4 DVDs in Box, Regionalcode 1,
NTSC-Format, 540 Minuten
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 1,85:1 Letterbox
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 5.1) Warner Home Video
(USA), September 2001, 76007-8, ISBN 0-7922-8429-1
Synopsis: "From National Geographic
Television and Thirteen/WNET New York, Africa
is a groundbreaking eight-hour series captured over two years of filming in 11 countries. This epic series
presents Africa through the eyes of its people, conveying the diversity and beauty of the land and the
compelling personal stories of the people who shape its future. Africa contains eight hours plus
one-hour bonus program, The Making of Africa: Episode 1: Savanna Homecoming
Witness the splendor of East Africa's golden plains in this story of two women and their journeys between
bustling cities and rural landscapes. Through these personal tales, set against a backdrop of age-old animal
migrations, you'll experience urban and traditional life in the magnificent land known as the cradle of
humankind. Episode 2: Desert Odyssey
Examine the harsh beauty of the Sahara desert through the eyes of a nine-year-old boy as he embarks on his
first camel caravan. Following time-honored Tuareg tradition, the boy and the men of his village make a
1,500-mile, six-month trek that provides an opportunity for commerce and serves as a voyage of discovery. Episode 3: Voices of the Forest
The dense, mysterious rain forest of Central Africa's Congo River Basin is home to the Baka people and a
complex variety of plants and animals. But the logging of its old-growth timber by outside interests could
endanger the rain forest itself, threaten Baka villages, and have an adverse impact on a local business. Episode 4: Mountains of Faith
Discover Ethiopia's rugged beauty and ancient traditions in a tale tracing the lives of two ambitious young
men on the brink of manhood. Follow a precocious entrepreneur on his annual pilgrimage from the cosmopolitan
capital to a time-honored celebration in his family's rural village. Then join another young man as he
embarks on a spiritual journey deep in the Horn of Africa. Episode 5: Love in the Sahel
Near the edge of the desolate and wind-swept Sahara, two young men participate in age-old rituals guided by
nature's complex rhythms. But despite their different backgrounds, both youths have the same goal: to make
successful passage into manhood and become full-fledged members of their respective communities. Episode 6: Restless Waters
In the midst of Africa's fertile heartlands, on Lake Victoria, the continent's largest lake, a man is about
to risk his family's savings for a chance at a better future. Meanwhile, 500 miles away, in the Kilombero
Valley, another family's fortune is at the mercy of the elements. Episode 7: Leopards of Zanzibar
On the sunny island of Zanzibar, off Africa's eastern coast, an amateur soccer team has qualified to compete
in a championship match on the mainland. But in a place still tied to the past, these men, who make their
living from the sea, discover that keeping pace with modern changes can help them reach their goal. Episode 8: Southern Treasures
Since apartheid's dramatic downfall in 1994, South Africans from all walks of life have embarked on a
remarkable journey in search of a new future. Witness their efforts and challenges through the eyes of a
young women seeking new careers, miners struggling in a changing industry, and indigenous peoples reclaiming
a storied past.
DVD Bonus: The Making Of Africa
Get a behind-the-scenes look at the adventurous three-year effort behind the making of the epic series Africa."
Umfangreiches Begleitmaterial zu dieser
TV-Serie finden Sie bei PBS: Africa.
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