Zambesi - Der mächtigste Fluß und seine Tiere Natur hautnah erleben
DVD, Regionalcode 2, PAL-Format, 51
Bild: Farbe, Bildformat 4:3 Fullscreen
Ton: Deutsch (Dolby Digital 2.0) Marco Polo Film,
Februar 2005, EAN 4032086-00011-3
Deutsche Fassungen von der TV-Serie Gift
of the Rains - Africa's Great Rivers.
Zambezi - Der mächtigste Fluss und
seine Tiere [Gift of the Rains,
Episode 2: Zambezi - The Mighty River](SA/NL/UK 2001, 26 min.)
Produzent: Peter Lamberti & Stefania Lamberti
Kamera: Peter Lamberti
Sprecher: Peter Terry (engl. Fassung)
Musik: J.B. Arthur
Produziert von Wildside/Aquavision
(SA) in Zusammenarbeit mit Off The Fence (NL)
& Animal Planet Europe
Cover: "Der Zambesi ist der mächtigste Fluß im südlichen Afrika. Ihm sprechen die Menschen einen
eigenen Geist zu. Sein Lauf ist heute gezähmt durch 2 große Dämme, der bekannteste unter ihnen ist der
Kariba Damm..."
Synopsis: "Africa's landscape is sculpted by some formidable rivers and the Zambezi is one of the
continent's mightiest. It is a river to which man has attributed a spirit of its own. It's course is marked
by the Victoria Falls - one of the natural wonders of the world - as well as two dams, of which Kariba is as
large as the country of Whales. But the heart of this formidable river lies in the Zambezi Valley, a wild
area protected from civilisation by tsetse fly infestation and the creation of two national parks that
stretch into two countries - Zimbabwe to the south and Zambia to the north. Through rain and drought, from
summer to winter the animals of the Zambezi Valley find refuge along this section of the river as well as a
guaranteed source of food and water. But these waters harbour dangers too. Crocodiles are always on the
alert for prey and beneath the surface tigerfish, like the crocodiles, are accomplished hunters. When the
summer rains come to the valley, and fill the pools of the land buffalos and elephants leave the river, but
some animals, like the resident birds and spotted-neck otters, will always rely on this river - one of
Africa's mightiest - the Zambezi." Okavango - Der wundersame Fluss
und seine Tiere [Gift of the
Rains, Episode 4: Okavango - The Miracle River](SA/NL/UK 2001, 25 min.)
Produzent: Peter Lamberti & Stefania Lamberti
Kamera: Peter Lamberti & Willem van Heerden; Brad Besterlink
Sprecher: Peter Terry (engl. Fassung)
Musik: J.B. Arthur
Produziert von Wildside/Aquavision
(SA) in Zusammenarbeit mit Off The Fence (NL)
& Animal Planet Europe
Cover: "... Der Okawango hingegen ist einer der erstaunlichsten Flüsse Afrikas: Er ergießt seine
Fluten über die gottverlassenen Ebenen der Kalahari-Wüste und bildet dabei das größte Binnendelta der
Synopsis: "One of Africa's most remarkable rivers spreads its waters over the desolate plains of the
Kalahari Desert, forming the largest inland delta on Earth, the Okavango. Fed by the summer rains that fall
over southern Angola, the Okavango River flows into the heart of the desert in Botswana. The water flows
slowly over the flat expanse of the Kalahari and fans out into shallow lagoons and wide floodplains. Water
plants germinate in the newly flooded lagoons and provide food for many water birds. At this time, several
bird species such as marabou storks and herons breed and raise their young, living side by side in
heronries. As the floodwaters recede, African skimmers also breed, hatch and fledge their brood. In the
shrinking channels of the delta, thousands of fish are chased out of hiding by barbel weaving among the
reeds. The fish are also caught by egrets, storks and herons from above. Another predator that benefits from
the barbel run is the Cape clawless otter, which preys on the barbel themselves. As the water recedes
further, the desert reclaims its land, except for a few permanent streams and lagoons. Eventually, the
summer rains replenish the Okavango, and the delta once again becomes a bountiful oasis."
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