& The Beasts: A Leopard's Story (SA/USA, 1995)
National Geographic
Produzent: Richard Goss
Kamera: Kim Wolhuter, Dale Hancock
Sprecher: James Coburn
Musik: Michael Whalen
Eine Nature Vision (SA) Produktion für National Geographic
Television (USA)
Cover: "Predator versus prey in a
deadly battle on the African plains. Leopard and warthog: Two unlikely creatures linked by fate on the
African savanna. One is predator, the other prey. This intimate film presents remarkable close-up footage of
the leopard, perhaps the wildest of the great cat, and its odd-looking neighbor, the warthog. Their parallel
lives include age-old scenes of mating, birth, and raising young. But when these lives intersect, the
outcome is always the same: The formidable leopard outranks the warthog on the food chain. The night is full
of other killers on the African plains. Leopard and warthog are just pieces of an ongoing struggle to
survive, played out at the Mala
Mala Game Reserve in South Africa. One of nature's most magnificent natural settings sets the stage for
the many dramas in Beauty and the Beasts: A Leopard's Story."
Informationen zu Kim Wolhuter und seinen
Filmen erhalten Sie bei Kim
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Beauty & The Beasts: A Leopard's Story (SA/USA, 1995)
Richard Goss Collection
Produzent: Richard Goss
Kamera: Kim Wolhuter, Dale Hancock
Sprecher: James Coburn
Musik: Michael Whalen
Eine Nature Vision (SA) Produktion für National Geographic
Television (USA)
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 83
Minuten (full version)
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Next Video (Südafrika), 2002, SRGD 001, EAN 600966321-380-6
Cover: "The leopard - a beautiful,
lethal and solitary killer. The warthog - ugly, feisty, social and fast. Two creatures, so different, yet
with a fierce, common instinct - to survive in the unforgiving African wild. As predator and prey their
lives are inextricably entwined, bound together in tooth and blood. Beauty and the Beasts is the
unique and dramatic story of two young animals. Separately they must face the challenges of life on the
savannah - the elements, marauding lions and hungry hyaenas. Finally, they must face each other, as
inevitably their paths cross with dramatic consequences."
Kaufen Sie diese
DVD bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Südafrika).
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