DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 30
Minuten + 29 Minuten Bonus
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Next Video (Südafrika), 2002, SRGD 002, EAN 600966321-390-5
Meerkats United (SA/UK 1986, 30 min.)
Regie: Richard Goss
Produzent: Marion Zunz
Kamera: Richard Goss
Ton: Stuart Greig & Peter Simkins
Sprecher: David Attenborough
Musik: Terry Oldfield
Eine BBC (UK) Produktion
Cover: "Meerkats United is an award-winning wildlife classic from the BBC television series Wildlife
on One. Narrated by Sir David Attenborough, it contains numerous remarkable scenes including: the
meerkats giving live scorpions to their babies to teach them killing skills - the team tackling a deadly
Cape cobra - a 'gang war' with a neighbouring group - babysitters and newborn babies in their underground
den - an aerial attack by the powerful martial eagle. This highly entertaining tale of teamwork took
internationally acclaimed filmmaker and zoologist, Richard Goss, a year to film. Set in the breathtaking
panorama of the Kalahari Desert it makes enthralling viewing for all ages. Since 1982 Richard has produced a
number of award-winning wildlife films for BBC Television and National Geographic Television."
Extra Feature: Meerkats Divided (SA/UK 1996,
29 min.)
Regie: Richard Goss
Produzent: Richard Goss
Kamera: Daniel Christen
Sprecher: David Attenborough
Musik: Angela Impey & Steve Dyer
Eine Nature Vision (SA) Produktion für BBC (UK)
Cover: "Meerkats Divided, also produced for BBC and National Geographic, is a follow-up film to Meerkats
United. Filmed in the Addo Elephant National
Park it has a very different 'supporting cast'. In tracking the fortunes of Nkosi, our star, this film
reveals some contrasting, but equally intriguing, facets to Meerkat society."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Kalahari.net (Südafrika).
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