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Coffee Table Books on African Wild Dogs
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Bildbände über Hyänenhunde (afrikanische Wildhunde)
Bitte beachten Sie auch die Buchtipps in Feldstudien & Buschtagebücher aus Ostafrika.

For English-speaking visitors Please also note the book recommendations in Field Studies & Bush Journals from East Africa.
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Painted Wolves
Wild Dogs of the Serengeti-Mara
von Jonathan Scott
Gebundene Ausgabe, 233 Seiten, 84 Farbfotos, 12 Schwarzweißillustrationen, 3 Farbkarten, 1 Stammbaum
Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteHamish Hamilton (UK), Februar 1991, ISBN 0-241-12485-9
Klappentext: "The true story of the struggle for survival of Africa's most endangered large carnivore. Wild dogs have been typecast by man as cruel, wanton killers. In many parts of Africa they are still shot or poisoned by ranchers, who view them as a menace to livestock. But these prejudices conceal much that is to be admired about the wild dog. Members of a pack help in rearing puppies, cooperate in hunting, share food, defend their kills from hyaenas and rally to the aid of a relative attacked by a lion. For the last fourteen years Jonathan Scott has lived and worked among Africa's great predators. Painted Wolves takes us on a journey through the world's most spectacular wildlife area, the Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteSerengeti National Park in Tanzania and the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, where packs of wild dogs compete for their share of the prey with hyaenas and lions, leopards and cheetahs. The dogs roam widely in their search for gazelles and wildebeest, and some packs spend much of their time beyond the boundaries of these game sanctuaries. Once each year a pack abandons its nomadic lifestyle, establishes a den and produces puppies. Jonathan Scott spent weeks at a time living and sleeping in his car so as to observe the wild dogs in intimate detail, learning to recognize them as individuals and staying with a pack until its puppies were old enough to follow it in its wanderings. Everything seems to be against Africa's wild dogs as they struggle to survive the antipathy of man; the loss of their habitat and heavy reductions in the numbers of their natural prey; their never-ending conflict with powerful hyaena clans and prides of lions and the ravages of a variety of epidemic diseases. Jonathan Scott weaves a beautifully illustrated tale of this wild land and the people in whose hands its future ultimately rests. Above all, this is a plea for tolerance on behalf of one of nature's underdogs."
Informationen zum Autor erhalten Sie bei Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteJonathan & Angela Scott.
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
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Running Wild
Dispelling the Myths of the African Wild Dog
von John McNutt (Text), Lesley P. Boggs (Text), Hélène Heldring (Fotos) & Dave Hamman (Fotos), Vorwort von John Ledger
Gebundene Ausgabe, 149 Seiten, 210 Farbfotos, 3 Farbkarten
Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteSouthern Book Publishers (Südafrika), 1996, ISBN 1-86812-666-8
Klappentext: "The African wild dog (Lycaon pictus), also known as the painted wolf because of its unique markings, once ranged widely across the vast plains of sub-Saharan Africa. Today, as a result of habitat loss and extermination by livestock farmers, there is only a handful of wild populations left. In the waning years of the 20th century, Africa's most endangered large carnivore is threatened with extinction. There are, however, some untouched wildernesses where these beautiful animals still run wild. Botswana, and especially the Okavango Delta, is one of the places where wild dogs still have a natural home. Running Wild takes an in-depth look at the life of the Mombo pack, one of the wild populations that makes their home in the Okavango Delta. Authoritative text and remarkable photographs document the natural history of this fascinating group of animals. Through daily observations, authors Dr. John McNutt and Lesley Boggs have uncovered extraordinary new facts about the life and habits of the African wild dog. In chapters on 'Pack', 'Play', 'Predator', 'Prey', 'Pressure' and 'Prescription', they dispel long-held myths about these animals and strive to banish the ignorance that exists about this much-maligned species. The rich and fascinating behaviour of this unusually social carnivore and the historical and political issues of its conservation are discussed in the context of a developing Africa. David Hamman and Hélène Heldring's photographs are honest and spectacular images that capture the true spirit of the African wild dog. This is a spirit that appeals to us across the boundaries that normally exist between species and leaves us with a better understanding of how painted wolves fit into our world. With a foreword by Dr. John Ledger of the Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteEndangered Wildlife Trust, a glossary, a further reading list and a comprehensive index, Running Wild is a book no lover of natural history can afford to be without."
Informationen zu Dave Hamman erhalten Sie bei Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteDave Hamman Photo.
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Out-of-Print! Dieses Buch wird vom Herausgeber nicht mehr geliefert!
Suchen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partnern Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other (Kanada) oder deutschsprachige Website / German-spoken website Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other (Deutschland).
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Running Wild
Dispelling the Myths of the African Wild Dog
von John McNutt (Text), Lesley P. Boggs (Text), Hélène Heldring (Fotos) & Dave Hamman (Fotos), Vorwort von John Ledger
Gebundene Ausgabe, 149 Seiten, 210 Farbfotos, 3 Farbkarten
Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteSmithsonian Institution Press (USA), Januar 1997, ISBN 1-56098-717-0
US-Lizenzausgabe von Running Wild (Südafrika).
Bezugsquellen / Where to buy Kaufen Sie dieses Buch bei Bwana Mitch's Partner Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other (USA). Oder erstellen Sie eine Online-Recherche für Bezugsquellen und Preisvergleich bei deutschsprachige Website / German-spoken website Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websitePreisTester (Deutschland), Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteKelkoo UK oder Neues Fenster öffnen & Seite von anderer Website laden / Open new window & load page from other websiteAddALL (USA).
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