Operation Lemur with John Cleese (UK/USA, 1998)
In the Wild
Regie: Justine Kershaw
Produzent: Sarah Williams
Kamera: Mike Eley, Luke Hallam, Gavin Thurston & Warwick Sloss
Ton: David Welch
Moderator/Sprecher: John Cleese
Musik: Debbie Wiseman
Eine Tigress (UK)
Produktion für Meridian (UK) in
Zusammenarbeit mit Thirteen/WNET (USA)
Cover: "The man who brought us the
'dead parrot sketch' and the irascible Basil Fawlty has a life long interest in the lemurs of Madagascar.
Recently, Cleese raised money to enable the release of five lemurs (known as the Carolina Five) into the
wild. But then he took on a much harder task. Follow Cleese as he sets out on a three week trek into the
jungles of this Indian Ocean island. He comes nose to nose with the island's dinosaur-like chameleons,
discusses football with a troop of ringtailed lemurs, bounds through the forests with dancing sifakas &
shares dinner with the intimidating aye aye. The expedition by plane, train and jeep, takes him to the
Betampona Reserve on the trail of the five lemurs that he helped release. But these animals don't stay too
long in one area. If the project is found to be a success, then many more lemurs could be released, and the
pressure is now on Cleese to at least catch a glimpse of his favourite creatures In the Wild."
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