Living with Tigers (SA/USA, 2003) Discovery Channel
Produzent: Anton Truesdale
Kamera: John Varty & Luke Cormack
Sprecher: Thom Beers
Musik: Grant McLachlan & Wendy Oldfield
Produziert von Londolozi Productions (SA) für Discovery Channel (USA)
Cover: "Tigers are among the most
mysterious creatures on earth. Entire research projects go into the field and fail to find a single cat.
Under the auspices of universities on two continents, Salmoni's research represents a unique opportunity to
advance the science of tiger conservation. The game park at Tigermoon will allow John and Dave to observe
tiger behavior never before witnessed in the wild - their preferred prey and habitats, their routines,
habits and hunting techniques. Living with Tigers is about saving two tigers. Introducing Ron and
Julie and their amazing journey - from North America to Africa and from captivity to life in the wild. Living
with Tigers is, in effect, Tiger Boot Camp, with John Varty and Dave Salmoni serving as both surrogate
parents and drill sergeants. By the end, they had debunked one of the age-old myths of tiger conservation.
They proved that captive-bred tiger cubs can learn to survive in the wild."
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