The Silent Hunter (SA, 1986) Londolozi
Regie: Duncan McLachlan
Produzent: John Varty
Kamera: John Varty, Duncan McLachlan, Chris Lomax & Marc Lucas
Ton: Neil Thain
Sprecher: Malcolm Gooding & John Varty
Musik: Joe Willis & Denny Lallouette
Produziert von Londolozi Productions (SA)
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 51
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0)
GTV/Nu Metro Home Entertainment (Südafrika), April 2005, LZNDVD-005, EAN 6003285-12514-1
Cover: "The Silent Hunter took
wildlife cameraman John Varty five years to film. It documents how he and his trusted friend Elmon Mhlongo
develop a unique and deep understanding with a family of wild leopards. The film is groundbreaking in that
it has played a major role in revealing the mysteries of Leopard behaviour. John Varty and Elmon Mhlongo
spent nine years following and learning the intimate details of this Silent Hunter."
Sie diese DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Südafrika).
Der Sohn des Leoparden (NL/USA,
1996) [The Leopard Son]
Regie: Hugo van Lawick
Produzent: Hugo van Lawick & Tim Cowling
Kamera: Hugo van Lawick, Matthew Aeberhard, Anton van Munster, Geert de Bruin & Robert Poole
Ton: Karen Hoy, Pepijn Aben, Chris Renty & Zaburi Msuya
Sprecher: Sir John Gielgud (engl. Fassung)
Musik: Stewart Copeland
Eine Nature Conservation Films
(NL) & Discovery Channel Pictures
(USA) Produktion
Cover: "Eine Tierdokumentation mit
Spielfilmcharakter, in der Hugo van Lawick über zwei Jahre lang eine Leopardin und ihr Junges in der Serengeti beobachtete und
daraus einen abenteuerlichen Film produzierte. Erleben sie die Höhen und Tiefen im Leben des kleinen
Leoparden. Von der Geburt bis zum erwachsen werden muss er die harte Schule des Lebens meistern. Mit
witzigen und tragischen Momenten. In der in den USA gezeigten Kinoversion fungiert John Gielgud als
Synopsis: "The Leopard Son is a fable for all time. It's the true story of the birth, growth and
coming of age of a leopard cub in Africa's Serengeti plain. Filmed
by acclaimed naturalist the late Hugo van Lawick, it is the tale of the lessons of life a child learns at
his mother's side so that it will be able to find his own place in the world."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland).
Stalking Leopards
National Geographic
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 54
Minuten + 29 Minuten Bonus
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Next Video (Südafrika), 2003, SNGD 022, EAN 600966321-366-0
Stalking Leopards (SA/USA 2001, 54 min.)
Produzent: Kim Wolhuter
Kamera: Kim Wolhuter; Jeff Morales, Dale Hancock & Richard Slater-Jones
Ton: Dale Hancock
Sprecher: Keith David
Musik: Cotrell-Mangum Music
Eine National Geographic
Television (USA) Produktion
Cover: "On South Africa's Mala Mala Game Reserve,
predator and prey maintain an uneasy balance. This remarkable film documents one young male leopard's fight
for survival and his place in the community hierarchy. One hundred and fifty pounds of strength, the
four-year old male leopard, Tjololo, stalks his meals with liquid smooth movements. But keeping his catch
from the hyenas and lions that share his domain will require tough lessons and more than a few heated
confrontations. Hyenas approach as he rushes to tree a freshly killed carcass, and Tjololo soon learns that
success can be a matter of inches. Stalking Leopards is an intimate chronicle of Tjololo's journey into
adulthood: claiming territory, fighting old rivals, mating and killing. For Tjololo, amidst Africa's wild
cast of lions, water buffalo, hyenas, elephants, and impalas - the only way to walk is proudly and
Extra Feature: Nights with Leopards [Making Of] (SA/USA 2001, 29 min.)
Produzent: Richard Slater-Jones & Kim Wolhuter
Kamera: Richard Slater-Jones; Kim Wolhuter & Jeff Morales
Ton: Dale Hancock
Sprecher: Lance Lewman
Musik: Williams/Biondo Music
Eine National Geographic
Television (USA) Produktion
Synopsis: "For more than a year now, one man has spent almost every night filming the life of one of
the world's most elusive and dangerous predators - the leopard. Nights with Leopards follows Kim
Wolhuter into the bush as he trails a young male leopard he calls Tjololo. Wolhuter goes where the action
takes him to tell a story for which there is no script. For the Wolhuter family, a camp in South Africa's Mala Mala Game Reserve is
home. Here, Kim, his wife, Annette, and their two young daughters, Lindy and Penny, experience the freedom
of the bushveld, learning that life in the bush demands respect for the animals, the landscape - and the
weather. Summer brings the first hard rains in ten months and, through a week of heavy downpours, Kim and
fellow filmmaker Dale Hancock struggle to stay on Tjololo's tail. As the rain continues, the Sand River
swells to its highest level in living memory, almost forcing the Wolhuters to abandon camp - and limiting
the amount of time left for filming Tjololo."
Informationen zu Kim Wolhuter und seinen
Filmen erhalten Sie bei Kim Wolhuter.
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Südafrika).
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