Mitch's Safari-Shop:
Naturführer für Zentralafrika,
Ostafrika & das südliche Afrika (eBooks & CD-ROMs)
Field Guides to Central, East &
Southern Africa (e-Books & CD-ROMs)
The Ultimate Field Guide for
Larger Southern African Mammals [CD-ROM]
von Cecil A. Mitchell
CD-ROM, Version 1.6, PC (Windows
95/98/Me/2000/XP/NT4), HTML-Format (Internet Explorer 4-kompatibel) Safari Media Africa (Südafrika), März 2002, ISBN
Verleger: "The Ultimate Field
Guide has no gimmicks and no advertising - just tons of detailed African mammal information. You will
get comprehensive species information for your African safari quickly and easily. Discover 100 spectacular
southern African mammals. See detailed species information instantly at the click of your mouse: full-color
photographs; Safari Club International
and Rowland Ward minimums
and maximums; Afrikaans, Zulu, Shona and Tswana species names; quick reference conservation and activity
icons; species description; visible male/female differences; habitat and distribution; diet; reproduction;
behavior and habits; sounds; front and hind species tracks; dung photographs for easy identification; field
sign. You will be able to identify any larger southern African mammal quickly and easily using the unique,
world-first identification keys: identify species with the Silhouette Identification Key; identify species
with the Track Identification Key; identify species with the Dung Identification Key. Find all mammal
species endemic to certain area with the amazing Distribution Matrix. Get information instantly with the
sophisticated search function. Easy to use, based on web conventions. Dig into a gold mine of information
with 5,000 hyperlinks for cross-reference. Available for Windows 95 and better and Internet Explorer 4 and
up and all other web-enabled devices."
Kaufen Sie dieses
eBook bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Safari Media Africa (Südafrika).
Zoo Guides: Mammals of Africa (1999 Edition) [CD-ROM]
Zoo Guides Volume 3
CD-ROM, Version 3.0, PC (486, Windows
3.1/95), Macintosh (68030) REMedia (USA), 1999
Synopsis: "Mammals of Africa
is an interactive multimedia encyclopedia on the wildlife of Africa and features video from cinematographer
Jeff Freeman shot on location in Africa, together with photographs from award-winning travel photographers
Ann and Carl Purcell. Other photographs have been taken from the San Diego Zoo's extensive archives.
Animated sequences show mammal adaptations including digestion, skeleton and reproduction, and detailed
narrations describe the characteristics of the different orders and families of mammals. Information on
Africa's different habitats is given, including detailed habitat and relief maps which can be printed in
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