Thomas Baines: An Artist in the
Service of Science in Southern Africa
Paintings from the collections of the
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew and the Natural History Museum, London
accompanying the exhibition held at Christie's
von Michael Stevenson (Redaktion), Thomas Baines (Illustrationen)
Synopsis: "Published by Christie's,
this book formed part of the first major exhibition held in London in August 1999 that focused on Thomas
Baines' lifelong interest in the natural history of southern Africa. The exhibition was curated by Michael Stevenson
from the extensive, but little-known collections of Baines' work held by the Royal Geographical Society, the
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
and the Natural History Museum in
London. The original works, presented to these institutions by Baines, have seldom been exhibited and are
lavishly reproduced in this volume. Essays on Baines by specialist writers deal with the artist's passion
for botany, astronomy, geology, ethnography, photography, cartography, zoology and ornithology. Extensive
appendices with transcripts of the artist's letters, archived at the institutions, are included in this
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Thomas Baines: Eastern Cape
Sketches, 1848-1852
The Brenthurst Press Second Series
Vol. 7
von Jane Carruthers (Text), Thomas Baines (Illustrationen)
Gebundene Ausgabe, limitierte Auflage von
850 Exemplaren (Standard Edition), 210 Seiten, 112 Farbillustrationen, über 65 Duotonillustrationen,
1 Duotonfoto, 1 Karte The
Brenthurst Press (Südafrika), 1990, ISBN 0-909079-45-5
Klappentext: "Thomas Baines is well
known in southern Africa as a mid nineteenth-century traveller and explorer, artist and diarist. Yet so
prolific was he, that despite the large number of books and articles about him and regular exhibitions of
his work, many of his water-colour and pencil sketches have never been seen by the general public. In this
book are gathered some of the artworks from The
Brenthurst Collection relating particularly to the years from 1848 to 1852 which Baines spent in the
Eastern Cape. The sheer visual delight afforded by Baines's pencil and water-colour drawings is the major
reason for this publication. The sketches are spontaneous and intimate pieces, and were done to fix in the
artist's mind the light which played on the hills, or the architecture of a village, or the posture of a
reclining figure. They are integral to Baines's technique as an artist-recorder and are considered in
conjunction with the journals he kept of his visits to the Eastern Cape. However, the text is not merely
descriptive or annotatory: it places Baines within the context of his time and contributes to an
understanding of the artist as a Romantic, an imperialist and a multi-talented man; it also sets the scenes
he so deftly sketched, within a modern historical perspective. In his days, the writings, paintings and
adventures of Thomas Baines were overshadowed by those of other travellers and explorers. What Baines had to
say in pen and paint appeals to the modern world in a way in which others - so popular in their own time -
often do not. A more humble, less self-righteous, and perhaps more contradictory character than some of his
leading contemporaries, Baines is today appreciated for capturing with insight the spirit of the Africa that
he knew and experienced."
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Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als De Luxe
Edition (ISBN 0-909079-46-3, limitierte Auflage von 125 numerierten Exemplaren
1-125, ½ in Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Presentation Edition (ISBN 0-909079-46-3,
limitierte Auflage von 25 numerierten Exemplaren A-Y, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
The Victoria Falls - Zambesi River
Sketched on the Spot by Thomas
Baines, F.R.G.S.
Facsimile reprint of the 1865 edition with additions
Rhodesiana Reprint Library
von Thomas Baines, Einführung von Louis W. Bolze
Gebundene Lederausgabe in Pappbox, 39 x 59
cm, 38 Seiten, 11 Farbillustrationen (davon 10 ganzseitige), 1 Duotonfoto, 1 Schwarzweißillustration Books
of Rhodesia Publishing Company (Rhodesien), Dezember 1969
Faksimile-Nachdruck von The Victoria
Falls - Zambesi River, Sketched on the Spot during the Journey of J. Chapman & T. Baines (England,
Einführung: "Thomas Baines who
reached the Victoria Falls in 1862 in company with James Chapman was the first artist to look upon and paint
this great river wonder. His folio of 10 chromolithographs, with illustrated title page and descriptive
notes appeared in London in 1866 - the first-ever book of wholly Rhodesian content to be published. Happily,
the majority of these historic and unrivalled canvases are preserved in this country. ... In Cape Town, he
[Baines] linked up with James Chapman who planned to reach the Victoria Falls via Lake Ngami and travel
down-river to the Zambesi mouth. He sailed for Walvis Bay in March, 1861 and, after a most harrowing journey
across the waterless desert during which their cattle died of lung-sickness and they were menaced by
treacherous Hottentots and Damara tribesmen, they came to the Victoria Falls on 23rd July, 1862. For the
next 12 days Baines explored and sketched the Falls and made extensive geographic observations while Chapman
took photographs. ... The sketches done at the Victoria Falls were painted as opportunity offered. View 4
was completed at Daka on the Rhodesia-Bechuanaland border on 1st September, 1862, which ranks it as the
first modern picture painted in Rhodesia. Views 2 and 6 were finished at Logier Hill [Rhodesia] on 29th
October and 11th December, 1862, respectively, and 'Zanjueelah' at the house of Mr. Andersson at Otzimbengue
[South-West Africa] on 9th November, 1863. The paintings were exhibited at Cape Town before being sent to
London where, under the sponsorship of the Royal Geographical Society,
they were published on 12th January, 1866 - not on 4th October, 1865, the date given on the folio. There
were 'plain' and 'coloured' editions, the former being in pale sepia and the latter going through several
printings for the addition of tints. Extra colour was added by hand. The facsimile reprints were printed
from colour transparencies of the folio reproductions kindly provided by the National Archives of
Rhodesia and made from two different copies of the 'coloured' edition. Artistically the original book
was regarded as the most impressive of Baines' publications, despite the limitations of chromolithography.
But the subscription list was meagre and instead of receiving profits Baines had to pay for his presentation
copies. The original of all these paintings, except Views 2, 5, 10 and 11, are on exhibition in the National Archives of
Rhodesia; Views 2 and 10 hang in the Bulawayo Club, and View 11 is with the Royal Geographical Society. The
whereabouts of View 5 is not known to the publishers. ... (L.W.B. [Louis W. Bolze])"
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Wildlife in Africa
von John Guille Millais
Gebundene Ausgabe, limitierte Auflage von
750 numerierten Exemplaren 1-750, 48 Seiten, 9 Farb- & 11 Schwarzweißillustrationen Safari Press (USA),
Juni 2006, ISBN 1-57157-194-9
Nachdruck von Wildlife in Africa
(England, 1928).
Verleger: "John G. Millais is well
known as one of England's preeminent wildlife painters. Born in a Victorian era family of artists and
hunters, he wrote and illustrated some of the finest hunting books ever. Now for the first time since 1928
when John Millais printed a very small run for private distribution, Safari Press has faithfully reproduced
his Wildlife in Africa, a coffee-table type book consisting of twenty plates depicting African game
scenes. Eleven of the plates are in black and white and nine are in color. Antiquarian book experts feel
that there were likely less than 100 copies originally printed. Safari Press is now reprinting this very
rare Millais work in a limited edition of only numbered 750 copies. Using very heavy paper stock, like the
original, the quality of the reproduction is excellent. The subjects of Millais' brush and pen are mostly
lions, elephants, rhino, buffalo. In addition he depicts hippo, sable, giant eland and water hole scenes in
East and Southern Africa. A magnificent work that is sure to be a collectors item once this edition sells
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