Produzent: Dereck Joubert & Beverly
Kamera: Dereck Joubert
Ton: Beverly Joubert
Sprecher: Keith David
Musik: John Bryant & Frank Hames
Produziert von Wildlife
Films Botswana (BW) für The National
Geographic Society (USA)
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 67
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Next Video (Südafrika), 2003, SWFD 004, EAN 600966321-461-2
Cover: "In the early eighties three
magnificent male lions marched into Savute in Northern Botswana, and the area changed forever. For the next
three years, they dominated, fighting off other males, mating with the resident females and protecting their
pride of lionesses and new cubs against any threat. One young cub the Joubert's called 'Tau' (Simply meaning
'lion' in Setswana) soon becomes the focus of the story and it is through his eyes that the complex society
of a lion pride is revealed. Intermixed with the narration of Keith David, the Joubert's are also heard
explaining some of their own feelings while getting to know the lions, living out their lives with them and
witnessing the trials and hardships, joys and delights of lion life. The story deals with male lions in
three critical phases of their lives, an intense study of male lion in a way that reveals the entire life
cycle of lions. The film runs slightly longer than normal at 70 minutes. Watch as lions stalk the night,
battle with hyenas for the possession of carcasses and bring down gigantic buffalo in contests that last for
hours. These are not only socially complex societies but also truly the masters of the African night. They
are also the very symbols of Africa in our minds, their behaviour inspires and intrigues us as it has for
millions of years."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD direkt bei Wildlife
Films (Südafrika).
Lions of the African Night (SA/USA, 1987)
National Geographic
Produzent: David Hughes & Carol Hughes
Kamera: David Hughes & Carol Hughes
Ton: David Hughes
Sprecher: Richard Kiley
Musik: Mike Trim & Helen Hurden
Eine National Geographic
Society (USA) Produktion
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 52
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Next Video (Südafrika), 2002, SDHD 003, EAN 600966321-221-2
Cover: "More than three years in the
making, Lions of the African Night reveals the savage secrets of Africa after dark. As night descends
on the bushveld, a pride of 30 lions begins its nightly search for prey. Baboons snuggle in tree tops,
big-eyed apes leap from limb to limb, and the chorus of the small creatures adds to the drama of the
nocturnal hunt. Lions of the African Night will surprise you with a startling look at the behavior of
lions as the pride stalks wildebeest, warthog, and zebra in the struggle to fight off hunger, their constant
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Südafrika).
Andere DVD-Ausgabe
Lions of the African Night ist
enthalten in National Geographic Box Set 3: PAL :
The Lion's Share (NL/UK/USA, 1996)
Discovery Channel
Produzent: Patrick Morris
Kamera: Sophie Buck & Gus Christie
Ton: Chris Renly, Pepijn Aben, Karen Hoy & Zaburi Msuya
Sprecher: Brenda Vaccaro
Musik: Guy Michelmore
Produziert von Nature Conservation Films
(NL) für Survival Anglia (UK) &
Discovery Channel
Pictures (USA)
Cover: "Renowned wildlife
cinematographer Hugo van Lawick examines the social behaviour of a pride of lions in Africa's Serengeti National Park.
The pride is the core of lion society, consisting of female relatives and their cubs, guarded and dominated
by one or more lions. This episode shows how the sisterhood copes with it's neighbours, deals with male
suitors, raises it's cubs and tackles it's prey."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Südafrika).
Lions with Anthony Hopkins (UK/USA, 1993)
In the Wild
Regie: Mike Fox
Produzent: Jeremy Bradshaw
Kamera: Hugh Maynard & Philip Millard
Ton: Fraser Barber & Mike Lax
Moderator/Sprecher: Anthony Hopkins
Musik: Nigel Beaham-Powell & Bella Russell
Eine Tigress (UK)
Produktion für Meridian (UK) in
Zusammenarbeit mit Thirteen/WNET (USA)
Cover: "It is said in Africa that
when a lion roars, a ruler is born. For centuries, man has been in awe of these majestic, powerful animals.
Now, Oscar winning star Anthony Hopkins follows the route of the pioneering safaris, first by rail from the
coast of Tanzania to Arusha, near Kilimanjaro,
then by foot. Hopkins meets the legendary Maasai, a majestic people who dominate the crater highlands of the
country. The Maasai have a love hate relationship with the lions, who raid and kill their cattle by night.
By day, it is a different story. Although it is illegal to kill a lion except as self defence, for the
Maasai, it is a sign of manhood to kill the 'King of the Beasts'. From the spectacular expanse of the Serengeti, to the
breathtaking extinct volcano of Ngorongoro,
Hopkins learns of the lifestyle and habits of this magnificent cat. He learns of the family ties that are
rigorously followed, and the violent, often brief reign of the lion In the Wild."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Deutschland). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland) oder Kelkoo UK.
Lions: Kings of Africa [Lion: Africa's King of the Beasts](NL/USA,
Explore the Wildlife Kingdom
Produzent: Michael Rosenberg & Gil
Kamera: Gil Domb, Hugo van Lawick, Alastair MacEwen & Sophie Darlington; David Houghton
Ton: Marguerite Smits van Oyen
Moderation: Grant Goodeve
Musik: Misha Segal
Original-Produktion von ABC/Kane Productions (USA)
Cover: "No film has ever captured the
true nature of the king of beasts like Lions: Kings of Africa. Wildlife cinematographers spent an
entire year living among a lion pride in the Ngorongoro
Crater in Northern Tanzania where three generations - cubs, adolescents, and leaders - revealed their
fascinating royal lives. The crater is a natural enclosure that supports zebra, wildebeest, buffalo and
other lion prey. In this fantastic setting you'll witness adolescents learning the art of hunting, the
introduction of newborn cubs to the pride, the struggle for survival during the dry season, and many other
rare images of birth, life and death in the pride."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (USA). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei A Movie Area (USA).
Lions: Spy in the
Den (UK/USA, 2001) BBC Wildlife Specials
Regie: John Downer
Produzent: Neil Nightingale
Kamera: Michael W. Richards & Geoffrey Bell
Ton: Paul Cowgill & Peter Davies
Moderation: David Attenborough
Musik: Will Gregory, Victoria Turner & Governors Camp Bush Band
Produziert von John Downer Productions (UK)
für BBC (UK) & Discovery Channel (USA)
Synopsis: "The Spy in the Den
of the title is Bouldercam, a motorised camera with state-of-the-art microphones disguised as a rock
covered in leaves. It was invented specifically for this project of infiltrating a pride of lions to record
their lives over a period of a couple of years. Miniaturisation in camera technology has previously allowed
presenter David Attenborough to discover the intricacies of the world's smallest denizens; it needed
something as goofily practical as this for him to get within a safe distance of nature's far more dangerous
predator. Mere inches from the growing cubs, we learn about the pecking order of their family and social
interaction on a South African plain. As the females do all the hunting, we see the subtleties of stealth by
turning paws on their side for a softer stalking sound. During a marathon mating season of more than 150
times in three days, we learn of the male's adaptation of the biting neck lock to keep the female placid.
There are dozens more of these intimate observations that add to what was already a fascinating creature's
lifestyle. Two years of material has been condensed into a tantalising hour documentary that will leave you
hungry for more."
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Die Möglichkeit zum Kauf eines gebrauchten (used) Videos bieten Bwana Mitch's Partner (Großbritannien) und (Deutschland).
Produzent: Phil Coles
Kamera: Willem van Heerden & François Botha
Ton: François Botha
Sprecher: Karl Jenkinson (engl. Fassung)
Musik: Paul Stirling Taylor
Produziert von Wildside/Aquavision TV
Productions (SA) für Parthenon
Entertainment (UK)
Cover: "Löwen und Büffel - die
Herrscher über Afrikas Wildnis. Erleben Sie in Simbabwes Hwange
National Park das Zusammenleben dieser außergewöhnlichen Tiere. Nehmen Sie Teil an vom Erfolg und
Misserfolg geprägten Jagdunterricht von Junglöwen durch eine Löwenmutter, sowie an dem Leben einer
Löwengruppe. Diese Dokumentation, mit neuester Aufnahmetechnik aufgezeichnet, ist von der ersten bis zur
letzten Sekunde atemberaubend und aufregend."
Synopsis: "In Makalolo, part of Zimbabwe's Hwange
National Park, teenage lions are almost ready to leave home. They just have one vital lesson to learn -
how to kill. In Makalolo killing means taking on one of the continents most challenging prey - it's drama
all the way as they go head to horns. Lions Behaving Badly follows characters in the lion pride and compares
their social lives to members of the gregarious buffalo herds. The backdrop to their battlefield is a land
of giants - vast herds of elephants and massive sable horned antelope head a cast of Africa's finest. As the
sun burns off the last of the water we see life and death struggles in the herds. An elephant mother is
forced to abandon her crippled calf, leaving it to its fate - hungry eyes are watching and soon the killer
lions move in. This stunning blue chip special is a portrait of warfare between Africa's most iconic animals
and nature's most spectacular battles between Killer and King."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei
PreisTester (Deutschland).
Löwen: Die Könige
des Ngorongoro (JA, 1992) Wissen auf Video: Die Natur
Deutsche Fassung von The Crater Lions
in Ngorongoro.
Synopsis: "Faszinierende Aufnahmen
einer Langzeitdokumentation im Ngorongoro-Krater: Das Zusammenleben im Rudel, Aufzucht der Jungen, Jagd auf
Büffel, Zebras und Gnus, Rolle der Männchen im Rudel, Verteidigung und Ausschluß aus dem Rudel
Informationen zu Mitsuaki Iwago erhalten
Sie bei Digital Iwago.
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