Cover: "With more than 3,000 known species around the globe - and who knows how many yet to be
discovered - beetles are the most numerous lifeform on earth. Nearly one in every three animal species is a
beetle. Equal parts aviator, woodworker, sewage disposal, strongman and athlete, the humble beetle is among
the greatest survivors the world has ever known. With their hard body armor and endless adaptability to
climate and food source, beetles have outlived the dinosaurs and are poised to conquer the 21st century. We
tell The Whole Story on these amazing arthropods."
The Whole Story, Episode 4: Spiders (SA/NL 2000, 51 min.)
Cover: "Whether small enough to fit the head of a pin, or large enough to fill a dinner plate, spiders
are amazing animals. Supreme hunters of the invertebrate world, they are the most numerous predators on
Earth. But, they are also nature's master craftsmen, fashioning exquisite webs of the finest silk - a
natural fibre so tough that it may rank with the most advanced human innovations."
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DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Deutschland). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland) oder Kelkoo UK.
The Whole Story: Beetles & Spiders ist enthalten in The Whole Story [Box Set]:
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