The End of the Game (New Edition)
The Last Word from Paradise
von Peter Beard
Paperback, Neuausgabe, 288 Seiten, über
300 Duotonillustrationen Chronicle
Books (USA), August 2000, ISBN 0-8118-2881-6
Klappentext: "In 1961, newly
graduated from Yale, Peter Beard settled in Kenya on land adjoining the farm of Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen).
Thus began a special relationship, not only with the woman who was one of the most eloquent chroniclers of
life in East Africa, but also with the people and animals of the continent. In The End Of The Game,
Beard documents the history and future of African wildlife. It is a big story, dramatically told and
illustrated with over three hundred contemporary and historical photographs as well as dozens of paintings
by Karen Blixen's house steward, Kamante Gatura. Focusing on the widespread destruction of the African
elephant, Beard tells of the enterprisers, explorers, missionaries, and big-game hunters whose quests for
progress and adventure were to change the face of Africa forever. These include Theodore Roosevelt; Ernest
Hemingway; Denys Finch-Hatton, the romantic hero of Out of Africa;
legendary game warden J.A. Hunter; and railway engineer J.H. Patterson, who became famous as the pursuer of
the Man-Eating Lions of Tsavo [The
Man-Eaters of Tsavo]. The End of the Game is a classic work, one that explores the intricate and
complex relationship between man and animals, and how both struggle to adapt to their changing environments.
It is not always a happy story. But it is an important one. The End of the Game is not a book
you will soon forget."
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Ethiopia Photographed Original Photographs from
1860 to 1936
Verleger: "Following the very
successful Ethiopia Engraved, an illustrated book of engravings by foreign travellers from 1681 to
1900, Ethiopia Photographed covers the period from the inception of photography in the country up to
the Italian Fascist invasion in 1936. The people, terrain, buildings and rulers of Ethiopia - such as
Emperor Menelik, Lej Iyasu and Emperor Haile Selassie - make it a highly photogenic country, as this
lavishly illustrated book reveals. Situated in lofty, often inaccessible mountains between the Red Sea and
the Blue Nile, and extending far into the Horn of Africa, it is a complex and mysterious country which has
always exercised an extraordinary fascination for the outside world. The book begins with an introduction
which gives a brief history of Ethiopia in this period, and describes the role of photography at this
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Hector Acebes: Portraits in
Africa, 1948-1953
von Hector Acebes (Fotos), Isolde Brielmaier (Text) & Ed Marquand (Text)
Verleger: "Photographing with the box
camera his father had given him, Hector Acebes noticed as a teenager in the 1930s that his pictures of
friends and family were consistently sharper and more carefully composed than those taken by his
schoolmates. This innate talent, combined with solid training in engineering and an attraction to adventure,
eventually grew into a long and productive career as a documentary and industrial filmmaker. It is Acebes's
still photographs from his travels in the late 1940s and early 1950s throughout Africa and South American,
however, that may become his most important legacy. With the respect they command for the individuals who
appeared before his lens, these recently rediscovered images attest to Acebes's photographic gift. They
offer a valuable resource for scholars and students of local societies and cultures in Africa and South
America, yet their importance reverberates far beyond the classroom. Today, Acebes's images are recognized
as fine art - works of beauty and grace that showcase the photographer's technical ability and masterful
compositional skills. Even more evident are the confidence and respect he established with his subjects -
qualities that shine through to elevate his work beyond the documentary. Acebes's portraits offer our jaded
imaginations a fresh look at people, cultures, and experiences that have changed dramatically over the past
fifty years. We see individuals, families, and communities set among monumental architecture, busy markets,
and broad landscapes, all viewed from the passionate perspective of a young man, curious and captivated by
the vigorous energy and beauty of what he saw. This book presents the exquisite work of Hector Acebes for
the first time in monograph form. Over ninety striking images are richly reproduced in duotone. Ed Marquand,
director of the Hector Acebes Archive,
introduces Acebes in a brief biography. Isolde Brielmaier, a noted art historian of African photography,
places Acebes's African work in the context of other photographers shooting in Africa at the time. She also
discusses the qualities of Acebes's work that distinguish his photographs today. Hector Acebes is now in his
eighties and lives in Bogota, Colombia."
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In and Out of Focus
Images from Central Africa, 1885-1960
Synopsis: "This book accompanies an
exhibition at the National Museum of African
Art, Smithsonian Institution, on the role of photography in Central Africa. This is the first book to
link two related themes: the role of photographic images in constructing and circulating fantasies, ideas,
and sentiments in Europe and the US relating to the peoples of Central Africa; and the role of photography
in enabling Africans to project images of themselves by becoming familiar with photographic technology.
Broad in thematic and temporal scope, the book focuses on several time periods, especially on the years
before and between the two world wars."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (USA), (Großbritannien), (Deutschland) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Klappentext: "Bartle Bull's Safari:
A Chronicle of Adventure is the first history of the great African safari. It is the story of 150 years
of the ultimate adventure, from the first safari in 1836, as Cornwallis Harris walked across the Transvaal
with his double-barrelled rifle and ox-wagon, discovering the hunter's Garden of Eden, to the last of the
great professional hunters, as they struggle today to carry on their tradition in the swamps of Tanzania and
the high forests of Ethiopia. Vivid, personal, original, Safari tells the tale of William Cotton
Oswell, who taught Dr. Livingstone how to survive in the bush, of the lonely, eccentric elephant hunters of
the 1890s, of Denys Finch Hatton and Isak Dinesen [Karen Blixen], Beryl Markham and Bror Blixen, of the
grand safari of Theodore Roosevelt, who conserved even more game than he shot, and of Frederick Courteney
Selous, the greatest white hunter of them all and the model for Rider Haggard's Allan Quatermain. It tells
the story of the splendid animals the hunters have stalked from the Cape to Somaliland, of the African
trackers and gunbearers who make every safari possible, and of the clients, from the Prince of Wales and
Winston Churchill to Ernest Hemingway and Ava Gardner. It brings alive the camp fires of Africa, where
poachers and game rangers, adventurers and pioneer photographers, share the crystal African night with the
grunting of lion and the shadows of all the great hunters who have gone before. Safari examines the
ethic of hunting and the apparent dilemma of the hunter-conservationists. Against a background of tribal,
colonial and wildlife history, it documents developments in weapons and transport, in game control and
conservation, and it reveals the attraction that has never changed, the magical freedom, beauty and
excitement of the African bush."
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Collectors' Edition
Surviving the Lens
Photographic Studies of South and
East African People 1870-1920
von Michael Stevenson & Michael
Gebundene Ausgabe, 144 Seiten, 50
Schwarzweißfotos Fernwood Press
(Südafrika), Oktober 2001, ISBN 1-874950-59-8
Verleger: "Historians, public
galleries and collectors have in recent years started re-viewing photographs of African people taken during
the colonial period for their aesthetic merits as well as their historical significance. However, the images
that originated in south and east Africa, which form the focus of this book, have not received the same
attention as those from west and central Africa. The 50 photographic portraits presented in this book,
most of them unpublished, were taken in east and south Africa between 1870 and 1920, the period of high
European imperialism in the region. Selected from the authors' own extensive collection, these compelling
images were created in studios and in the field, and show people carefully positioned in rustic makeshift
outdoor settings and indoors with theatrical backdrops and props. There are formal images by professional
photographers as well as more casual 'snapshots' by amateurs intended as visual souvenirs. Mainly the work
of Europeans living in Africa, the images chosen for inclusion reveal an enigmatic intensity and develop and
unfolding poignancy with each viewing, offering a view of the humanity of the subjects that transcends the
boundaries of history, class and culture. Where possible the photographs are reproduced the same size as the
originals and each is accompanied by a caption containing detailed information about the image. A
comprehensive introductory essay illustrated with full-page details from the selected images discusses the
changing approaches to historical photographs and the various complex factors that influenced their
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Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 1-874950-60-1 (?), limitierte Auflage von 50 signierten numerierten Exemplaren 1-50, ½ in
Leder gebunden, Schuber).
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