania), Dezember 2002, ISBN 1-77901-144-X
Synopsis: "An illustrated guide to Tarangire
National Park. Contents: Introduction; Geology & Environment; People & History; Tarangire's
Future; Routes & Small Mammals; Large Mammals; Birds; Facilities/Where to Stay; Checklists; Further
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien) oder beim Africa Book Centre (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine
Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Tourist Travel & Field
Guide of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area
von Veronica Roodt
Paperback, 192 Seiten, 14 Farbkarten,
über 500 Farbfotos, Farb- & Schwarzweißillustrationen, Farbdiagramme Papyrus Publications
(Südafrika), Mai 2005, ISBN 0-620-34191-2
Einführung: "The aim of any map,
travel guide or field guide book is to improve the tourist's experience by offering concise, accurate and
easy-to-use information. Weight and space restrictions often limit the number of books one can carry. It
thus makes sense to combine detailed maps, travel information and a photographic field guide into one
publication. This book consists of the following: A map of the whole area and 12 detailed satellite maps of
all tourist areas. The first section consists of a travel guide with information on how to get there, where
to stay, road conditions, best season to visit and climate. It also includes detailed maps and background
information on the history, people, topography, geology and archaeology. The second part consists of a field
guide that includes check lists and over 500 photographs of the plants, animals, birds, reptiles, amphibians
and insects one is most likely to see. The text provides information on the nutritional value and medicinal
uses of plants, habitat preferences of large mammals as well as interesting animal and bird behaviour. A
comprehensive index for easy reference is at the back of the book. The main objective of this book is to
promote this incredible part of Africa, to stimulate an interest in nature and inspire more and more people
to visit the Ngorongoro
Conservation Area - one of the most beautiful and unique natural phenomena left on earth."
The Tourist Travel & Field
Guide of the Serengeti National Park
von Veronica Roodt
Paperback, 192 Seiten, 14 Farbkarten,
über 500 Farbfotos, Farb- & Schwarzweißillustrationen, Farbdiagramme Papyrus Publications
(Südafrika), Mai 2005, ISBN 0-620-34190-4
Einführung: "The aim of any map,
travel guide or field guide book is to improve the tourist's experience by offering concise, accurate and
easy-to-use information. Weight and space restrictions often limit the number of books one can carry. It
thus makes sense to combine detailed maps, travel information and a photographic field guide into one
publication. This book consists of the following: A map of the Serengeti National Park
plus 9 detailed satellite maps of all tourist areas. The first section consists of a travel guide with
information on how to get there, where to stay, road conditions, best season to visit and climate. It also
includes detailed maps and background information on the history, people, topography, geology and
archaeology. The second part consists of a field guide that includes check lists and over 500 photographs of
the plants, mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians one is most likely to see. The text provides information
on the nutritional value and medicinal uses of plants, habitat preferences of large mammals as well as
interesting animal and bird behaviour. A comprehensive index for easy reference is at the back of the book.
The main objective of this book is to promote this incredible part of Africa, to stimulate an interest in
nature and inspire more and more people to visit the Serengeti National Park -
one of the last true natural treasures left on earth."
Udzungwa Mountains National Park
Into Africa Travel Guides
von David Martin (Fotos)
Paperback, 64 Seiten, Farbfotos,
African Publishing Group (Simbabwe) für Tanzania
National Parks (Tansania), 1999, ISBN 1-77916-004-6
Synopsis: "An illustrated guide to Udzungwa
Mountains National Park, describing geology, climate and the wildlife of the region."
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.co.uk
(Großbritannien) oder beim Africa Book Centre (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine
Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Synopsis: "Concentrating exclusively
on Zanzibar and Pemba, this fifth edition brings every aspect of travel on the islands up-to-date, from
sourcing hotels to creating an individual itinerary from the selection of landmarks, markets and activities
detailed in the guide. It includes background on the history and culture of the islands - with coverage of
festivals, markets, arts and crafts - a thorough section on land and marine wildlife and a guide to the
architectural treasures of Stone Town. The guide includes practical information on getting to Zanzibar and
island transport links, and hotels, guesthouses and restaurants for all budgets, as well as a comprehensive
range of essential information including health, watersports and the Swahili language."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.com (USA), Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Zanzibar: An Essential Guide
von Mame McCutchin (Text) & Javed Jafferji (Fotos)
Synopsis: "A guide book to Zanzibar
with chapters on its history and culture, the beaches, shopping, diving and boating, Stone Town, eating and
drinking, and island tours. Illustrated with colour photographs and maps. Includes listings for
accommodation, tour companies and other essential information."
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.co.uk
(Großbritannien) oder beim Africa Book Centre (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine
Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Zanzibar: Spice Islands
Into Africa Travel Guides
von David Martin
Paperback, 160 Seiten, 98 Farbfotos, 19
Duotonfotos, 4 Duotonillustrationen, 5 Farbkarten
African Publishing Group (Simbabwe), August 2000, ISBN 1-77901-139-3
Synopsis: "Comprehensive guide to the
islands with information on the people, landscape, culture and history. Contents: Introduction; Geology
& Environment; The Land; The Sea; History; Culture; What to See; Animals, Reptiles & Birds;
Traveller's Advisory; Further Reading."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika) - oder beim Africa Book Centre (Großbritannien). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Verleger: "Aah, Zanzibar... that land
of allure. The name alone conjures images of mystery, the aromas of spices and the charm of the humble dhow.
Zanzibar also boasts some of East Africa's most glorious and unspoiled coastlines. It speaks of the romance
of lazy languid days spent soaking the sun on palm-lined beaches and taking to warm tropical azure waters to
dive and snorkel. But beaches are not all Zanzibar has to offer. The Insider's Guide takes you on a
journey through an archipelago that has one of the most vibrant economies in the region and is home to a
thriving arts and cultural scene. The Insider's Guide also gives you invaluable insight into the life
of the Zanzibari people and the Swahili culture, offers practical details on the various accommodation
options and great shops in Stone Town, and wonderful insider tips on where to find the best arts, crafts,
festivals and music on your travels."
Kaufen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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