Verleger: "Filme der BBC Wildlife
Specials. Jede Dokumentation ist ein Meisterwerk an einfallsreicher Darstellung mit erfahrenen
Kameramännern und neuester Film-Technik. Grundlage ist der aktuelle Stand der wissenschaftlichen
Forschung." Leopard (UK/USA 1997, 45 min.)
Produzent: Amanda Barrett & Owen Newman
Kamera: Owen Newman
Moderation: David Attenborough (engl. Fassung)
Musik: Xian Vassie, Gasper Lawall, Langford & Robert Chulu
Eine BBC
(UK) Produktion in Zusammenarbeit mit WGBH/Boston
Verleger: "Der geheimnisvolle Jäger der Nacht hat sich lange Zeit den Blicken entzogen. Er ist die am
wenigsten erforschte Großkatze Afrikas. Mit der neuesten Kamera-Technik ist es gelungen, zwei Leoparden in
Sambias Luangwa Valley zu beobachten. Es ist ein faszinierender Einblick in das Leben dieser eigenwilligen
Einzelgänger." Krokodil (UK/USA 1997, 45
Produzent: Karen Bass
Kamera: Richard Kirby
Moderation: David Attenborough (engl. Fassung)
Musik: Nigel Beaham-Powell & Bella Russell
Eine BBC
(UK) Produktion in Zusammenarbeit mit WGBH
Verleger: "Es ist das einzige Reptil, das seit der Zeit der Dinosaurier überlebt hat. So alt sie auch
sein mögen, Krokodile sind immer noch die erfolgreichsten Jäger in ihrem Lebensraum. Erst jetzt entdecken
wir ihre ganze Welt unter und über Wasser, Tag und Nacht - und staunen über ihre perfekte
Sie diese DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen
und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland).
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 50
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 16:9 Letterbox
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0) Wildside Aquavision TV
Productions (Südafrika), Januar 2003, ISBN-13 9780-620-34012-0
Cover: "This is an incredible place
where predators thrive, and in particular - where the apex predators of the river meet the most powerful
predators of the ocean. Kosi Bay is a beautiful estuarine system found in Southern Africa, a series of four
lakes linked by clear water channels which finally enter the Indian Ocean some 18 kilometres later. This is
the story of a young crocodile that travels from his nursery down through the estuarine system, past the
mangroves with their peculiar varieties of predators, drawn on by the lure of huge schools of spawning
mullet who are heading to the sea. There he meets his rivals, the Zambezi sharks! Will he make his epic
journey and return safely, or will he fall victim to Predator Bay?"
Synopsis: "Join a 'crocodile safari'
to meet the Nile Crocodile, 'designed' nearly 100 million years ago and yet today still inhabiting nearly
all major rivers in Africa. It can reach nearly 18 feet in length, it's a powerful swimmer and often attacks
its prey from underwater. See its cunning methods of catching wildebeest and zebra as they drink at Kenya's
Mara River; its dramatic interactions with rival predators, lion and hyena. Explore the legends surrounding
one of the few animals on earth which targets humans as prey. Meet attack survivors who tell of their
life-and-death struggles with the notorious River Dinosaur."
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Die Möglichkeit zum Kauf eines gebrauchten (used) Videos bieten Bwana Mitch's Partner (Großbritannien) und (Deutschland).
Troubled Waters
(SA, 199?) Londolozi Productions
Produzent: John Varty
Produziert von Londolozi Productions (SA)
Synopsis: "The Nile crocodile is one
of the supreme aquatic predators in Africa. It has remained unchanged for millions of years yet many of its
behavioural habits remain a mystery. Filming underwater, Troubled Waters reveals the crocodile's
perfect adaptation to its aquatic environment. This extraordinary film draws our attention to the integral
role rivers play in Africa's eco-system and in particular one river, that rises in the Mau Forests and
eventually feeds Lake Victoria: the Mara River. Troubled Waters records the brave attempt of
migrating herds of zebra and wildebeest to run the gauntlet of the crocodile-infested Mara River in Kenya.
In one of the most extraordinary sequences ever filmed, twenty-two gazelles are massacred by crocodiles,
while blindly following the lead female into the treacherous waters. The river's influence extends beyond
its banks where hungry predators lie in wait and adversity is nature's way of eliminating the weak. This
documentary shows how rapidly life-support systems like rivers are failing. The Nile Crocodile has survived
in African rivers for over 100 million years, yet in the last 100 years the human species has polluted,
damaged and sucked dry many of the rivers of Africa, critically affecting not only aquatic life but the very
existence of man."
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Die Möglichkeit zum Kauf eines gebrauchten (used) Videos bieten Bwana Mitch's Partner (Großbritannien) und (Deutschland).
The Ultimate Guide: Crocodiles (UK/USA, 1999)
Discovery Channel
Regie: Steve Gooder
Produzent: Steve Gooder
Kamera: Dave Allen, Alex McPhee, Justin Maguire & Jordan Klein
Ton: John Bradley, Eric Fever, Jeff Price & Kaye Armstrong
Sprecher: Will Lyman
Musik: Nigel Beaham-Powell & Bella Russell
Produziert von Green Umbrella Productions
(UK) für Discovery Channel (USA)
Cover: "These are the world's largest
reptiles, and crocodiles must surely rank among the most spectacular of nature's predators. They can strike
without warning from point-blank range, delivering sixteen tons of crushing force in the blink of an eye.
But hidden behind the serrated jaws and steely gaze is another, more intriguing story. From the tiniest
blood vessels to the mightiest monster, the Ultimate Guide follows the crocodile story down the
microscope and back through time. Prepare to sit back and learn the secrets of one of nature's oldest and
most successful designs."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Südafrika).
The Whole Story: Crocodiles & Snakes
Wildlife Stories
DVD, Regionalcode 0 (weltweit),
PAL-Format, 102 Minuten
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 1,78:1 Letterbox
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0) Delta Music (UK),
August 2002, 82266, EAN 4006408-82266-0
The Whole Story, Episode 3: Crocodiles (SA/NL 2000, 50 min.)
Regie: Ann Strimling & Garth Lucas
Produzent: Ann Strimling & Garth Lucas
Kamera: Owen Prümm; Richard Williams & Grant Nelson
Ton: Mark Phillips
Sprecher: Peter Terry
Musik: Sue Grealy
Eine Talking Pictures (SA)
& Off The Fence (NL)
Produktion für Discovery Networks
Europe (UK), Discovery Networks
International (USA) & RTV Family Entertainment (DE)
Cover: "Africa's crocodiles face stiff competition for their food. Fortunately for them, they are
blessed with an even greater variety of prey. Over millions of years, these two factors have honed them into
versatile, opportunistic hunters - master predators from the age of the dinosaurs." The Whole Story, Episode 6: Snakes (SA/NL 2000, 52 min.)
Regie: Ann Strimling & Garth Lucas
Produzent: Ann Strimling & Garth Lucas
Kamera: Owen Prümm; Richard Williams & Grant Nelson
Sprecher: Peter Terry
Musik: Sue Grealy
Eine Talking Pictures (SA)
& Off The Fence (NL)
Produktion für Discovery Networks
Europe (UK), Discovery Networks
International (USA) & RTV Family Entertainment (DE)
Cover: "Through the ages, snakes have symbolized not only evil, but also wisdom, health and life - a
constant source of both revulsion and fascination. Silent - and only sometimes deadly - snakes come in one
basic shape, but a wide range of sizes. Whether they are small as a pencil or tall as a pillar, the world's
2,500 snake species have slithered their way around the world - and may soon conquer other worlds as well.
NASA scientists are working on robotic snakes that can negotiate even the toughest extraterrestrial terrain.
Masters of disguise, stealth and sophisticated weaponry, snakes may well have a thing or two left to teach
us, once we have uncovered The Whole Story."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Deutschland). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland) oder Kelkoo UK.
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