Synopsis: "Mehr als eine Million
Büffel und Gnus ziehen Jahr für Jahr in die Serengeti. Auf ihrem
langen Marsch werden sie von Raubtieren gejagt und durchstreifen Dürregebiete und reißende Flüsse. Trotz
aller Gefahren, nehmen die Tiere den Weg auf sich, auf der Suche nach Nahrung und um ihre Jungen zu
gebären. Begleitet von dem berühmten Tierfilmer Hugo van Lawick entstand diese außergewöhnliche
Dokumentation über eines der faszinierendsten Naturschauspiele unserer Erde."
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of the Serengeti: The Wanderer's Tale (USA, 1995) Tales of the Serengeti Vol. 1
Produzent: Alan Miller
Kamera: Gil Domb
Sprecher: Michael Dorn
Eine Produktion von ABC/Kane Productions (USA)
VHS-Video, NTSC-Format, Farbe, 56 Minuten ABC Home Video (USA), Februar
1996, 2195-3
Synopsis: "Tales of the Serengeti,
a unique natural history series, presents the spectacular wildlife of East Africa enriched with engaging
stories about the men and women who live and work in this wonderful natural theater. These stories are
centered around the camp of filmmaker Hugo van Lawick at Ndutu, in the heart of the African plains. From
here the films take viewers out into the Serengeti, offering them
a front row seat to some of nature's most spectacular events. The Wanderer's Tale follows an annual
migration of epic proportions - the movement of over a million wildebeest across the plains of the Serengeti. For over 25
years, Hugo van Lawick has filmed these massive herds on their life-threatening journey. The Wanderer's
Tale tells the story of how Hugo's films are made possible and highlights the never-ending problems to
be overcome when filming in the bush."
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Wildebeest: The Great African Migration [Race for Life: Africa's Great Migration](NL/USA, 1990)
Explore the Wildlife Kingdom
Produzent: Hugo van Lawick
Kamera: Hugo van Lawick & Gil Domb; Owen Newman
Ton: Ken Capper, Marguerite Smits van Oyen & Sophie Darlington
Moderation: Grant Goodeve
Musik: Stacey Widelitz
Original-Produktion von Wildlife Productions (NL) für ABC/Kane Productions (USA)
Cover: "The great wildebeest
migration from the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya to Tanzania's Serengeti National Park
is a spectacle of life and death witnessed by few humans... until now. Baron Hugo van Lawick who made the Serengeti his home for
over 25 years, filmed this remarkable epic of survival - the greatest migration of land animals on the
planet - in vivid, riveting detail. At the start of the migration the wildebeest herd is one and half a
million strong. But, the journey is plagued with predators. Cheetahs stalk and chase the strays. Hyenas and
wild dogs shadow the herd and attack the calves. Leopards drag their kill into the trees. Lions seem to
appear from nowhere - springing from the tall grasses. And crocodiles - monsters over 20 feet long - lurk in
the shallows of the Grumeti River waiting for the thirsty herd. But just like every year, the wildebeest
complete their great African migration while birthing an incredible half a million young along the
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