über Hyänenhunde (afrikanische Wildhunde)
Wild Dogs Biting Back (SA/UK, 2002)
Produzent: Stefania Lamberti
Kamera: Peter Lamberti, Jan du Toit & Willem van Heerden; Graham Cooke & Henry Smith
Sprecher: Tom Fairfoot
Musik: J. B. Arthur
Eine Wildside/Aquavision
(SA) Produktion in Zusammenarbeit mit HIT Entertainment
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 50
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 16:9 Letterbox
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0) Wildside Aquavision TV
Productions (Südafrika), Februar 2003, ISBN-13 9780-620-34011-3
Cover: "Witness the unique privilege
of being at the birth of a Wild Dog litter and discover the workings of the pack from close proximity. The
pack has more mouths to feed and need to hunt. They don't stalk their prey like other predators, instead
they run it down, often over several kilometers, until they catch up with their exhausted prey. The whole
pack help feed the growing pups, regurgitating a share of their meal. The pack is a formidable force,
collectively seeing off leopards and lions, but while hunting, they leave the den vulnerable, on a hyena
pack kill half the litter of 18. It is a cruel blow for the endangered pack, but once the pups are old
enough to join the hunt, their chances of survival improve. An intimate and fascinating study of a Wild Dog
pack in a struggle for survival highlighting their strengths and vulnerability, their behaviour and
interaction with the wildlife of Southern Africa."
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