von Microsoft Corporation, Kwame Anthony
Appiah & Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
CD-ROM, Version 3.0, PC (Pentium, Windows
95/98/NT4/2000) Microsoft Corporation
(USA), September 2000
Verleger: "Encarta Africana Third
Edition is a comprehensive and authoritative multimedia encyclopedia focusing on the history,
geography, and culture of people of African descent worldwide. Encarta, the world's #1 multimedia reference
brand, and co-editors from Harvard University's Afro-American Studies Department have joined together to
create a multimedia encyclopedia that provides the best user experience through technology-driven
innovation. With Encarta Africana, you can explore the world of black history and culture in-depth
from Africa to North America, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe."
Kaufen Sie diese
CD-ROM bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.com (USA).
Die Möglichkeit zum Kauf einer gebrauchten (used) CD-ROM bieten Bwana Mitch's Partner Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien) oder Amazon.de (Deutschland).
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