Die vielfältige Tierwelt Tansanias Natur hautnah erleben
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 52
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Deutsch (Dolby Digital 2.0) Marco Polo Film,
Februar 2005, EAN 4032086-00010-6
Deutsche Fassungen von der TV-Serie Gift
of the Rains - Africa's Great Rivers.
Die vielfältige Tierwelt Tansanias [Gift of the Rains, Episode 10: Rufiji - The
Perennial River](SA/NL/UK
2001, 26 min.)
Produzent: Peter Lamberti & Stefania Lamberti
Kamera: Henry Smith & Willem van Heerden
Sprecher: Peter Terry (engl. Fassung)
Musik: J.B. Arthur
Produziert von Wildside/Aquavision
(SA) in Zusammenarbeit mit Off The Fence (NL)
& Animal Planet Europe
Synopsis: "The Rufiji River flows through Tanzania in East Africa, through the vast Selous Game Reserve
- the largest reserve in the whole of Africa. It is home to a variety of creatures such as the unique Selous
wildebeest, and is a precious
haven for endangered animals such as elephants and wild dogs. The river flows all year round, always
faithfully providing an ample supply of water. However, food is scarce for the herbivores during the long
dry season, and hippos are forced to leave the water for long periods to graze enough of the sparse
vegetation on the banks. The animals that depend on the generous river for their food, such as water
mongooses, waterbirds and crocodiles, are much less affected by the drought. The predators are also very
well fed, and winter is the wild dogs' peak breeding season, when hunting is easiest. There are two rainy
seasons in Tanzania. The first to arrive are the short rains, which only last for a few weeks and do not
bring much relief to the vegetation, as most of the water runs off without penetrating the soil properly.
The long rains finally come three months later. The Rufiji fills and the valley flourishes and blooms once
more." Grenzenlose Vielfalt - Die Tiere
des Shire-Flusses [Gift of the
Rains, Episode 7: Shire - River of Fertility](SA/NL/UK 2001, 26 min.)
Produzent: Peter Lamberti & Stefania Lamberti
Kamera: Peter Lamberti & Grant Nelson
Sprecher: Peter Terry (engl. Fassung)
Musik: J.B. Arthur
Produziert von Wildside/Aquavision
(SA) in Zusammenarbeit mit Off The Fence (NL)
& Animal Planet Europe
Cover: "Die großen Flüsse Afrikas gehören zu den Hauptanziehungspunkten der Tierwelt des Kontinents.
Einige führen selbst in der härtesten Trockenzeit noch Wasser. Einer dieser Flüsse ist der Shire. Er
fließt vom Malawi-See nach Süden, durch ein weites Tal und den Liwonde Nationalpark, ein Refugium für
unzählige Tierarten. Die Quelle ist der Malawisee, einer der tiefsten Seen. Hier gibt es mehr Fischarten
als in jedem anderen See."
Synopsis: "The Shire River is one of the few African rivers that flows steadily and peacefully
throughout the year. It flows serenely through southern Malawi, fed by the abundant waters of Lake Malawi.
The lake contains more fish species than any other lake in the world, including at least 600 types of
cichlids, small colourful fish that protect their eggs and fry in the mother's mouth. When the Shire River
leaves Lake Malawi, the Great Rift Valley is no longer a deep gorge, and the river flows placidly in a wide
valley. Winter is usually a time of drought in Africa, but the Shire is fed by the constant supply of water
from the Lake, offering a constant abundance to the birds and animals that inhabit its banks. Hippos,
crocodiles and waterbuck adorn the banks, and elephants migrate to the river during the dry season. All year
round, this is home to one of the biggest fish eagle populations in Africa. The Shire is a river of plenty
and fertility. It is a breeding haven for many creatures, from hippos to water monitors to birds such as
bee-eaters and whitebreasted cormorants."
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