Verleger: "Africa's wild cats have
long been a focus of interest, fascination and intrigue among travellers and wildlife lovers. Research and
study of these impressive predators is ongoing as scientists endeavour to understand behaviour and habits,
and try to ensure their survival in the face of increasing pressures. Inevitably, study has been biased
towards the large, powerful and more visible species. Nonetheless, this book deals with all the cats of
Africa and features, both visually and through the text, all that is known about the larger and lesser
species, including observations from their Asian range or from captivity to fill in some gaps. Alongside the
big three - lion, leopard and cheetah - Africa is home to a further seven species of cat. Of these, the
caracal, serval and African wildcat are marginally better known; but few people have seen the remaining four
- the black-footed cat, African golden cat, jungle cat and sand cat. Rarely observed and little understood,
most have never been the focus of dedicated scientific research. This book attempts to shed light on these
elusive species. The success of the cat family, and their adaptability and tenacity in the face of human
influence, is an evolutionary triumph. This book presents a comprehensive overview of the cat family in
Africa - the only place on Earth where sightings of wild cats are a reliable occurrence, particularly lions,
leopards and cheetahs. From the famous and popular African parks with their celebrated, safari-friendly
felids, to the few remaining places on the continent uninhabited by people, where a wild cat may spend its
entire life without feeling the effects of human presence, the book presents superb images of the animals
from a variety of locations across Africa and depicts rare and interesting ranges of behaviour, some that
has never been recorded before. The book also discusses in detail feline anatomy, predation and hunting
strategies, social systems, competition and conflict and conservation and threats, offering the reader the
most current research and findings. Cats of Africa features a scientifically sound text supported by
excellent photography and provides valuable insight into Africa's magnificent cat species."
Informationen zum Fotografen erhalten Sie
bei Gerald Hinde.
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dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
The Hunters and The Hunted
von Karl Ammann (Fotos), Kathrine Ammann (Fotos), Ian Parker (Text) & Brian Tetley (Text)
Verleger: "East Africa still offers
an extraordinary spectacle of animal life. Millions of herbivores throng the grasslands and living with them
is an array of predators, scavengers and parasites without equal in the animal world. Karl and Kathrine
Ammann, whose book Cheetah
revealed many little-known aspects of this graceful species, here trace the constant cycle of life and death
in the bush – witnessed first-hand and captured in this superb series of colour photographs. Here, in
marvellous sequences, the reader can follow the power and the drama of the stalk and kill performed by the
lion, cheetah and wild dog. The text, written in collaboration with Ian Parker, is both lively and
authoritative, drawn in part from the Ammanns' own observations in the wilderness and from startling new
evidence about how these animals interact. Such profound understanding of their subject is the secret of the
Ammanns' success as photographers. The Hunted and the Hunted is a truly remarkable book."
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Jäger und Gejagte Ostafrikas Tierwelt
von Karl Ammann (Fotos), Kathrine Ammann (Fotos), Ian Parker (Text) & Brian Tetley (Text)
Klappentext: "Ostafrika - noch immer
findet hier ein paradiesisches Naturschauspiel statt: Millionen von Pflanzenfressern durchstreifen die
Grassteppen, und eine Heerschar von Beutegreifern, Aasfressern und Parasiten folgt ihnen. Die Natur bietet
hier einen Anblick, der auf der ganzen Welt nicht mehr seinesgleichen hat. In faszinierenden Bildern mitten
aus dem Geschehen haben Karl und Kathrine Ammann - bekannt durch ihr schönes Buch Geparden - wesentliche Teile
des Naturschauspiels eingefangen. Sie dokumentieren den ewigen Kreislauf aus Leben und Tod in Ostafrikas
ursprünglicher Tierwelt. Niemals zuvor wurde Afrikas Tierwelt in derart lebendigen und stimmungsvollen
Fotografien zur Anschauung gebracht. Der Leser kann unmittelbar verfolgen, wie Löwen, Geparden, Wildhunde
und all die anderen Beutegreifer pirschen, jagen und töten. Der Text ist spannend geschrieben und zugleich
fachlich zuverlässig. Er entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit Ian Parker und beruht auf den aktuellen
Beobachtungen des Ehepaars Ammann, die teils zu verblüffenden neuen Erkenntnissen führten. Die intime
Kenntnis ihrer Foto-Objekte ist das Erfolgsgeheimnis der beiden Ammanns. Das außergewöhnliche Buch über
die Jäger und die Gejagten in Ostafrika wird durch Hinweise für Tierfotografen abgerundet."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner (Deutschland).
Larger Carnivores of the African
von J. du P. Bothma (Text & Fotos) & Clive Walker (Illustrationen & Fotos), Vorwort von Steve Bales
Gebundene Ausgabe, 291 Seiten, 78
Farbfotos, 15 Farbillustrationen, 85 Schwarzweißillustrationen J.L. van Schaik Publishers
(Südafrika), Oktober 1999, ISBN 0-627-02411-4
Rückentext: "The great savannas of
Africa have been created by natural cycles and forces over thousands of years - the same forces that will
continue to shape and influence their existence for centuries to come. Man, however, may well hold the
ultimate key to the survival of at least some major representative pieces of these varied savannas. J. du P.
Bothma, internationally respected as a leading expert on African game, explains in this book how the great
savannas of Africa came into existence, and how the large carnivores colonised in and adapted to this unique
environment. In a scientific, though accessible way, this author introduces the reader to the world and
behaviour of the lion, leopard, cheetah, caracal, African wild dog, spotted hyaena, brown hyaena and
aardwolf. The unique adaptations through which these species have secured their survival in a range of
variable habitats form part of the wonders of the rich African wildlife. Clive Walker is a well-known
environmentalist and wildlife artist. His illustrations and the photographs by both authors enhance the text
and contribute to an appreciation of this special African resource. Larger Carnivores of the African
Savannas is packed with the latest scientific information. At the same time it is a book for anyone who
cherishes and enjoys nature."
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (limitierte Auflage von 6 (?) numerierten Exemplaren 1-6, in Leder gebunden, Schuber) und als Sponsors'
Edition (limitierte Auflage von 5 (?) numerierten Exemplaren A-E, ganz (?) in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Larger Carnivores of the African
von J. du P. Bothma (Text & Fotos) & Clive Walker (Illustrationen & Fotos), Vorwort von Steve Bales
Gebundene Ausgabe, 291 Seiten, 78
Farbfotos, 15 Farbillustrationen, 85 Schwarzweißillustrationen Springer Verlag, Oktober
1999, ISBN 3-540-65660-X
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Großbritannien) oder (Deutschland). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und
Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Klappentext: "The breathtaking
majesty of the African savannah has exerted its seductive power over explorers and travelers for hundreds of
years. It is only in recent history that those who venture into that still-exotic territory have done so
with the intent to capture the land and its vibrant life on film. In this, his second book of extraordinary
photographs of the African wildlife that has become an enduring passion, Robert Haas turns his lens to the
fascinating creatures we call predators. Haas's first book, the award-winning A Vision of Africa,
was the product of the immediate and overwhelming connection he felt from the moment of his first encounter
with the African continent: 'There was a feeling I had the very first night in Africa under the stars in a
tent with an army blanket and metal cot. I felt a sense of belonging, a sense of being at peace.' The images
in that volume reflect the intensity, passion and tenderness of a newly discovered infatuation. With Predators
it is apparent this is no brief affair for Haas, but a life-long commitment that continues to deepen and
mature with time. By narrowing his focus to depict a group of animals that are as frightening as they are
fascinating, he is able to present a balanced and thoughtful portrait that draws the reader into the
diversity of their world and its day-to-day dramas. Cheetahs, leopards, wild dogs and lions, as well as the
more opportunistic hyenas and jackals, are photographed both in the cunning and relentless pursuit of prey
and in the warmth of family life. Haas's respect for the hunters and their intelligence, along with his
understanding of the forces that threaten their survival, are evident in his images. Violence in the
bushveld is natural and although it may be shocking to us, it is the only option available to the predator.
The stalking and kills are compelling but never gratuitous in Haas's honest, unaltered photographs. And his
patience and skill in the medium (which parallels that of his subjects in their tenacious daily struggle to
survive) have allowed him to capture the incredible beauty of his subjects, as often in play as in their
roles as hunters - and sometimes hunted. The evocative and informative text that accompanies his photographs
is drawn from Haas's safari journals."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Klappentext: "Hugo van Lawick is one
of the great animal photographers of the world today. For more than fifteen years he has spent most of his
time on the Serengeti in Tanzania,
studying and recording the wild-life he loves so much. In this book he draws together some 150 of his finest
colour photographs to illustrate the world of the African predators - lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas,
jackals and wild dogs. Accompanying this unique collection is a text which describes the author's life on
the Serengeti and the animals
which are the subject of his book. Hugo van Lawick blends entertaining anecdote, important new scientific
material and an almost miraculous understanding of the animals he studies. His sympathy for his subjects
coupled with supreme technical ability give his photographs a quality that can rarely have been matched.
This is a book essential for layman and amateur alike: a book to study and a beautiful possession to
treasure for a lifetime."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern (Kanada) oder (Deutschland).
Tender Killers
von Allain Bougrain-Dubourg (Text) & Yann Arthus-Bertrand (Fotos)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 116 Seiten, 70
The Vendome Press (USA), August 1985, ISBN 0-86565-054-3
Englische Ausgabe von Tendres tueurs
Klappentext: "Four species - the
lion, the cheetah, the hyena and the gnu - are among the superstars of Africa. They also bear out two
totally contradictory patterns of behaviour that are the heart of the animal kingdom: violence and
tenderness. An extraordinary French photographer, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, spent three years in the bush
studying the behaviour patterns of these four fascinating species, and patiently caught some of the most
astonishing and unusual scenes ever to be seen on film. Not everything here is pretty; survival is a matter
of life and death. But the slaughter permits the survivors to flourish; it slows down disease, limits
over-population and maintains the fragile equilibrium of nature. If there is any true danger, it comes from
Man, who has attempted to impose his own set of values onto the animal kingdom. Because of him, the
photographs in this book may be one of the last recordings of a timeless past, now in danger of extinction.
There are very touching moments here as well, for tenderness is needed to create the social ties necessary
if the young are to learn the art of survival from their parents. Here are cheetahs carrying new-born cubs
in their mouths, or resting and playing after the chase. Lions are seen copulating in an elaborate mating
ritual, and the surly hyena comes forth as a rather amusing pup. In this lavishly illustrated book, the
author, Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, reveals much new information about the four actors. He utterly changes our
conception of life in the wild. This is a publication for everybody who cares about nature; it is also one
of the great photographic books of the year."
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