von Gus Mills (Text) & Martin Harvey (Fotos), Vorwort von John Ledger
Gebundene Ausgabe, 160 Seiten, 204
Farbfotos, 2 Farbkarten Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), Oktober 2001, ISBN 1-86872-569-3
Klappentext: "The skill and power of
the predator, and even the violence of the kill, fascinate and disturb, perhaps because of our own primaeval
instincts as hunters. What determines the behaviour of predators continues to be a subject for exploration,
the results of which are crucial in deciding conservation strategies that are adopted. In African
Predators, author Gus Mills and wildlife photographer Martin Harvey have joined forces to describe the
appearance, distribution, killing behaviour and mating strategies of 14 of the larger African predators.
They also cover the competition that exists between predators and the innovative solutions needed to
reconcile animal needs and human ways. Featured within the three main divisions in the book - cats, hyaenas
and dogs - are the famous 'big cats' (lion, leopard and cheetah), the insect-eating aardwolf (an aberrant
hyaena species), the much-maligned wild dog and Africa's most endangered carnivore - the Ethiopian wolf.
Other species discussed are the serval and caracal, the three jackal species (striped jackal, black-backed
jackal and golden jackal) and the three hyaena species - spotted, brown and striped - that, with the
aardwolf, make up the hyaena family. The photographer's skill and the author's extensive field experience
combine in African Predators to create a visual feast and an authoritative description of some of the
most threatening and threatened animals in the world."
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African Predators (2nd Edition)
von Gus Mills (Text) & Martin Harvey (Fotos), Vorwort von John Ledger
Gebundene Ausgabe, 2. Auflage, 160 Seiten,
204 Farbfotos, 2 Farbkarten Struik Publishers
(Südafrika), Mai 2005, ISBN 1-77007-220-9
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
African Predators
von Gus Mills (Text) & Martin Harvey (Fotos), Vorwort von John Ledger
Kaufen Sie
dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.com (USA), Amazon.co.uk (Großbritannien), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Africa's Big Cats and other
von Nigel Dennis (Fotos) & Paul Funston (Text)
zusätzliche Fotos von Roger de la Harpe
Klappentext: "The ever-changing
African landscape harbours a multitude of beasts - hunters and hunted alike. From this harsh continent's
rugged shoreline, where washed-up carcasses of the sea occasionally provide a meal, through its unrelenting
deserts where only the fittest survive off meagre pickings, across savannas that brood in the shimmering
heat of midday, and along its thickly wooded river banks, through ravines and kloofs of dense forest and
high up onto the slopes of its distant blue mountains: this is the stage upon which the drama of Africa's
predators and prey unfolds. Across the open savanna, the fleet-footed cheetah chases down a gazelle, while
in a thicket a leopard, coiled like a spring under tension, waits to charge and pounce on a bushbuck; in a
clearing among acacias a lion pride ambushes a mixed herd of zebra and wildebeest under a waning sliver of
moon. Africa's big cats: this is their realm, where they are superbly adapted to fight a fair battle with
prey equally adapted to escape. Alongside these remarkable cats, and also reliant for survival on the flesh
of the vast herds of game that inhabit Africa's wild places, are other strange and wonderful beasts. With
spine-chilling whoops and cackles, a group of hyenas, those masters of chaos, draw in to appropriate a kill
from a small pride of lions. Under cover of the early dawn mist, a pack of wild dogs relentlessly runs down
an impala and then consumes it on the spot. In the wastes of the Namib there is no such abundance of food,
and a brown hyena roams the desert for miles in search of any paltry morsel that can be metabolized. These
are the images of Africa's Big Cats and other Carnivores, captured in eternity by Nigel Dennis."
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk
(Großbritannien) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Africa's Great Predators A Portfolio of Superb
Wildlife Photography
von Luke Hunter (Text), Michel Denis-Huot (Fotos) & Christine Denis-Huot (Fotos)
Synopsis: "This 80-page portfolio of
superb images features lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyaenas, African wild dogs, Ethiopian wolves and many
other species caught in moments of high drama and action - the explosive energy of the chase, the intimacies
of animal society, interaction with other species and, of course, those pin-sharp portraits. A further
dimension is provided through insightful, extended captions to each of the photographs, written by Luke
Hunter, one of the leading behavioural biologists working on African carnivores."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Africa's Great Predators (Reprint)
A Portfolio of Superb Wildlife Photography
von Luke Hunter (Text), Michel Denis-Huot (Fotos) & Christine Denis-Huot (Fotos)
Paperback, Wiederauflage, 80 Seiten, 61
Farbfotos, 21 Verbreitungskarten Black
Eagle Publishing (Südafrika), September 2005, ISBN 0-620-34048-7
von Brian Jackson (Text) & Jonathan Scott (Fotos), Angela Scott (Fotos)
Gebundene Ausgabe, 192 Seiten, 85
Farbfotos, 2 Karten BBC
Books (UK), September 1996, ISBN 0-563-38752-1
Klappentext: "The Big Cat Diary
follows a year in the lives of the lions, cheetahs and leopards that inhabit Africa's most famous game
reserve, the Masai Mara. Accompanying the BBC television series [Big Cat
Diary] in which co-author Jonathan Scott presents events live from the Mara itself, this diary describes
the activities of characters such as the leopards Half-Tail and Beauty, the Serena cheetah and her cubs, and
the lions Scruffy and Blond Mane, enabling us to observe their habits and changing fortunes throughout the
year. For the animals that make it their home the Mara can be an unpredictable and hostile environment where
the battle for survival, or, in the case of the lion prides, supremacy, is an everyday occurence. But with
its open rolling grasslands, scattered acacia thickets and dense riverine woodlands it is also a place of
wild and breathtaking beauty. As well as the big cats, this wildlife haven is teeming with other animals -
elephants, giraffes, buffalos, gazelles, topis, baboons, wild dogs, hyaenas, jackals, vultures - and between
July and October is host to the greatest wildlife spectacle on earth, when one and a half million wildebeest
and zebras enter this kingdom of predators in search of new grazing. With over eighty spectacular colour
photographs to accompany this enthralling account, The Big Cat Diary is your own unique chance to
enter this fascinating world and to get closer to these magnificent creatures than ever before."
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Big Cats of Mala Mala
von Roger de la Harpe (Fotos), Pat de la Harpe (Fotos) & Heather Dugmore (Text), Vorwort von Michael Rattray
Gebundene Ausgabe, 144 Seiten, 193
Farbfotos & 5 Duotonfotos Sunbird Publishers (Südafrika), Dezember 2001, ISBN 0-624-03893-9
Klappentext: "The big cats of Africa
are probably one of the continent's most valuable assets. Each year hundreds of thousands of visitors flock
to Africa's game reserves to view lion, leopard and cheetah in their natural environment. Mala
Mala, situated on the western fringe of the Kruger National Park, is arguably one of the best places in Africa in which to see these
magnificent creatures. Photographers Roger and Pat de la Harpe were based at Mala
Mala - home to five prides of lion, as well as many leopard and cheetah - for more than a year,
capturing unique images of the big cats at close quarters. In Big Cats of Mala Mala, Roger and Pat
depict the playful nature of cubs at leisure and the often wanton behaviour of adults on the prowl in
photographs so perfect in clarity and mood that even if you have never had the opportunity to visit the bush
and view these cats up close, you will gain insight into their spirit and character, and be transported into
the world of these majestic animals. Heather Dugmore's colourful and evocative narrative on the big cats
includes local African myths and legends, and personal anecdotes that cleverly complement the sometimes very
graphic sequences of photographs taken for this volume, at the same time offering background information and
fascinating facts on the biology and behaviour of the big cats. Intertwined is the tale of the evolution of Mala
Mala, from a cattle ranch to hunting lodge into the modern era of conservation, vividly capturing the
essence of the wild and its major players, the lion, leopard and cheetah. This then, is the Big Cats of
Mala Mala."
Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Amazon.co.uk
(Großbritannien) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
Cats of Africa
von Paul Bosman (Illustrationen) & Anthony Hall-Martin (Text), Vorwort von Anton E. Rupert
Klappentext: "Of Africa's ten cat
species, the lion is the undisputed king - powerful symbol both of the wilderness and of this fascinating
continent. The magnificent leopard, always mysterious and elusive, and the delicate cheetah, known for its
graceful but explosive acceleration during the chase, are equally prized as game-viewing 'trophies'. Of the
seven smaller cat species, long neglected in scientific studies and becoming increasingly rare, each has its
own intricate role to play in the multi-faceted ecosystem of Africa. The caracal, serval, black-footed cat,
African wild cat, African golden cat, swamp cat, and sand cat are here given the attention they so richly
deserve. Cats of Africa brings together two friends and leading authorities on African wildlife to
celebrate its splendours. An impressive blend of eloquent and inspired artwork, factual accuracy based on
research and personal experience, and realistic conservation philosophy, this book will appeal to anyone
with an interest in wildlife - from armchair game viewers to professional conservationists and students of
the natural history of Africa. Discerning judges of the best in contemporary wildlife art, as well as
collectors of high-quality books and Africana, will also be delighted by this publication. The text is both
informative and scientifically accurate, yet written in an easily readable, personal and anecdotal style. It
is also realistic, squarely facing all the pertinent issues of cat conservation and management. With the
exception of the leopard and the caracal, all of Africa's cats are endangered and depend on humankind to
protect them. Whilst Cats of Africa first and foremost offers a celebration of feline beauty and
grace, it also clearly puts the case for the conservation and proper management of the complex ecosystems
that support Africa's ten cat species."
Informationen zum Künstler erhalten Sie
bei Paul Bosman.
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Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Abebooks.com (Kanada) oder Abebooks.de (Deutschland).
Ebenfalls veröffentlicht als Collectors'
Edition (ISBN 1-874950-25-3, limitierte Auflage von numerierten Exemplaren, ½ in Leder gebunden,
Schuber) und als Sponsors' Edition (ISBN 1-874950-26-1, limitierte Auflage von numerierten
Exemplaren, ganz in Leder gebunden, Schuber).
Cats of Africa
von Paul Bosman (Illustrationen) & Anthony Hall-Martin (Text), Vorwort von Anton E. Rupert
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(USA), Amazon.de (Deutschland) oder Kalahari.net (Südafrika). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für
Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei PreisTester (Deutschland), Kelkoo UK oder AddALL (USA).
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