Verleger: "Spectacular photographs
highlight some of Namibia's top tourist attractions, among them the dramatic Fish River Canyon, the
hauntingly beautiful Namib Desert with its shifting dunes, eerie ghost towns such as Kolmanskop, the
bustling capital of Windhoek whose architecture is testimony to the country's German history, and the
world-renowned Etosha National Park with its diverse wildlife. Also featured is Namibia's varied population,
which includes the Herero people with their striking Victorian-type dress, the semi-nomadic San and Himba,
and the Kavango people known for their traditional fishing methods. Informative captions are in English,
French and German."
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Synopsis: "Traveling thousands of
miles across vast deserts, Margaret Courtney-Clarke has photographed the remote and seldom-seen landscapes
of Africa's magnificent and delicate environment, where nature wages an ongoing struggle to survive. Places
in the Sand portrays unfolding dunes blown constantly by the wind, dreamlike roads that lead nowhere,
the fragile cracked ground stretching endlessly toward the horizon. Born and raised on a ranch at the edge
of the Namib Desert, Courtney-Clarke's photographic work reflects an extraordinary blend of sophisticated
European and ancient African cultures as well as an innate love for and instinctive understanding of the
eternal beauty of the land. In Places in the Sand, she turns a nostalgic and knowing eye to the
landscape, creating evocative slivers of panoramas in which earth touches sky, poetic images of abandoned
shacks engulfed by sand and time, and jewel-like shots framing textures, majestic colors, and forms."
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durch Namibia
von Mohamed Amin (Fotos), Duncan Willetts (Fotos) & Tahir Shah (Text)
Verleger: "Endlose Wüsten, schroffe
Felsen und atemberaubende Schluchten, bizarre Pflanzen und eine Fülle wild lebender Tiere: In mehr als 150
eindrucksvollen Aufnahmen präsentiert dieser Band Namibia, ein Land der Naturwunder. Wenn das Licht der
untergehenden Sonne die Sanddünen des Sossusvlei in warmes Rot taucht und die schwarzen Silhouetten der
Köcherbäume sich wie Scherenschnitte vom Abendhimmel abheben, geht eine unvergleichliche Faszination von
der archaischen, kargen Schönheit Namibias aus. In Text und Bild handelt das Buch aber auch von der
kolonialen Vergangenheit des Landes, das einmal das deutsche »Südwestafrika« war. Es zeigt die baulichen
Spuren dieser Zeit in Windhoek, Swakopmund, Lüderitz und der einstigen Diamantschürferstadt Kolmanskop und
porträtiert die Bevölkerung Namibias, wie Herero, Himba und San (»Buschmänner«), deren Schicksal auf
unterschiedliche Weise durch die Geschichte geprägt ist. Von der Hauptstadt Windhoek aus geht die Bildreise
über das Damaraland mit seinen geheimnisvollen Felszeichnungen, durch den wildreichen Etoscha-Nationalpark
ins Kaokoveld, die Heimat der Himba. Von dort führt der Weg an die lebensfeindliche Skelettküste und durch
die Dünen der Wüste Namib, die dem modernen Staat seinen Namen gab."
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Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland).
Verleger: "Thomas Dreschler has spent
a great deal of time photographing Namibia over the years and this is a selection of some of his most scenic
shots of this wild and rugged land. They range from the Skeleton Coast and the sand dunes of the Kalahari in
the South through to the marvellous wildlife of Etosha, and also feature the peoples of this arid but
beautiful land. In these evocative photographs, Dreschler has captured the very essence of Namibia."
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
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Skeleton Coast
von Amy Schoeman, Janet Lautenbach (Illustrationen)
Klappentext: "The Skeleton Coast of
Namibia - once an area for seafarers to fear and shun because of its treacherous coastline flanked by
bone-bleaching desert wastes - is now prized as a place of beauty and tranquillity, a place of magnificent
solitude. Although its legendary mineral wealth has acted as a powerful magnet for explorers, prospectors
and miners, few have been privileged to visit the area, so that its mystery remains largely intact. Not only
does this book cover the area in depth for the first time, but its outstanding photographs capture to the
life the many forms, colours and moods of its ever-changing landscape. The story of its geology and its
minerals, as well as that of the richly diverse plant and animal life, sets the scene for the tales of
shipwrecks - the Dunedin Star, Montrose and Suiderkus, to name but a few - and of man's
disastrous experiences in this wilderness area. Amy Schoeman traces the pattern of its history, from the
early Portuguese explorers, such as Diego Caô, to the many mining ventures of this century and the
formation of the area into a protected park in 1971. The Skeleton Coast Park extends from the Kunene River
in the north of Namibia to the Ugab River near Cape Cross in the south. Although it is one of the more
recent and lesser-known parks in Africa, it is undoubtedly high on the list of the world's most unusual,
captivating and scenically beautiful areas. The reader can share in experiencing its strange beauties
through the visual feast presented in this magnificent book."
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Synopsis: "This revised edition
includes a new selection of the author's photographs."
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The Skeleton Coast
A Journey through the Namib Desert
von Benedict Allen (Text & Fotos) & Adrian Arbib (Fotos)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 224 Seiten, 66
Farbfotos, 1 Farbkarte BBC Books (UK), Januar
1997, ISBN 0-563-37181-1
Klappentext: "'The Skeleton Coast',
where the Namib Desert meets the Atlantic Ocean in south-western Africa, is named after the bleached bones
and scattered remains of shipwrecks washed up on its shore. This coastline, obscured by mist, is one of the
most desolate yet hauntingly beautiful places left on earth. For three months, explorer Benedict Allen, and
three camels, attempted to cross this remote desert landscape, the first time the journey has been permitted
by any government of Namibia. Allen prepares for his expedition with the Himba people from the northern
reaches of the Namib. Submerging himself amongst these resilient, cattle-herding nomads, he begins to see
this severe land as less of a threat and more of a home. He then travels south to the Kalahari Desert where
a gruelling three-week training period begins as he attempts to mould his reluctant camels - Nelson, Jan and
Andries - into a workable team. At the start of his journey, at the closed diamond-mining town of Oranjemund
in the extreme south of Namibia, Allen is escorted by security personnel through the Forbidden Zone. He then
continues north past ghost towns and the wrecks of numerous ships towards the treacherous 'Lange Wand' where
he confronts his biggest obstacle - a stretch of the coast where the incoming tide meets colossal dunes.
Continuing alone through mile upon mile of unforgiving desert, Allen enters lion and rhino country where a
prime concern is the risk of a sudden attack. As he battles on to the last leg of the journey, he struggles
to maintain control of his nervous but faithful camels. Benedict Allen recorded his journey with a video
camera for the BBC television series The
Skeleton Coast, which this book accompanies."
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